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This article explores how the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) assisted Pakistan with exploring the front end of the fuel cycle. Drawing on new primary sources gathered from extensive fieldwork in Pakistan as well as the IAEA's archives, this article sheds new light on the changing direction and performance of the Pakistani nuclear program during the 1970s, focusing on the exploration of uranium. The analysis highlights the competing priorities faced by the IAEA at this time – specifically, how to handle the increasingly politicized balance between technology diffusion and non-proliferation – and how this affected the Agency's support for the nuclear program in Pakistan, as the program was secretly shifting away from nuclear energy toward a weapons project.  相似文献   
新世纪地理学的新思路新观念新战略   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
孙峰华 《人文地理》2001,16(5):16-19
文章阐述了新世纪是一个以知识经济为主体的世纪,用知识经济地理学的观点审视新世纪,新世纪的内涵将赋于地理学新的研究内容。面对这种形势,地理学用哲学观点,周密思考,精心研究,潜心探索其发展的新思路。新思路打开了地理学正视现实,面向新世纪的新视野、新领域,从而产生了一系列的新思路和新观念。地理学有了新思路和新观念,必然探索其发展的新战略。地理学有了新思想、新观念、新战略,就可以在新世纪滚滚而来的知识经济浪潮里抢抓机遇,开拓进取,勇于创新,并确立其应有的学科地位,这样,才能迎来一个灿烂美好的明天。否则,新世纪的到来,将预示着地理学进入危机时代。  相似文献   
双核结构模式与福建区域发展战略   总被引:12,自引:3,他引:9  
福建三面环山一面临海,地域单元的完整性非常突出。境内散布的山地丘陵进一步将福建分割成相对独立的大大小小的流域。这样的自然地理背景赋予福建特有的人文地理特征。综合对福建自然人文地域分异的综合分析,我们认为,福建省存在着以下2个双核结构,即南平-福州、龙岩-厦门,分别以福建省的两大流域,即闽江流域和九龙江流域为产生、发展的区域背景。应当以沿海为一级轴线,以2个双核结构为二级轴线,以"π"形空间格局作为福建省区域开发的基本框架。原因在于,南平、龙岩为核心的福建内陆地区,分别是福建古文化和客家文化的发源地,重点开发的必要性非常突出。更重要的是,通过南平、龙岩这2个区域中心城市的规模壮大,可以此为桥头堡,进一步增强福建以福州、厦门为端点的港口的吸引腹地,强化福建对江西等内陆省份的影响。  相似文献   
中国的政治地理环境分析及外交对策探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
曹诗图 《人文地理》2002,17(1):69-72
本文从政治地理学的角度分析了当今中国的政治地理环境特点,认为中国在地缘政治上处于亚太地区的枢纽位置,海陆邻国众多,国际关系错综复杂,潜在性的不稳定因素较多,政治地理环境比较严峻。鉴于这种特殊的政治地理环境和中国目前的国力等实际情况,提出了因势利导、放眼未来的外交方略与对策,即理智而妥善地处理好中美关系,积极争取欧洲、转化美国,立足亚太"舞台",发挥大国作用。认为当今中国迫切需要的是继续争取一个良好的发展环境,坚持不懈地走强国之路。  相似文献   
西安城市交通发展研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
为了使西安市城市交通发展与城市地位、形态、规模相适应,积极应对新世纪西安市交通所面临的机遇和挑战,本文在分析西安市目前城市交通现状的基础上,提出了西安市城市交通发展的战略政策及对策,建立规划、建设、管理的一体化体制等。  相似文献   
何琼峰 《旅游科学》2012,26(5):65-75
本文以长江三角洲地区(以下简称长三角)和珠江三角洲地区(以下简称珠三角)9个优秀旅游城市为例,利用结构方程模型和4586份现场调查数据,探讨沿海城市游客满意度的内在机制、指数水平和IPA提升战略等规律性特征。研究发现,沿海不同城市和地区间游客满意度的内在机制具有"基本一致"的规律,而长三角游客满意度的指数水平相对强于珠三角。应以改善涉旅行业现场服务为核心,因地制宜地提升沿海城市游客满意度。  相似文献   
From the inauguration of the Mutual Defense Assistance Program (MDAP) in 1950, until its termination in the early 1960s, Norway was among the main European beneficiaries of military assistance from the United States. Previous research on this subject has mainly seen the MDAP from the perspective of the recipient, analysing what effect the influx of large amounts of equipment had for the shape and development of the Norwegian Armed Forces. This article discusses the motives for US military assistance to Norway, and analyses this activity as an expression of US Cold War objectives concerning Norway and NATO’s northern flank. The article also explores how these objectives influenced policy making relevant to military assistance, and gives particular attention to the role of US representatives in Oslo. These actors played an important role in highlighting the political and strategic benefits of extensive aid to Norway.  相似文献   
In 1953 Israel abandoned the ‘defensive–offensive’ military strategy that it had adopted four years earlier, in the wake of the First Arab–Israeli War, in favor of an ‘offensive–defensive’ military strategy that, to a large extent, persists until this day. This paper, which employs previously untapped Israeli official documents, personal interviews, memoirs, biographies, and secondary sources, casts new light on this critical juncture in the history of Israel and the Arab–Israeli conflict. The paper challenges existing works by showing when and how Israel's ‘offensive–defensive’ military strategy was adopted. More specifically, the authors argue that it was the Israel Defense Forces (IDF), especially its planning bodies - and not the Prime Minister and Defense Minister, David Ben Gurion, or the IDF's Chief of Staff, Lieutenant General Moshe Dayan - that initiated this change, and that the new strategy met no objection when it was discussed and approved by the Israeli government. The authors also inquire about the possible implications of this change for Israel and the Arab–Israeli conflict, and ask how this case informs general debates regarding the origins of military strategies.  相似文献   
This article examines the emergence of ion implantation as a major semiconductor manufacturing process from the early 1960s through the late 1970s. Ion implantation techniques originated in nuclear physics research and were first employed to make solar cells for military satellites at the Ion Physics Corporation (IPC). This work at IPC inspired a research group at Sprague Electric to use ion implantation techniques to make transistors. Sprague's process development work, and its key finding that ion implantation enabled the control of critical transistor characteristics, were both exploited by Mostek, a semiconductor start‐up funded by Sprague. Mostek's engineers incorporated ion implantation into their manufacturing process to produce a string of integrated circuits that other firms could not make. Mostek's market success encouraged semiconductor firms to embrace ion implantation in the early and mid 1970s. By the end of the decade, ion implantation was used in the manufacture of virtually all advanced integrated circuits. This article improves our understanding of the development and adoption of semiconductor, and more generally high technology, manufacturing processes. It also advances our knowledge of the ways in which new technologies developed in the Cold War context made their way into the manufacturing economy.  相似文献   
The Danish Atomic Energy Commission (AEK) was created in 1955 with the remit to promote ‘the peaceful exploitation of atomic energy for the benefit of society.’ Between 1956 and 1963 the AEK, which had been preceded by a number of early private nuclear initiatives, established an ambitious atomic energy research facility at Risø, some 40 kilometers west of Copenhagen. For most of this period the AEK was chaired by the celebrated physicist Niels Bohr. In spite of strong support from relevant actors in Danish society and Risø’s management, Denmark never built commercial nuclear power stations. Today Risø has undergone a complete metamorphosis from atomic energy research facility to a national laboratory, doing research and development on a broad range of alternative energy sources. Using concepts and approaches like national innovation systems and technological nationalism, the present paper will explore why and how this remarkable development took place.  相似文献   
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