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前期调查分析可知,降雨对榆阳区明长城单体建筑的破坏形式包括水力侵蚀和重力侵蚀两大类,主要影响因素为降雨特征、遗址保存形态和遗址土的性质。为了进一步了解降雨对该类土遗址的破坏方式及主要影响因素作用特点,按照相似理论要求设计模型试验,研究了降雨对榆阳区明长城单体建筑的破坏模式。试验结果表明,降雨对遗址模型的破坏方式与前期调查分析结果基本一致,水力侵蚀方式有冲沟侵蚀、片流面蚀、流水淘蚀和流水冲蚀,重力侵蚀方式有坍塌和滑塌。一般A型暴雨条件下,各种水力侵蚀方式均有发生,重力侵蚀发生次数相对较少;B型暴雨条件下,主要发生片流面蚀,重力侵蚀破坏发生次数较多。通过模型试验得出的降雨对遗址模型的破坏方式及发生特点方面的结论,可以在一定程度上为降雨对该类遗址破坏的评估和防治提供参考。  相似文献   
西方国家历史文化旅游发展的现状和趋势   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
吴承忠 《人文地理》2004,19(6):62-66
本文总结了历史文化旅游的特点。进而预测西方历史文化旅游将有如下发展趋势:1.文化吸引物的管理、筹资与营销变得更专业化;2.在全球化和区域化的背景下,政府和企业的强力推动使文化吸引物供应过剩,同时文化产业内部合作的缺乏,最终导致竞争的加剧;3.广泛运用网络、信息、虚拟等高新技术;4.必须采取新的手段来适应游客体验不断变化的特点。我们可以增加新项目、利用新主题组合旅游吸引物、举办大型城市或地方文化活动来吸引越来越多的旅游者和休闲者。  相似文献   
外国乡村旅游发展经验及对中国的借鉴   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
乡村旅游是我国新时期旅游产业发展和社会主义新农村建设的重要组成部分。本文首先系统的介绍了欧美乡村旅游的发展和主要成功经验,包括正确的定位,合理的形式选择,政府和社区的协调参与以及法律法规和专门的管理机构。在这一基础上,结合我国乡村旅游发展的现状和可持续发展的概念,提出了外国乡村旅游发展在几个方面对我国乡村旅游发展的借鉴。  相似文献   
There has been a growing focus on personal life, memoir and autobiography in feminist writing, and in the social sciences more generally, in recent years. Feminist geographers, among others, argue that family relationships and personal recollections should be part of studies of the construction of personal identity and a sense of place. I combine this argument with research into women's labour market participation to explore the changing significance of waged work in British women's lives over the last century, seen through the personal lens of three generations of women's experiences of migration across geographical and class boundaries.  相似文献   
The Ministry of Health in Burma/Myanmar considers HIV its first priority in disease prevention, and HIV prevention represents a significant element of the work of many of the international non-governmental organisations (INGOs) based in the country (CBI, 2006; Ministry of Health, 2008). Yet inBurma/Myanmar, as elsewhere in Southeast Asia, there is a “cultural queasiness” around HIV. This queasiness is a dis-ease of the emotions, transmitted through the ongoing linking of HIV transmission with “bad behaviour” (resulting, in part, from HIV prevention's own repeated use of a “risk group” approach). Indeed, the mere existence of HIV prevention work, inand of itself, sparks waves of cultural queasiness because it transgresses the norms regarding which topics are considered appropriate for public airing, and which are not. Through reference to empirical research involving in-depth interviews and observation of field work practice, this article demonstrates how the desire to minimise this queasiness can result in disavowal of the experiential and emotional complications so deeply embedded in HIV prevention and HIV transmission. Thus HIV prevention both is affected by, and reinforces, cultural queasiness.  相似文献   
在发达国家,非营利组织能力建设是一项广为接受的活动,它主要是指在各种支持组织的帮助下非营利组织提升组织能力的活动,而兴起根源在于福利国家变革背景下非营利组织的发展困境、市场化的负面影响、"志愿失灵"与治理危机以及新自由主义话语的兴起等综合作用的结果。发达国家的非营利组织能力建设活动取得了一定的积极成效,但也面临着一些问题。在我国,社会组织能力建设要与制度建设的实践相结合。  相似文献   
In his new book, How Modernity Forgets, Paul Connerton seeks to show a relationship between the workings of late capitalism and the institutionalization of forgetfulness in ever more abstract conceptions of space and time. He uses this argument to explain why the topic of collective memory has waxed so large in contemporary historical scholarship. I interpret his argument in light of his earlier work on habit memory and his still earlier critique of Frankfurt School social theory. I close with some comments on his study in the context of recent work on mnemonic practices in modern culture.  相似文献   
Two new books about the Pragmatist tradition, Richard Bernstein's The Pragmatic Turn and Colin Koopman's Pragmatism as Transition, represent respectively a summing up of the past half‐century of the tradition's history and a possible program for its future development. Bernstein ecumenically considers the achievements of a wide range of thinkers from Peirce, Dewey, and James to Brandom, Putnam, and Rorty, drawing valuable lessons from each, while not sparing criticism of their flaws. Koopman also tries to bridge the gap between what he calls “classicopragmatism” and “neopragmatism,” although he finds more to admire in Rorty than in his predecessors. Whereas Bernstein attempts to supplement the pragmatist tradition by turning to Habermas, Koopman finds his inspiration in Foucault. Both authors emphasize the historicist, evolutionary, and transitionalist implications of pragmatism, paying as a result insufficient attention to the historical possibilities of repetition, rupture, discontinuity, and the unexpected event. In terms of the political implications they draw, Koopman advocates a meliorist incrementalism that lacks any real bite, while Bernstein expresses dissatisfaction with the democratic pieties of Rorty's final work, but doesn't really provide a sustained alternative.  相似文献   
《吴雁南评传》以大量翔实、可靠的文献资料及口述史料为基础,通过纵向的、横向的、历史的、现实的比较研究,力图就吴雁南由一个普通的专科学生成长为我国著名的历史学家的人生轨迹进行描述、探讨,并就其在太平天国史、辛亥革命史、中国近代社会思潮史、儒学与传统文化等诸多领域内取得的具有国内领先水平的重大的突破性学术成就与治学经验及其教育成就与思想做出全面、系统、深入的介绍、总结、探究,就其学术成就的地位、价值与意义做出深刻、公允的剖析、评价。该《评传》是关于吴雁南研究的开拓性、创新性成果。  相似文献   
李萍 《攀登》2011,30(3):47-52
随着社会经济的发展与人口老龄化问题的突出,社会对老龄服务的需求不断扩大。为此,大力发展以老年人需求为导向的老龄服务,不仅有利于提升老年群体的生活质量,还有利于缓解我国老龄化过程中的各种矛盾。本文通过梳理与总结美国、日本、瑞典三国在老龄服务方面的经验和实践模式,认为我国老龄服务应当做好四方面的工作:加强社区老龄服务网络建设;建立和完善老龄服务补贴制度和评估制度;着力推进老龄服务队伍的职业化;拓宽老龄服务经费的筹资渠道。  相似文献   
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