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Canadian federal energy policy since the early 1970s has run counter to the interests of the producing provinces. Federal policy has always been predicated upon two points: sufficient domestic supply and acceptable domestic prices. Until the early 1970s, federal policy had been complementary to that of both the producer and consumer provinces. Natural gas shortages in 1970 and 1971, the OPEC embargo, and the quadrupling of prices radically changed federal policy. Exports were no longer promoted, and the federal government undertook to protect Canada from the inflationary pressures of rising world energy costs. These policies have run counter to those of the energy producing provinces, particularly to those of Alberta.

While it would appear that producer-provinces would have sufficient leverage to insist upon their interests, the federal government has made good use of its direct and indirect powers to set the agenda. This suggests that the Trudeau government has begun a recentralization of federal prerogative in an area historically the preserve of the provinces. Because the government has largely been successful, a difference between federal governments and supranational organizations is suggested. In supranational organizations the power to veto is vested in the governments of the states-members; in an integrated federal state, that power resides in the central government.  相似文献   
A number of models, developed primarily in the 1980s, propose that Aboriginal Australian populations contracted to refugia – well-watered ranges and major riverine systems – in response to climatic instability, most notably around the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) (∼23–18 ka). We evaluate these models using a comprehensive continent-wide dataset of archaeological radiocarbon ages and geospatial techniques. Calibrated median radiocarbon ages are allocated to over-lapping time slices, and then K-means cluster analysis and cluster centroid and point dispersal pattern analysis are used to define Minimum Bounding Rectangles (MBR) representing human demographic patterns. Exploring data between 25 and 12 ka, we find a refugia-type hunter-gatherer response during the LGM (∼23–18 ka) and again during the Antarctic Cold Reversal (ACR) (∼14.5–12.5 ka), with expansion in the intervening period. Several refugia persist between 25 and 12 ka, including (by Interim Biogeographic Regionalisation for Australia areas) Gulf Plains/Einasleigh Uplands, Brigalow Belt South, Murray Darling Depression, and Tasmanian Central Highlands. Others appear sporadically through the same period. These include South Eastern Highlands, NSW South Western Slopes, Sydney Basin, Warren, Murchison, Gascoyne, Central and Northern Kimberley, Ord Victoria Plain, Arnhem Plateau, MacDonnell Ranges and Central Ranges. The Pilbara may also have been a refugium during the LGM, but geospatial results are problematic for this region. Areas devoid of human activity (‘barriers’) include the main desert regions, especially in the south and west of the continent, although some of these may be the result of an absence of archaeological fieldwork. Point dispersal pattern analysis indicates a reduction in occupied territory of nearly 80% during the LGM. A reduction of close to 50% was also evident during the ACR. A large number of the refugia were in close proximity to glaciated areas during the LGM, and probably benefitted from increased summer snowmelt along the major river systems. The remaining refugia are likely the result of a range of local environmental and resource factors. We identify areas for future research, including a focus on regional studies to determine possible cryptic or idiosyncratic refugia emerging in phlyogeographic studies.  相似文献   
人口的增殖流动与明清华北平原的村落发展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
影响村落生长的因素主要是村落人口的自然增殖与流动。融入型人口流动改变了村庄的姓氏结构,它是多姓村落形成的主要原因,而寄居型人口流动不但在一定时段改变了村庄的姓氏构成,对村落的裂变以及村落数量的增加也具有很大的影响,它是村落裂变分化的主要原因之一。  相似文献   
清末僧教育会与寺院兴学的兴起   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
20世纪初年,面对来自官绅双方的提拨庙产兴学运动之强大压力,在先后谋求藉信徒之力消极抵制和借助外来势力的庇护均告失败之后,佛界一部分寺僧开始自办学堂和组织教育团体来推进佛教教育.与此同时,为了避免来华日本佛界寺僧所带来的外交纠纷,作为官方的晚清学部于1906年颁布了教育会章程规范僧教育团体,从而建立起了僧界之间以及僧界、士绅阶层与官方之间的联络机制.虽然僧教育会当时影响不大,但它促进了近代佛教教育团体与佛教教育的发展,为民国以后的佛教复兴奠定了一定的基础.  相似文献   
卢毅 《安徽史学》2005,(1):96-100
无论是从胡适等人自述,还是从他们的理论主张与研究方法来看,曾在民国时期风行一时的"整理国故运动"都明显承受了西学的深刻影响.其中,在考据学方面,相较于中国传统学术,西学的影响虽不那么直接明显,但正是通过对西方学理的引进,胡适等人终于具有了一种"平等的眼光",从而将国学研究领域拓展延伸至一个前所未有的广阔天地,并且由此极大地推动了中国学术的现代转型.  相似文献   
陈永祥 《安徽史学》2005,10(6):55-61
以成立中国电影文化协会为标志的中国电影文化运动,是20世纪30年代中国左翼文化运动的重要组成部分,这一运动从兴起到抗战全面爆发,始终得到中国共产党的积极支持和直接领导,无论是电影创作与生产,还是电影理论批评,都显示出中国电影发生了巨大转变.很多本身即为共产党人的左翼文艺工作者,通过与电影界的交往、合作,广泛吸纳电影界人士加入左翼阵营;而当时的电影演员也大多直接或间接参与了这一运动,他们通过发表电影评论,开展电影创作,使左翼电影深入社会各阶层,大大传播了中共的主张,发扬了进步电影艺术,推动了中国早期电影的发展,显示了中共夺取新的文化阵地的力量.  相似文献   
张艳国 《史学月刊》2003,2(11):44-51
国性论、国粹论,滥觞于晚清。在五四新文化运动中,它们成为旧文人旧思想护圣守旧的工具;同时,又是新文化新思想排孔开新的靶子。由对于国性论、国粹论的批判,到主张国民性改造,标志着新文化运动由关注思想文化问题到关心社会主体——人的问题,这本身就体现着新文化运动的深化和进步。因此,理所当然地说,文化新人对国性论、国粹论的批判,既是五四时期排孔开新文化主题的题中本义,更是新文化运动的重要内容。因此,研究晚清思想史学术史固然要重视国性论、国粹论,而研究五四思想史学术史也不能忽视国性论、国粹论。  相似文献   
先秦时期的“圣化运动”,以“造圣”为中心,以人性实现为目标,以探讨天人关系为起点,中经“道化”,以实现“王化”,即道、王、神一体化。  相似文献   
论汉代土地所有制的结构和运动   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文从土地所有制形成和发展的前提--劳动与土地的结合这一思维视角,分析了汉代土地所有制的结构和运动的前提条件、基本结构、运动特点和运动的结果,从中总结出中国专制主义中央集权时代土地所有制的形成和发展规律.  相似文献   
士兵运动工作是我军政治工作的重要组成部分,是战胜敌人、壮大自己的重要法宝。在第二次革命战争初期,党的士兵运动工作的主要任务是分化和瓦解国民党军队、支援土地革命。随着中日民族矛盾的上升,士兵运动工作的主要任务转到争取国民党军队联合抗日上来,并对抗日民族统一战线的建立起到了巨大的推动作用。  相似文献   
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