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中共晋西北抗日民主政权建立后即颁布《晋西北婚姻暂行条例》,对女性离婚权予以法律上的肯定。一批农村妇女以情感、经济等原因向丈夫提出离婚,根据地婚姻观念或离婚现象呈现出与以往不同的景观。由于离婚案件频频发生,影响了中共抗战大局,中共中央于1943年发表关于各抗日根据地妇女工作方针的四三决定,修正过去激进的婚姻变革路线,以将妇女关注的重点由婚姻问题转向生产建设并缓解根据地两性之间日益紧张的矛盾。这种策略性的政策转变引起法院对待离婚案件的处理发生演变,即不同时期性质相同或相近之案件,其审理结果迥然相异。这亦说明婚姻变革须立足于现实的客观实际。  相似文献   
1928年安徽人口普查研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过梳理1928年安徽人口普查的背景、制度和执行情况,分析普查数据,可以得知此次人口普查执行得力,普查结果可信度较高。但由于种种原因,此次人口普查所得人口数量与实际人口仍有相当差距。利用以中国土地利用调查为代表的区域性人口抽样调查的结果,通过调整人口性别比可以对1928年安徽人口数量进行大概规模的复原。  相似文献   
张晓丽 《安徽史学》2010,(2):115-120
20世纪50年代安徽淮河地区遭遇严重水灾,各级各地政府紧急组织救灾活动,并对灾后的农村进行医疗救助。本文以安徽省卫生厅档案资料为依据,梳理、阐述1954年安徽淮河水灾后各级各地政府的医疗救灾措施,揭示医疗救灾活动在社会救灾中的作用,探究其取得成效的原因及存在的不足之处。  相似文献   
以往学界对开埠初期上海租界水环境治理,一般采取填浜筑路的视角,而本文通过对档案资料的考察发现,租界当局对租界内的河浜采取了灵活的治理办法,对于挡路和阻碍市政的死水河浜进行填埋,而对于一般的潮汐河浜和航运河浜采取了清淤、疏通的保护措施,挖掘开通了新河浜,从而使河浜水系的功能得以延续。为了排水需要,租界当局辟建了下水道系统,其治理办法却借鉴于治河方法。  相似文献   
清至民国时期茶叶消费主体呈现许多新特征、新变化.平民百姓的茶叶消费带有更多的市场行为,少数民族茶叶消费数量更多,军士以茶充饷现象屡见不鲜,国外消费主体异军突起,官僚文人、富商大贾、和尚道士的茶叶消费与茶叶市场关系更紧密,皇亲国戚的茶叶消费披上了浓浓的市场色彩.这些新特征、新变化对茶叶市场发展产生了深刻影响.茶叶消费主体的消费数量、消费能力、消费层次、消费习惯、消费方式从某种程度上决定着茶叶市场的基本走势.  相似文献   
孙谦 《安徽史学》2010,(5):26-31
新民主主义革命时期,马克思主义大众化的成功推进和采取有效的大众化策略密切相关,即要使马克思主义能够为人民大众听得到、听得懂、听得进,以及围绕着这"三听"所制定的一系列措施.  相似文献   
吴长庆是淮军名将、儒将,是1882年中国军队成功平定朝鲜壬午兵变、稳定朝鲜社会秩序的军事统帅.吴长庆与袁世凯叔祖袁甲三、嗣父袁保庆及袁世凯本人有着三代世交关系.青年袁世凯投军吴长庆部,受到吴长庆的特别关照和精心培养,脱颖而出,迅速成长为一名优秀青年将领.吴长庆与袁世凯关系密切,袁世凯对吴长庆的恩情铭记在心.  相似文献   
Elective Affinities: Musical Essays on the History of Aesthetic Theory collects a selection of Lydia Goehr's recent essays. In them she traces "a history of attraction and reaction … of music to philosophy, drama, birdsong, crime, film, and nationhood" (ix). Goehr examines the ways that philosophers, the ideas that they present, and works of art display "elective affinities". Her procedure is like that of an art historian who presents parallel slides to reveal visual affinities, even between artists who themselves were unaware of each other. Her analyses are erudite, lucid, and always suggestive, but what I found most admirable in Elective Affinities is Goehr's extraordinarily brave experimentation with a novel form of philosophy-writing, the adumbration of which is the focus of this review. Her book is strange enough to be genuinely magnificent and lastingly influential.  相似文献   
The paper focuses on an argument put forward by Augustine in his De doctrina Christiana: there are passages in the Bible that need to be read in a literal, contextual, and ultimately rhetorical perspective. This approach to the Bible (usually overshadowed by Augustine's own parallel emphasis on the importance of allegory) was needed to deal with customs—for instance the patriarchs' polygamy—that had to be evaluated, Augustine argued, according to standards different from those prevailing in the present day. This need inspired Augustine to utter some sharp remarks on the need to avoid (as we would say today) ethnocentric, anachronistic projections into the Biblical text. The long‐term impact of Augustine's argument was profound. The emphasis on the letter played a significant role in the exchanges between Christian and Jewish medieval readings of the Bible, which affected Nicholas of Lyra's influential commentary (Postilla). The same tradition may have contributed to Valla's and Karlstadt's audacious hermeneutic remarks on the Biblical canon, which covertly or openly focused on contradictions in the Biblical text, questioning the role of Moses as author of Deuteronomy. Traces of those discussions can be detected in Spinoza's Tractatus theologico‐politicus. The paper suggests that the emphasis on a literal, contextual reading of the Bible provided a model for secular reading in general. The possible role of this model in the aggressive encounter between Europe and alien cultures is a matter of speculation.  相似文献   
苏州古典园林旅游者空间意象特征分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
钱树伟  苏勤 《旅游科学》2010,24(5):56-63
本文以苏州古典园林为案例,基于意象地图调查,探讨旅游者空间意象的基本要素构成、意象要素感知频率的空间分布特征及其形成机制。研究表明:(1)古典园林旅游者空间意象中共包含五个基本要素,五要素在总体样本中出现的频率基本均衡,在不同园林的样本之间有一定差异;(2)五要素均具有较高的可识别性,其中节点与边界要素的可识别性及可意象性最高,是遗产保护的核心要素;(3)五要素的感知频率在空间分布上呈现从景区核心向周边逐渐衰减的规律性特征,即“核心一边缘”空间模式,该模式的形成是旅游者行为特征与园林空间格局共同作用的结果。  相似文献   
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