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After the Korean War, both the autocratic and later democratic South Korean governments actively fostered the development of Korea’s arts sector, in part by emulating the organizational and legal structures of U.S. nonprofits. Yet, in this policy transfer, Korea has taken a different path, notably rearticulating the U.S.-style hands-off facilitation model to reflect and accommodate Korean political, institutional, and cultural exigencies. We analyze the effects of the resulting cultural policy on Korean public arts institutions, using documentary evidence and narratives from our case studies of two national arts organizations restructured by the government: The National Theater Company of Korea and the Seoul Arts Center. We employ the concept of cultural statism, conditioned by "culture as glorification," resource dependence, and path dependence, to understand the development of Korea’s public arts sector. Specifically, we consider: the government’s desire to use the arts to enhance its image on an international stage shaped by western liberal democratic values; arts leaders’ desire for reliable support (resource dependence); and the tendancy of Koreans to want to be associated with the stability and prestige of the government (path dependence).  相似文献   
自20世纪七八十年代以来,国际学术界就开始寻找决定一个国家发展并富强起来的原因,其中制度安排的解释最为流行。中国的改革发生在社会主义条件下,是社会主义制度的自我完善,因此,中国的发展自然也离不开制度的安排。中国特色社会主义制度不但有利于统筹协调各方面的利益,而且能够有效地整合社会资源,集中力量办大事。正是有了这样的制度安排,才使我国的各项事业取得了举世瞩目的发展成就。  相似文献   
张前 《攀登》2010,29(1):126-129
本文从社科类学术期刊的勃兴与发展危机、社科类学术期刊遭遇发展危机之实质、社科类学术期刊科学发展的路径三个方面,对社科类学术期刊科学发展问题进行探讨。文章指出,社科类学术期刊在市场化背景下遭遇危机的实质绝非只是发行量的问题,而是在市场中如何与学术最佳结合的问题。因此,社科类学术期刊要顺势而为,以人为本,锁定目标读者和作者群;统筹兼顾,处理好学术性市场和经营性市场的关系;与时俱进,提升社科期刊“核心竞争力”。从而充分发挥社科期刊作为学术传承和学术积累的载体作用,让自身的社会价值在市场中得以最大化,创造更多的精神财富,促进社会和谐,实现自身科学发展。  相似文献   
Slug interference tests using an array of multilevel active and monitoring wells permit enhanced aquifer characterization. Analyses of these field test data rely on numerical inverse models. In order to provide synthetic data sets and to have a better understanding of the flow mechanisms, we used a three-dimensional finite element analysis (FEHM) to explore the effects of idealized, stratigraphical (strata) and structural (faults) heterogeneities with low permeability values on the transient head field that is associated with slug tests in an aquifer. Firstly, we tested our model on homogeneous aquifers and the effectiveness of our modeling strategies have been validated via the excellent agreement of our modeling results with those of the semi-analytical model of Liu & Butler (1995) . In our heterogeneity investigations, we embedded vertical and horizontal zones of lower permeability into a homogenous, isotropic, and confined aquifer to represent low-permeability faults and strata respectively. A slugged interval is located at the center of the aquifer. Effects of strata thickness and permeability contrast as well as other effects associated with the offset of low-permeability strata were explored. In particular, modeling results are represented by contour maps of peak travel time and maximum head perturbation of generated hydraulic pulses. Furthermore, various phenomena, such as real-time matrix diffusion, intermittent matrix–fracture interactions, and faster pulse arrival through a longer flow trajectory, are concretely presented in the snapshots of head perturbations in the aquifer. Our finite element modeling provides useful information for understanding the behaviors of diffusive pressure propagation in an aquifer with stratigraphical and/or structural heterogeneities, and for designing hydraulic tomography to enhance aquifer characterization.  相似文献   
非物质文化遗产旅游性质的认识路径   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
王艳平 《旅游科学》2009,23(1):53-56
在保护的前提下并受制于联合国教科文组织的界定,我们获得了一些关于非物质文化遗产旅游性质的概念。不仅在内容方面而且在认识路径上,非物质文化遗产资源表现出与常规旅游资源的较大差异。对于舶来的非物质文化遗产概念,我们需要用“认识路径”这样的关键词来固化保护意识。  相似文献   
Few attempts have been made to consider the role of individual activities in path dependence. The purpose of this paper is to analyse how local entrepreneurial activities can lead to a break in the cognitive local path. The theoretical framework rests on the literature on path dependence, but focuses mainly on cognitive frames as carriers of path‐dependent behaviour. A qualitative case study has been used to analyse the formation and breaking of a local cognitive path through individual activities. Four main conclusions can be drawn. First, cognitive paradigms explain why the degree of adaptability differs between locations. Second, external shocks are translated to local change through individual activities. Third, acknowledging cognitive barriers to individual behaviour, the important role of outsiders is highlighted for breaking the cognitive path. Fourth, the long durability of cognitive paradigms and the importance of outsiders suggest the emergence of a parallel, alternative cognitive path.  相似文献   
This article argues that recent proposals for environmental and evolutionary economic geographies (EEG 1 and EEG2) should be integrated; EEG2 is used as “passing convenience” to make this case. EEG1's emphasis on environmental imperatives is loosely framed and needs a theoretical socio‐economic evolutionary base that is the central thrust of EEG2. Meanwhile EEG2 would be empowered by incorporating environmental concerns within its mandate. Moreover, both EEG1 and EEG2 share common roots in institutional methodologies, emphasize cumulative causation and path‐dependent behaviour, have strong interests at regional scales of analysis, and both are intimately tied to the causes and consequences of innovation. This article provides a rationale and suggests an integrative conceptual approach for developing EEG2. In particular, the article outlines a conceptual framework that interprets EEG2 in terms of co‐evolutionary socio‐ecological and multi‐scalar processes that are situated within a reasoned history interpretation of economic development. This framework further highlights the roles of path dependency, innovation, multinational corporations and value chains. How this multi‐scalar framework may be elaborated is then discussed around three themes: extending placed‐based analysis of localized clusters; broadening the scope of global value chain analysis; and re‐engaging the analysis of core–periphery relations. Ultimately the case for EEG2 is to ensure that economic geographic perspectives are fully incorporated in debates over the co‐evolution of economy and environment, in research and policy terms one of, if not the, central challenges of development in the 21st century.  相似文献   
Studies on the mobility of past populations are useful in the interpretation of trade and lifestyle. Preservation of ancient paths is uncommon. In Tenerife, a volcanic island of the Canary Archipelago, ancient paths are still preserved, due to the dry climatic conditions and the presence of extensive lava fields in inhospitable areas of the Island. The Guanches who inhabited this island before the Spanish conquest, those surviving in the highlands after the conquest, and modern goatherders, utilised a still identifiable net of paths to access the central mountains. Clasts in the beds of these paths have suffered variable abrasion, depending on the time during which the path was used and on the number of people and/or animals that have walked on it. We estimated roundness of 1819 clasts collected at different parts of the net of paths crossing different lava fields of known antiquity. Significant differences in roundness of clasts among different parts of the paths allowed an inference about the relative importance of each of the paths constituting the net. Therefore, assessment of roundness of the clasts of the beds of paths may aid in the understanding of the migrations of people.  相似文献   
江金波  赫瑞娜 《人文地理》2015,30(3):130-136
本文借鉴较为成熟的量表,结合专家与游客访谈,拟定测量变量及其项目。通过对西安市主要旅游景区(点)和酒店游客的问卷调查,获取相关的数据,进而运用SEM方法,拟构建目的地形象认知、情感形象、感知成本以及满意度(总体形象)组合的城市旅游形象影响路径的理论模型。根据多元回归分析结果,建立具有测量意义的路径关系。研究表明游客对西安城市旅游形象的评价影响有五条显著路径,其中形象认知对总体形象、情感形象和感知成本均有正向影响,但显著性差异不大,特别是对感知成本和总体形象影响较弱;情感形象对感知成本和总体形象有显著的正向影响;感知成本对总体形象有显著的正向影响。本研究部分印证了前期相关研究结论,但也反映出文化旅游城市形象影响路径的独特性。  相似文献   
关中-天水经济区的辐射带动作用和发展路径选择   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
员智凯 《人文地理》2009,24(2):63-66
关中-天水经济区是国家新确定的重点发展区域,是西部大开发新的经济增长极。本文通过历史考察、对比分析和综合分析,深入研究了关中-天水经济区的辐射带动作用和发展路径选择。本文认为:关中-天水经济区建设最显著的特色应当是大力发展高技术,加强自主创新,建设成强大的高技术研究开发基地。加强装备制造业和电子信息集成发展,推进军工经济与地方经济融合发展,加快传统农业向现代农业转变,打造寻根祭祖和周秦汉唐特色旅游品牌。  相似文献   
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