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《聊斋志异》是中国古典短篇小说发展的高峰和总结,其中的优秀作品堪称真正的美文。尤其是那些用奇幻的笔墨写出而又充满人间气息,描写爱情和歌颂妇女的作品,更是含蓄婉约,泛射出作者理想的光彩。本文从诗意环境、人物形象、故事情节三个方面入手,阐述《聊斋志异》中的诗意关。  相似文献   
刘栋臣,抗日将士,原中国远征军第8军82师直属工兵连连长,松山坑道大爆破战术方案提出者及实施者,为全歼松山日军作出了一定的贡献。  相似文献   
从改革开放三十年中国美术发展的概况,谈从生活到艺术的创作规律。期待艺术家以十年磨一剑的心态,为我们这个时代留下真正能够传至久远的好作品。  相似文献   
Following caterpillar fungus as it travels from the Tibetan Plateau to wealthy Chinese consumers, this article makes several interventions into geographical studies of commodity chains. First, it argues for an expansion beyond the usual call to connect the political economy of production with cultures of consumption; the cultural politics of production and political economies of consumption must also be considered. Second, it argues for bringing together political economy and more-than-human analytical approaches to commodity chains, showing how nature and the nonhuman play a key role in an assemblage that has allowed Tibetans to navigate livelihoods in a rapidly changing economy. This challenges a tendency to assume a universal figure of ‘the human’ in more-than-human geographies. Third, by connecting the erasure of Tibetans from representations of various natures used to sell caterpillar fungus with the broader politics of Tibetans within the People's Republic of China, we show that commodity fetishism can conceal not just labor relations, but also political struggles not reducible to class. Finally, we show that following a small fungus can shed light on the unevenness of China's capitalist development obscured in monolithic narratives of China's rise, demonstrating the value of expanding commodity chain studies beyond those that end with Western consumers.  相似文献   
Heinrich Heine’s ?Two Chinese Scholars“ Revisited

Twenty-five years ago, the author published a treatise dealing with the two Chinese mentioned by Heinrich Heine in The Harz Journey as well as in a private letter. These men served as teachers for Wilhelm Schott, the future first professor of Chinese at the Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität of Berlin. Since then, a number of scholars turned to this topic and consider the two of them as pioneers of Chinese immigration to Berlin, Prussia or Germany respectively. Most of these scholars interpret certain facts according to their own liking, though there are no sources at all to support their suppositions. The present paper addresses all these misinterpretations. Moreover, newly discovered contemporary reports about the two Chinese are quoted verbatim.  相似文献   
One of the most impressive landmarks in Western Sinology must be the Cursus litteraturæ sinicæ by Italian Jesuit Angelo Zottoli (1826–1902). This four-thousand page work, presented as a Latin introduction to the written Chinese language, is actually a synoptic guide to the Chinese tradition, encompassing a vast range of texts from the Shijing 詩經 (Book of Songs) to Qing-era examination essays, poetry, and letters. The Cursus was regarded even in its own time as an overly demanding text for beginners, but it remains a useful model for thinking about how scholars of premodern China should approach the linguistic and rhetorical features of texts. Though specialized study is essential, an appreciation of premodern China also demands comprehensive perspective. Conscious reflection on the Cursus and its potential may thus help to clarify some of the challenges faced by Sinology in the 21st century.  相似文献   
论文分析阐述了海外中国公民领事保护的内涵与法律依据以及目前海外中国公民领事保护的法律依据之缺陷,并对海外中国公民领事保护的法律依据之完善,有针对性地提出了几点建议:修正《维也纳领事关系公约》的名称和序言并专辟"领事保护"一章;拟定中外双边领事条约(协定)文本模式并点面结合地拓宽其覆盖面;将海外中国公民权益保护提升至宪法层面并制定统一规范的单行法;从"界定海外中国公民领事保护、增强条文明确性和可操作性及建立问责制度"等方面弥补《意见稿》之不足。  相似文献   
论文梳理了印尼华人穆斯林社团的发展脉络;阐述了印尼华人穆斯林社团在反对种族歧视活动和社会慈善活动以及中印尼之间的宗教文化交流中的作用。认为印尼华人穆斯林社团在印尼1998年以来的民主改革新形势下有了新的发展。其利用自身的优势,积极开展各种社会慈善活动,反对种族歧视,塑造华人穆斯林特有的文化认同,在中印尼宗教文化交流中发挥了窗口和示范作用,成为沟通华人社会与当地穆斯林社会、构筑多元和谐印尼社会的重要力量。  相似文献   
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