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Governance arrangements such as comanagement are regarded by many as promising arenas for effective natural resource management. However, measuring comanagement's success at achieving conservation goals has been equivocal. Our research evaluates the lack of conclusive outcomes through a critical consideration of how different goals and values inherent in comanagement affect the institutional (or policy) diagnostic of “fit.” More narrowly, sustaining natural resources requires that management policies foster fit between the scales of sociopolitical processes governing resource use and the scales of ecological processes regulating a resource. Without a process that encourages such harmonization, theoretical and empirical evidence suggests that comanagement regimes are unlikely to accomplish long‐term conservation goals. We use a case study of walrus comanagement under the U.S. Marine Mammal Protection Act to demonstrate that when the formal institutions preconditioning comanagement do not develop out of a deliberative process among comanagement partners, two major problems can arise: (i) Policy institutions mismatch ecological and social processes relevant to resources and communities; and (ii) data to assess the fit of institutions and support learning is more difficult to acquire. In our case study, both these factors constrain the ability of comanagement to foster walrus conservation or support the capacity of Native Alaskans to adapt to contemporary social and environmental conditions. Our research concludes that to achieve marine mammal conservation, previous institutional arrangements framing comanagement that are predicated on static conceptions of people and ecosystems must be redesigned to provide better policy fit across local to international priorities. To do so requires opening up deliberative spaces, where Western science and priorities are confronted with indigenous perspectives. However, the benefit of enhancing deliberation carries risks and costs related to trade‐offs between the values of democratic process, and protections for both wildlife species and indigenous groups.  相似文献   
This article tests capture theory by analyzing voting behavior on U.S. Regional Fishery Management Councils. Some seats on the councils are reserved for state and federal agency representatives; others, for political appointees. The political appointees primarily represent special interests (specifically, commercial and recreational fishing interests); a smaller number of appointees represent public interests. We use logistic regression to model the vote of state and federal agency representatives on the councils as a function of the votes of commercial interests, recreational interests, and public interests. We find evidence that some state agencies are captured by special interests from their states, but not systematic evidence across all states. We find that state agency representatives voted with commercial interests from their own state in five of the sixteen states in our sample; with recreational interests in three states; and with both special interests in two states. These ten states support the capture hypothesis; the other six states do not. We find no evidence that federal agencies were captured on the councils. We conclude that the gubernatorial‐driven appointment process leads to capture at the state level by promoting voting blocs among state agency representatives and special interests from those states. Federal agency representatives, by contrast, are better able to maintain their distance from state‐level politics on the councils, and thereby enhance their ability to vote independently on fishery management measures.  相似文献   
王亚玲 《攀登》2010,29(6):91-96
经过30年扶贫开发,青海省农牧区贫困区域、贫困人口构成、贫困程度等都发生了变化,呈现出新的特点。今后的扶贫开发要突破过去传统的、单纯的经济扶贫模式,做到开发式扶贫与救济式挟贫并重,移民性扶贫与生态性扶贫并举,把改造贫困地区的经济落后面貌与改造文化落后面貌结合起来,把发展生产、改善生态环境与转变思想观念相结合起来,体现以人为本、社会公正、政治稳定、民族团结、生态保护、持续发展的新思维。  相似文献   
鉴于考古工作中发掘现场情况的不确定性,为改进我国古墓葬遗址等发掘现场的传统探测方法,探讨利用自动化技术,设计开发一套考古发掘现场智能预探测系统,在无考古人员进入墓葬发掘现场的情况下实现预探测功能。该系统主要面向古墓葬遗址的发掘考古需求,由远程监控端、机器人及传输线缆组成。采取分体模块化设计小尺寸机器人,使其可简便拆装成直筒式或车体式两种外形,以适用小直径手工探洞或大直径盗洞两种不同形式的发掘入口。机器人本体集成视频采集及气体传感等环境检测功能模块.实时采集数据并通过传输线缆发送至远程监控端。远程监控端提供窗口化的监控界面软件,该软件在Micro Visual Studio 2005开发平台下完成,在显示并记录采集所得图像和数据的同时,可对机器人的部分模块进行控制。该考古发掘现场智能预探测系统设计制造后在陕西省三个古墓葬遗址进行了实地测试。研究结果显示,数据采集准确及时、视频图像清晰可靠、整体系统运行稳定、可操作性强,基本满足了考古发掘现场的实际需要,推进了考古发掘工作的科技化进程。  相似文献   
India had a very active maritime trade contact with the Roman world between the 4th century BC and the 4th century AD. In this context recent finds of stone anchors, potsherds, lead anchors and a lead ingot from 5 to 8 m water-depth near Bet Dwarka jetty is significant. The sherds include amphoras, jars, bowls and lids. Archaeological finds along the Indian coast and comparison between amphoras from Bet Dwarka and the Mediterranean suggest that the artefacts from Bet Dwarka may be datable to between the 1st century BC and the 2nd century AD. The numbers of stone anchors suggests that this was an ancient anchorage.
© 2005 The Nautical Archaeology Society  相似文献   
采用矿山考古、模拟实验等方法,对中国商代采矿技术进行论证后得出如下论点:商代,探矿采用了重砂法和工程法。地下开拓采用竖井、斜井、平巷等多种井巷联合进行。采掘工具已使用铜质专门器。采用多种型、式不同的“预制”木构件,用于各地矿山井下,形成了规范的井巷支护技术。矿山提升采用滑车等简单机械。矿井采用自然通风。井下有了排水槽、水仓等排水设施。井下采用火把式照明。  相似文献   
This paper describes Phase 1 of the project ‘Archaeological Applications of the Joint Irish Bathymetric Survey (JIBS) Data’, analysing bathymetric and backscatter data derived from multibeam surveys off the north coast of Ireland. In particular, the usability of the data for shipwreck detection, identification and site characterization is explored. In Phase 1, the data was screened for anomalous sea‐bed features, which were subsequently described, catalogued and categorized according to their archaeological potential and cross‐referenced against existing records. A planned second phase of this project will examine each anomaly in greater detail together with the local and regional hydrodynamic conditions. © 2010 The Authors  相似文献   
清代海洋环境历经变化,身处沿海区域的人们或深受其害,家业荡尽;或顺势而为,获得发展:有的走向了海外贸易的道路,赢得丰厚的商业利润;有的则干脆留居海外,继续保持着与家乡的密切联系。经济地位提高后的人们大多选择了遵循儒家思想规范,建立家族,致意于科举,实现了对主流价值的依归。海洋文化因子也逐渐进入主流文化体系,乃至对清代各级政策的制定与修改产生着程度不同的影响。  相似文献   
Radiocarbon wiggle-match dating is a technique that can combine the versatility of radiocarbon dating with chronological information from tree-rings. This makes it useful in contexts where timbers are preserved, but dendrochronological dating is impossible. As intertidal and marine timbers are waterlogged, this can favor their preservation and hence allow wiggle-match 14C dating, which can be of significant help in deriving relatively precise chronologies for a range of coastal structures. As the technique depends on making multiple radiocarbon measurements towards a single date, efficiency in application is the key and hence a number of practical considerations need to be taken into account in advance of conducting a dating program. This paper discusses some of these practical concerns and reviews them in the context of the intertidal crannogs in the Firth of Clyde on the west coast of Scotland.  相似文献   
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