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白马人是藏缅语族中文化形态独特的少数族群。分布在川甘两省交界地带的白马人聚居地,是一个相对独立的文化地理共同体。白马人聚居地是长江流域海拔较高的人类居住地带,也是我国西部生物-文化多样性两者兼得以保持完好的典型区域之一。本文试以四川省平武县若干白马人村落为研究样本,阐述了诸如村落与自然环境的融洽、乡土民居建筑与自然神崇拜等物质与意识形态文化景观的地域特色。  相似文献   
The purpose of this paper is to investigate the phenomenon of ever-growing global migration of people with a following set of questions: (1) What are the main causes of this global phenomenon?; (2) What are the possible ethical and political issues of the rising global migration of people?; (3) What should be the theological response to these issues, and how should the church engage them? In answering these questions, this paper is specifically focused on the case of undocumented migrants: their social predicament, political impasse, and religious (theological) ethical engagement.  相似文献   
My paper argues that delegates to antebellum western state constitutional conventions, in both slave and free states, expressed violent, even homicidal ideas about free black people. They predicted and described mass exterminations, lynching, and even a race war. These delegates sought to enshrine coercive measures in their state constitutions, including re-enslavement and forcible removals, and they employed ferocious language to support their arguments. My paper explores the delegates’ efforts to mount legal and constitutional justifications for violence toward free black people. I compare the language in antebellum western conventions to coeval debates in other regions. Although no state legitimized lynching, let alone genocide, these debates provide a useful window into the delegates’ efforts to find constitutional justifications for the removal – or even extermination – of free black people from the new western states.  相似文献   
This article explores young people's lived experience of the ‘street’, defined as outdoor public/private spaces, such as streets, shopping centres, corner stores within a Master Planned Estate in Australia. A strong market-based planning rationale has significantly constrained young people's access to, and use of, public space and the public realm. Young people are often left with little option but to occupy spaces through paths of least resistance or subversive use of space. Private developers require stronger regulatory oversight and a shared vision with planning authorities for the creation of appropriate spaces for young people.  相似文献   
Dominant discourses tend to represent young people as politically apathetic, disengaged and inert. Yet, in late 2010, tens of thousands of young people across the UK protested against government proposals to change the ways in which higher education is funded. In numerous universities across the country, students occupied buildings, facilitated protests and challenged university leaders to speak out against the proposed changes. At Newcastle University, a group of highly organised students occupied the Fine Art lecture theatre for seventeen days in late 2010 in resistance to these changes. In this paper, we draw upon a detailed analysis of twenty-seven interviews with young people who participated in the Newcastle Occupation, supplemented by participant observation of Occupation meetings. We argue that the students created an intentionally dialogic space in the Occupation in a number of ways, including how they organised it, how they used social media and the internet, the actions they participated in and the ways in which they engaged with the elite. These insights offer an important contribution to debates and young people and politics and exemplify the ways in which the student activists involved in the Newcastle Occupation were sophisticated political agents who strategically and tactfully engaged with politics matters.  相似文献   
汉朝的军队编制中有"越骑"。如淳说"越人内附以为骑",晋灼说"取其材力超越也",学术界对两种观点历来争议纷纭,而学者以倾向晋灼说者为多。考虑"越骑"和"胡骑"、"羌骑"并说的史例,似乎应当重视出身"越人"之说的合理性。"胡""越"既是民族概念也是方位概念。考虑到"越"也有方位概念的涵义,更有助于理解"越骑"称谓的历史文化指向。除了西汉建国时的项羽故事外,东汉衰微时也多见出身越地的马上英雄。孙吴军队中有"骑士"的事实,可以否定因"越人非善骑所出"、"骑非越人所长"而以为"越骑"与"越人"无关的简单化、绝对化的意见。汉朝军队中"胡骑"、"越骑"并置,也有显示"胡越宾服"的宣传效应。  相似文献   
古代文献记载廪君巴人发源于"武落钟离山"。当代学者对"武落钟离山"这个历史地名的解释差异比较大,有的认为它是"武落山"、"钟离山"二山的合称,有的认为它的本名是"落钟山",有的认为它在湖北清江流域,有的认为它在重庆大宁河流域。实际上,"武落钟离山"本名"武陵钟离山","武落"为"武陵"传写之误,"武陵"即武陵郡。"武陵钟离山"去掉郡名"武陵",就叫做"钟离山"。这表明廪君巴人的发源地是在清江(夷水)流域而非大宁河流域。  相似文献   
7世纪中叶,唐朝与朝鲜半岛的新罗国联合,相继灭亡朝鲜半岛的另外两个国家———百济和高句丽。与此同时,数以千计的朝鲜半岛遗民因各种原因被迫来到唐朝。迄今为止,学界对来唐的高句丽、百济遗民的具体数字并无定论;遗民的流向和安置也是众说纷纭。本文通过探讨国内外学界对高句丽、百济遗民的人数、流入地、安置地域分布等研究现状,指出其中的不足和应当侧重关注的问题,并阐述自己的观点。认为应注重地方志资料的搜集,了解最新研究动态,加强与国际学术界的交流,并转换角度,使高句丽、百济遗民关联问题的研究走向深入。  相似文献   
《论语》孔子所云“献”是具有证据功能的字资料。历代学训“献”为“贤”一误再误,各种诠释皆不圆孔子之说。据“献”字本义和古代注重收集民情传统考查,“献”是下情上达的字资料,与“”的区别仅在于强调其最初来自庙堂之下进献。当下情上达的字资料,“藏于秘室’’而与庙堂原有之“”久居共处,或两糅合一起时,“”与“献”的区别也就日益消失而没有意义,故笼而统之称为“献”。  相似文献   
The myth of Manchu origin was narrated in different versions with the same theme and variant details. Based on Manchu documents, the myth of Manchu origin has two early versions that were written in Manchu with minor differences in the narration of the story. From the earliest version of 1635 to the version compiled in the nineteenth century, all the authors highlight that the origin of the Manchu people as coming from a heavenly being, with the purpose of reinforcing the Qing dynasty’s legitimacy as coming from the heaven, as was officially declared by the Qing government throughout the dynasty. This article makes a comparative study based on evidential research on the facts contained in different versions of the myth and the time periods of composition.  相似文献   
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