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This study reassesses the conventional wisdom surrounding the developmental state of South Korea (hereafter Korea) since the 1997 Korean financial crisis. The conventional wisdom is that, as a result of the continued structural reforms prompted by the crisis, the Korean developmental state, inherently characterised by active or direct state intervention, strong economic and industrial policies, the chaebol-oriented economic policy, and labour exclusion, has finally begun to dissolve in earnest. In this study, we have considered whether that is really the case and also which theoretical implications can be drawn from this consideration. Analysis of the Korean developmental state following the 1997 crisis has indicated that, quite contrary to conventional wisdom, the developmental state has continued to prevail as a core policy framework of the Korean administrations even after the crisis. There is no doubt that the continued structural and market reform after the crisis certainly undermined the Korean developmental state to a certain degree, but that does not mean the beginning of the end of the Korean developmental state at all. For much evidence strongly indicates that the Korean developmental state still remains intact and strong despite the structural reforms, on account of the successive Korean governments’ assiduous and deliberate efforts to maintain and reinforce it. Even after the crisis, the Kim Dae-Jung and post-Kim regimes have hardly abandoned many of their market interventionist policies. Such market interventionist policies, which were routinely practised under the military regime in the 1960s and 1970s, diametrically contravene the argument that the Korean developmental state has begun to dissolve as a result of structural reform after the 1997 crisis. Contrary to conventional wisdom, the Korean developmental state persists as usual. All this information, then, suggests that path dependence is in action in the case of the Korean developmental state, and this suggests a further hypothesis that the Korean developmental state is very likely to persist in the future as well, despite increasing globalisation pressure, given the strong path dependence.  相似文献   
主题公园发展的战略性趋势研究   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
董观志 《人文地理》2005,20(2):43-46,24
1955年迪斯尼乐园的诞生,第一次提出了"主题公园"的概念。主题公园(ThemePark)是指为了满足旅游者多样化休闲娱乐需求与选择而建造的一种具有创意性游园线索和策划性活动方式的现代旅游目的地形态。本文从主题公园缘起的分析中提出了主题公园的概念内涵和个性特征,通过对主题公园形态的演进动力机制进行研究,提出了主题公园演进路径的逻辑模型,阐述了主题公园产品形态在主题文化、技术含量、娱乐内容、游客参与、场景氛围、园林景观、消费方式、游乐时间、安全舒适等方面的9个战略性演进趋势。  相似文献   
徐华 《史学月刊》2001,(2):126-130
玄学之形成于北方,是和汉魏之际中原地区整体学风的变迁分不开的.对比董卓之乱前洛下士人的矛盾心态与董卓之乱后许下士人的精神风貌,可以看出这时人们的思维方式心态、价值观念等等方面都已经发生了剧烈的转型.也正是这一转型的完成,为其后魏晋思想的大解放奠定了基石,为南方荆州新学所带来的玄学种子提供了适宜的气候与土壤.  相似文献   
中国企业家成长路径的地理学研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过建构中国786位企业家四个成长阶段空间信息数据库,本文运用地理空间分析方法和复杂网络模型,在对企业家成长时空规律分析的基础上,对中国207个城市在企业家成长中发挥的作用进行了研究,并着重对在企业家成长中发挥重要作用的30个城市的角色进行了精准识别,得出以下结论:①中国企业家成长在空间上呈现出分散-集中-分散的演化过程,长三角地区是中国企业家成长最为依赖的空间载体;②企业家成长视角下的中国城市创新网络等级层次明显,北京市以绝对优势成为中国城市创新网络的核心;③在30个扮演重要角色的城市中,只有北京与宁波两市同时身兼两个角色,其中北京为成功兼创业型,宁波为成功兼奠基型。  相似文献   
零团费演化机制分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
贾跃千 《旅游科学》2006,20(1):56-62
基于微观经济学中的效用论、博弈论等基本理论以及心理学对理性的阐释,本文剖析了零团费的产生和存在根源,建立了零团费演化的“路径依赖”机制模型和均衡模型两个简单模型,并得出结论:零团费是客源地和目的地相互作用的一种特殊表现,零团费最终根源在于消费者有限理性决策和我国大众旅游者独有的消费特征,消除零团费需要经历一个相对较长的阶段。  相似文献   
陈作任  李郇 《人文地理》2018,33(4):113-120
在经济韧性视角下,本文基于路径依赖与路径创造理论构建了一个研究城镇产业衰落与转型的分析框架,进而对东莞市樟木头与常平的产业发展路径进行详细梳理和对比分析,探讨地理区位、产业结构等初始条件相似的城镇受到相同外部冲击时出现韧性差异的原因,包括地方制度、技术变革、经济结构、劳动力结构、社会文化氛围等。据此提出转型升级对策:寻找新主导产业,提升经济主体潜力与联系;科学规划空间结构,调整存量用地功能,提高土地利用效率,全面升级硬件设施;重塑强调风险管控与危机意识的社会文化氛围。通过建立演化经济地理学与经济韧性相结合的实证研究范式,本文为产业结构单一城镇提供了具有借鉴意义的韧性增强途径和路径创造方式。  相似文献   
The concept of path dependence is central to the current discourse on evolutionary approaches in regional transformations. Along the subtropical coastlands of eastern Australia, low‐input, low‐income, and labour‐intensive dairy farms were subject to prolonged dysfunction. Their creation and entrenchment serve as a potent case study of path dependence and lock‐in that were driven by mutually reinforcing attributes—behavioural, socio‐economic, cultural, political, and infrastructural. Functional rigidification and incipient dissolution were scrutinised in farm surveys undertaken from 1952 to 1954 in the Moruya and Copmanhurst districts of coastal New South Wales. At both locales, the dairy industry comprised a core of long‐term stable producers located mainly on the more accessible and productive alluvial soils, together with a fluctuating number of marginal producers motivated by a variable mix of personal, locational, and temporal influences. The demise of dairying was prolonged, in part by the industry's exceptional survival capabilities and in part by the lack of any viable alternative farming staple. The belated collapse of dairy farming in the 1960s and 1970s has facilitated the emergence and lock‐in of an alternative multifunctional pathway, driven primarily by consumption with subordinate production and protection values. The two case studies reveal synergies between the closely aligned path dependence and the multifunctional trajectory/transition concepts in yielding insights into the dynamics of rural change and in offering guidelines for further research within evolutionary economic geography.  相似文献   
Drawing on previous studies related to the evolutionary aspects of regional innovation systems (RIS), this paper examines how an exogenous shock reduced organizational thinness, fragmentation and lock-in and thereby facilitated path creation and RIS emergence in a peripheral region. A longitudinal case study approach, based on primary data from 39 interviews conducted between 2008 and 2012, is used to investigate how a region was affected by the sudden entry and subsequent activity of a multinational oil company. A multi-level analysis illustrates how this exogenous shock facilitated change at the firm, public authority and macro (regional) levels and thus provides a holistic understanding of the complex mechanisms that underlie regional transformation. The analysis illustrates how the entry of the oil company reduced organizational thinness by stimulating the establishment of external firms. The existing regional actors then managed to reduce their organizational lock-in by adapting their skills and resource bases to new knowledge provided through interfirm relationships (reduced fragmentation), and this reduced organizational lock-in and fragmentation ultimately strengthened the industrial structure and further contributed to regional path creation. A number of innovations were observed, and in combination with the “thickened” institutional structure, this represented the means for an emerging RIS.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT. Sub‐state nationalist parties of the industrialised West occupy different positions along the left–right political spectrum. Despite the similarities of their political agendas, these parties adopt different ideological identities. This paper seeks to explain the choice of party position and the long‐term consistency of these positions by employing a path‐dependent perspective. The focus is first, on the critical junctures during which such choices are made; and second, on the mechanisms of continuity ensuring the persistence of the left–right identities. The argument is explored within the empirical context of Québécois nationalism.  相似文献   
论中国信息化的路径选择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
强小安  王晔 《人文地理》2004,19(3):60-63
十六大针对我国国情以及世界信息化的现实。提出了以信息化带动工业化的新型工业化道路。我国是在工业化尚未完成的条件下推进信息化的,要实现信息化带动工业化的目标,笔认为必须了解并正视中国信息化的初始条件,例如,生产力水平落后且呈现多层次性、产业结构不合理且第三产业的比例偏小、经济制度和经济体制亟待变迁、化变革不到位、政策法规不完善、教育水平低等。努力避免由于这些初始条件引起的路径依赖而产生的锁定。笔认为,为了避免锁定,作为政府应提高认识,关注长远与差别;重视发挥市场的主导作用;突出重点,发挥比较优势;扬长避短,处理好发展高新技术产业和传统产业的关系,资金技术密集型产业和劳动密集型产业的关系,信息技术的引进与开发的关系,只有这样才能使我国信息化进程顺利进行。  相似文献   
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