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本文以上海为实例,依据创业模式的相关理论,分析了华侨华人在大陆投资创业的主要模式划分、基本特点以及创业模式选择的影响因素。结果表明,华侨华人成功创业与其选择正确的创业模式密切相关,创业模式的选择与行业的关联程度较高,同时,创业模式的选择也与创业者对物质资本、技术资本及人力资本的拥有量密切相关。  相似文献   
技术史的理论与实践——技术发展与社会需求   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
周卫荣 《南方文物》2008,(3):108-112
本文作者根据多年来研究中国冶铸史的心得和感悟,阐述了技术发展与社会需求之间的关系.指出:没有需求就没有发明,没有需求就没有发展,任何技术的产生必须完成必要的技术积襄过程:技术的本质是文化的,技术史问题的研究,不仅要着眼技术本身,还应纳入文化体系和社会大背景中去考量。  相似文献   
Integration of mortality data by cause of death is typically problematic for researchers because of the inadequacies of historical records. Two aspects of cause-of-death (or disease) data processing are discussed here: vocabulary and specificity. By developing a system of processing in which causes of death are in nested tables that are linked with a relational database program, the researcher can integrate highly specific and sensitive disease data with data that are less specific. Vocabulary variations can also be maintained by the system. The result of integrating data of differing specificity levels and vocabularies allows one to use mixed data for longitudinal analyses. The author developed the present system to allow the use of nineteenth-century British army statistical data, and an example of the application is presented.  相似文献   
Rick Tilman's new study, Veblen and his European Contemporaries, explores Veblen's conceptual relationship with a host of seminal European thinkers. Among the continuities and differences that Tilman develops, none stands out more than his strikingly original claim that in important ways Veblen's work parallels that of Ferdinand Tonnies. This essay reviews Tilman's study, with a particular emphasis on Veblen's idea of community, particularly its political and utopian aspects. Most notable in these regards is Veblen's idea that a free and insurgent “spirit of insubordination” is the chief animating principle of self-regulating anarchistic communities. The essay examines tensions between Veblen's embrace of the free spirit of anarchism and his belief in the centralizing thrust of modern technology. It suggests, however, that by dramatically curtailing needs for human labor, Veblen's industrial republic might, as most systems do, fumble its way toward a rough working balance between predominant values in conflict, in this case, industry and insubordination.  相似文献   
Numerous Hellenic terms have been gradually adopted during the development of modern medical science. Moreover, there are a significant number of words that derive directly from the Hippocratic texts. Hippocrates (ca. 460–ca. 377 BC), revered as the father of medicine, and his followers left behind a valuable heritage of medical knowledge that, practically, laid the foundations of Western medicine. Their theories, collected in Corpus Hippocraticum, transformed medicine by adding, mainly, clinical observation and inductive reasoning as significant parts of medical diagnosis and treatment. Additionally, Hippocratic writings have provided an invaluable heritage of medical terms for all medical fields. The present article examines the Hellenic and Hippocratic terminology referring to the spine and how this vocabulary has influenced and dominated upon modern spinal onomatology.  相似文献   
This paper uses zone electrophoresis, one of the most frequently used tools in molecular biology, to explore two ideas derived from Hans-Jörg Rheinberger's reflections on experiments. First, the constraining role played by technical objects—instrumentation and material conditions—in the production of knowledge or epistemic things. Second, the production of interconnected experimental systems by such technical objects, which results in the unexpected entanglement of research fields and experimental cultures. By the beginning of the 1960s, the inception of zone electrophoresis in laboratories around the world transformed—some say, revolutionized—the study of proteins. Even today, electrophoresis continues to open research venues and questions in biomedicine, molecular biology, human genetics, and in the field of molecular evolution. In my essay, I seek to look at the interconnected lives of zone electrophoresis and address the broader social, and even global context, in which this apparently humble technique became a salient tool in the production of biological knowledge. In so doing, I aim to take the past and present of the history and historiography of experimental systems to the future, where experiments and technologies are interrogated as they are used in different geographies and contexts, including contexts of poverty.  相似文献   
新中国成立后,随着国民经济的恢复与发展,对技术工人的需求迅速增加。为尽快培养更多的青年技术工人和提高他们的技术水平,一些工矿企业充分利用师傅带徒弟的方式,开始推广订立师徒合同。在各单位的组织配合下,师徒合同这种技术传承方式得以广泛推广,对提高青年技术工人的水平产生了积极作用。但与此同时,师徒合同存在的缺陷、国家有限的物质条件、奖励与考工制度的不完善、速成教育与培训的局限性等因素限制了师徒合同的继续发展。尽管如此,师徒合同在工矿企业内的推行,在一定程度上营造了鼓励技术学习的整体环境,促进了“尊师爱徒”新型师徒关系的建立,提高了青年技术工人的技术水平,提升了劳动生产效率,有利于新中国工业化建设的顺利开展。  相似文献   
淮河文化的内涵及其技术层面的研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
江河在人类文明的起源中起着重要的作用.如果从文明史或大历史的角度来进行研究,我们会得到一些新的启示.对淮河文化作出定义是非常必要的,但需注意淮河文化的内涵也随着时空的变化呈现出不同的特征.从技术层面切入研究淮河文化,更可以发现新问题,得出新结论.  相似文献   
对马克思分工-阶级理论的再解读   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
吴英 《史学月刊》2004,29(5):21-28
长期以来,人们把马克思主义的阶级理论归结为“生产资料所有制决定阶级的划分;阶级斗争推动社会发展”这样一种理论模式。现在,人们发现运用这种理论模式解释历史和现实都遇到众多的困难,于是出现了要求用西方社会学的社会分层理论代替阶级分析理论的呼声。这是对马克思阶级理论作教条式误读引起的不良后果。实际上,马克思主义的阶级理论本是一种“分工—阶级理论”,按照这样的理论,就应把阶级视为在一定生产力发展水平决定的分工体系中处在不同的地位、发挥不同的作用、因而对生产资料和生产成果拥有不同的占有或支配权利、并因而具有不同的思想和行为取向的社会集团。运用这样的分工—阶级理论分析历史和现实社会的阶级、阶层及其相互关系和与之相应的社会变迁,才能看清社会历史演进的规律性和必然趋势。  相似文献   
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