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幕末为挽救农村的危机而由二宫尊德创立的报德运动,在明治维新后持续的农村疲敝中,由他的弟子一直继承下来。特别是在日俄战后的地方改良运动中,报德运动从自发的民间组织的行为变成了内务省主导下的运动,报德思想也成了地方改良运动的指导理念。  相似文献   
马克思学说研究会与中国共产主义组织的起源   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李丹阳 《史学月刊》2004,3(6):51-59
以往若干史著记载了李大钊曾于1918年在北京发起过马克思学说研究会,但由于史料缺乏,近来多被学者否认。笔者根据当时的报载文章、早年俄国顾问撰写的《中共简史》,并参以当事者的回忆,认为马克思学说研究会确曾于1918年底至1919年上半年存在过。这个研究会的产生涉及苏俄人士与中国进步知识分子的初期联系与活动。虽然该会的参加人员、活动时间、组织形式都不怎么固定,是一个十分松散的非正式学会,却在中国开启了组织马克思主义团体的先河,成为中国共产主义组织的源头。  相似文献   
印度农民政治文化变迁和现代民族运动的兴起   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王立新 《史学月刊》2004,11(12):67-73,124
印度社会精英对英国统治态度的改变是20世纪上半期印度群众性民族运动兴起的一个关键性政治变量。但是,在印度这样的农民社会里,农民(包括农村手工业者)一直是主导的社会群体,他们的政治态度不能不影响整个印度政治社会的发展。传统上的印度农民是政治冷漠主义者,他们对村社之外的全国性政治过程并不关心,但是在英国的统治下,一系列的经济、社会和政治变迁却使印度农民和全国性政治过程有了密切的利害关系,他们和印度的社会政治精英在反对英国统治方面具有了共同利益。这正是使得他们积极响应以甘地为首的印度政治精英的号召,参加印度现代民族运动,为印度民族独立和解放做出巨大历史贡献的根本原因。  相似文献   
In this paper, the conception of .Great Britain. — a wholly unsatisfactory nomenclature — as an island nation is examined. In this case, a relatively small land mass acted as an originary point of departure for outward‐bound Great Power projections across the open spaces of seas. This paper further explores the varied implications for nationalism within Britain of the diverse island ‘roots’ of the British navel and the ‘routes’ of British navalism. Three themes recur in the popular mobilization of British maritime island nationalism: the besieged island, the island as universal exemplar of civilization, and the navy as national protector. Some consideration is given to the significance of island symbols such as Britannia as a marker of the fate of great island nationalism.  相似文献   
During the Chinese War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) made great progress in its cultivation of cadres. The favorable environment of the National United Front made it possible for the CCP to successfully train a large number of cadres with intellectual backgrounds while continuously using and promoting those who came from worker or peasant backgrounds. By so doing, the CCP raised the quality of its cadres. The CCP’s cultivation of its cadres during the War of Resistance was a systematic undertaking, with interrelated and mutually reinforcing components of education, training, examination, criticism, and self-criticism. Based on cadre self-consciousness and training, a regularized yet not rigid process of cadre cultivation was established. During the same period, the CCP also launched a rectification campaign (Zhengfeng yundong) to further unify and transform the Party. This important movement also left a deep mark on the cultivation of Communist cadres.  相似文献   
通过对出入西安美加游客的实地调查,利用计算机软件建立数据库进行资料统计分析,探讨西安与其它旅游热点城市之间美加游客空间转移模式及其影响因素,提出美加旅游市场的几点营销策略。  相似文献   
抗日战争时期的史家与史学   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
抗战时期,广大爱国史学工作者紧扣时代脉搏,以抗敌御侮为学术主旨,自觉为抗战提供历史借鉴、精神动力和智力支持,面向大众开展历史知识的普及教育,在抗日民族统一战线的旗帜之下展开思想交锋和学术争鸣;其学术活动在回应时代需求的同时,也使史学自身得到丰富和发展。  相似文献   
《每周评论》时期高一涵政治思想研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
<每周评论>对推动五四时期舆论界的进步起了极为重要的作用.作为新文化运动重要领导人物的高一涵,在<每周评论>上发表了许多文章,其政治思想表现为反对日本帝国主义的侵略,抨击军阀的黑暗统治,追求理想的民主政治,导引着进步舆论的前进.研究<每周评论>时期高一涵的政治思想,对于深化五四时期思想的研究,恢复高一涵的历史地位,有着重大的学术意义.  相似文献   
国民革命时期长沙市商民协会会所被毁案   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1926年12月长沙市商民协会正式成立后,促使湖南商民运动得到了迅速发展。但次年1月因苏广业店员联合会提出改良店员待遇要求,遭店主反对而导致劳资纠纷,商民协会参与仲裁时偏向店主一方,致使店员产生强烈不满而引发捣毁市商民协会会所案发生。在查处该案过程中,国民党湖南省党部虽竭力调解,但市商协对该案未得到迅速处置深为不满,以组织全体商家游行和罢市相威胁。省党部迫不得已,接受了市商协提出的改组店员联合会和惩处为首分子等一系列要求。其最终结果,不仅使总工会和苏广业店员联合会深感受到压抑,而且也并未使商民协会感到完全满意,似乎劳资双方都不无怨言。  相似文献   
Abstract: As part of the post‐tsunami reconstruction effort in Aceh, international labour movement organizations “jumped scale” in an attempt to revitalize a moribund local labour movement. This article provides a close analysis of the four internationally sponsored trade union building projects undertaken as part of that process. This unique intervention sheds light on the crucial role of local context and the extent to which the principles of international solidarity and the pragmatics of trade union diplomacy are mediated through money, institutions, individuals and day‐to‐day activities. The Aceh case underscores the importance of contingency and the agency of individuals in shaping an international intervention of this kind. In doing so it demonstrates how circuits of labour activism can be affected by constraints and opportunities unrelated to trade union politics or the relations of production.  相似文献   
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