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The topic for the article is the growing awareness of risk and safety in Norway and Sweden during the last decades of the 20th century, and how the two Scandinavian states have organized investigations of accidents. In many western states accident investigations have moved from sector specific boards to permanent multi-modal commissions. This has also been the case in the two Scandinavian states. But this comparative study reveals different paths and varying speed towards a ‘safety culture’. The Swedish Accident Investigation Board was established in 1990, while its Norwegian opposite partner was established in 2008. Common for the two countries is that reorganization of investigation boards has taken place as political actions after major accidents, rather than as a consequence of risk assessments.  相似文献   
Using a combined data set of radiation levels and property prices from Fukushima and Miyagi prefectures that runs from 2009 to early 2017, the economic impact of radiation from the Fukushima nuclear accident is assessed. A 1 percent rise in radiation is associated with approximately 0.051 percentage drop in housing prices and though the level of radiation falls substantially after 2011, the estimated elasticity is broadly stable. The associated estimate of VSL (value of a statistical life) is in the region of US$4.5–6.4 million, which suggests no strong element of dread or overestimation of risks is present.  相似文献   
贺席燕  赵航  黄红良 《人文地理》2018,33(3):112-120
利用贵阳市出租车GPS数据,建立ArcGIS空间模型计算路段平均行程速度,以空间数据库和ArcGIS空间分析为技术支撑,分析道路拥堵状态的时空演化规律。结果表明:①路网平均行程速度的时间分布特征具有高度相似性,且工作日与休息日分布差异大;②工作日高峰时段拥堵区域分布主要以老城区为主。休息日总体上呈现离散分布趋势,且晚高峰时段交通状况比早高峰更拥堵;③工作日早高峰交通拥堵路段呈由中心核心区逐渐向外围扩散的趋势,晚高峰呈由外围向中心核心区聚拢趋势。休息日早高峰不明显,晚高峰呈现由外围区域向内聚拢趋势。基于上述时空演化规律,从城市功能分散、城市道路网、城市空间发展、城市公交系统等方面讨论了贵阳市城市道路交通优化调整对策。  相似文献   
中国共产党不仅是善于革命的党,而且是善于执政的党。在沿着中国特色革命道路取得新民主主义革命胜利、建立新中国并全面执掌国家政权后,中国共产党依靠先进的执政理念、科学的执政体制、成功的执政方略、坚实的执政基础,自觉地抵御执政风险,开创出一条具有中国特色的执政道路,取得了辉煌的执政成就,为继续长期执政奠定了坚实基础。认真研究中国共产党的中国特色执政道路,深入总结中国共产党的执政经验,对加强党的执政能力建设有着重大的理论和现实意义。  相似文献   
The Thai-Myanmar border represents one of the most protracted displacement situations in the world, while the Myanmar-Bangladesh border is now home to nearly one million displaced Rohingya, making it the world's most populated refugee camp. During the period of “democratic transition,” pre-emptively terminated by the February 2021 military coup, foreign direct investment continued to flow into Myanmar despite ongoing humanitarian crises. Rather than being presented as exacerbating ethnic tension, economic development was frequently deployed as a panacea for conflict in ways that rendered borderland residents increasingly precarious. In this article, we draw on multi-sited ethnographic research carried out between 2014 and 2020 in Myanmar's borderlands and along the China-Myanmar Economic Corridor to examine how aid donors' support for displaced ethnic minority populations is supplanted by widespread geoeconomic hope for the ameliorating effects of capitalism. We home in on the role of aid flight, special economic zones, and China's Belt and Road Initiative to argue that geoeconomic hope surrounding Myanmar's deepening integration into circuits of global capital obscures processes of surplus precaritization in which populations progressively approach the point at which they become absolutely surplus or beyond reabsorption into labor markets. The article contributes to emerging scholarship on migrant labor exploitation, supply-chain capitalism and the geoeconomics of BRI in Myanmar's borderlands and beyond.  相似文献   

The 2003 and 2004 surveys at the Purrón Dam Complex (PDC) demonstrate the value of resurveying previously studied areas. Additional habitation sites, water management features, a cave with pictographs, and a major canal were discovered, increasing the number of recorded sites from eight to 57. From this survey, the collected ceramics and a synthesis of 12 chronometric dates suggest that water management was initiated in the complex by Early Formative times at ca. 1050–1100 b.c., and that the Purrón Dam was completed by the Middle Formative Period (ca. 650–450 b.c.), when settlements were small and decentralized. This challenges previous interpretations that place the PDC florescence during the Early Classic Period (ca. 150 b.c.a.d.250), a period with larger aggregated communities displaying social ranking. The results of our survey have implications for understanding the links between political complexity and agricultural intensification, and support recent ethnographic and archaeological research discrediting the argument that increasing social complexity necessarily leads to the construction of large water management systems.  相似文献   
沿海地区经济发展战略作为一个关系到整个国民经济全局的重大决策,是贯彻邓小平“部分先富带后富”思想的重大举措,也是基于改革开放新形势的正确选择。其基本内涵,不仅是沿海地区要发展外向型经济,而且更重要的是沿海地区要率先发展起来,影响和带动全国经济的发展。这一新战略的实施,有力地促进了改革和开放的有机结合,不仅开创了我国国民经济发展的新局面,也成为新时期中国工业化发展道路探索的新起点。  相似文献   
明代中原商路与商品经济   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张民服 《史学月刊》2004,(11):32-38
明中期以后,在商品经济日益繁荣的背景下,中原地区形成了四通八达的水陆交通商道。这些商道多以开封为中心向河南各地及周边省区辐射,为中原地区商品经济的发展提供了有利条件。同一时期,中原地区的商品生产有了较大增长,商业都市愈加繁荣,商业城镇不断兴起,集市贸易渐趋活跃,各地商贾纷纷前来进行交易。这其中,商道的畅通发挥了重要作用。在当时,中原地区的许多城镇分布在商路沿线,按其类型可划分为水陆兼备型、陆路型和水路型,这又从一个侧面表明便捷的水陆交通网与商品经济的发展具有密切的、相辅相成的关系。  相似文献   
中苏论战与中国社会主义建设道路的探索   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
中苏论战对当年以毛泽东为代表的中国共产党人探索中国的社会主义建设道路既起过一定的促进作用,也产生了严重的干扰和破坏作用。在改革开放新时期,以邓小平为代表的中国共产党人总结中苏论战的教训,对我国探索建设中国特色社会主义道路、对邓小平理论的形成和发展产生了深远的影响。  相似文献   
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