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A noted specialist on the Russian economy presents an assessment of the impact of the global financial crisis on the mechanism of the country's economic growth. Focusing on the demand side of the economic ledger, the author explores the question of whether Russia will be able to re-attain the high economic growth rates of the period from 2000 to 2007 after recovering from the crisis. The paper analyzes the sharp drop in production in 2008 and the first quarter of 2009, attributing most of the damage to liquidity problems and declines in the price of oil. Empirical evidence is based primarily on data collected by the author from the Central Bank of Russia and the country's federal bureau of statistics (Rosstat). Journal of Economic Literature, Classification Numbers: E010, E200, E660, F210, G010. 11 figures, 3 tables, 29 references.  相似文献   
Two specialists on Russia's minerals industries examine the evidence supporting the argument that the Russian mining conglomerate Noril'sk Nickel can be viewed as a global company. Included among the criteria they assess are the geographic dispersion of the company's markets and operations, the diversified and multinational character of its ownership, whether it has matched the performance standards set by its major international competitors, and the effect of the company's ownership presence on the management style of its foreign operations. A particular focus is on how an ongoing conflict between two major Russian oligarch shareholders (Vladimir Potanin and Oleg Deripaska) has shaped Noril'sk Nickel's ownership and management structure, which is characterized by the continued (background) presence of the state, the lack of any organized policy for training a multinational management cohort, and the absence of a major block of foreign shareholders. In the end, they conclude that Noril'sk Nickel is not a genuinely global but rather a Tier-1 Russian company, albeit one with a global scale of operations.  相似文献   
荀子与霍布斯都从现实性上也即“人情论”的立场上来观察和把握了“人性恶”的事实,都意识到人性恶的肆意膨胀和发展会导致社会乃至整个世界体系的无序和混乱。然而,在如何限制人性之恶进而去构筑良好社会秩序的对策上,荀子强调“礼教”,霍布斯注重“理法”。荀子要达到的是“王道社会”,霍布斯欲建立的是“理性和正义的国家”,虽理想有别,但目的都是为了实现人与人以及人与社会的和谐相处。  相似文献   
肖小华 《攀登》2008,27(6):30-32
干部培训的地位和性质决定了党性教育是其永恒的主题。加强现阶段的干部培训工作,必须针对新的形势和任务,必须针对干部培训对象的变化,必须注重教育内容和方式的创新,以增强干部党性教育的时代感、针对性和有效性。  相似文献   
The conservation in situ of underwater archaeological heritage is a highly stimulating subject for both archaeologist and conservator as it permits planning and experimentation of new treatment methods opening up new possibilities for conservation, protection and scientific research. This paper offers some remarks on this subject and shows the experience of some Italian underwater archaeological parks.  相似文献   
邓小平在人与自然关系的主体方面,主张控制人口,主要涉及绿色发展的人口与资源协调发展观;在人与自然关系的客体要素方面,倡行植树造林,内含了绿色发展的生态安全观、群众主体观和持续绿化观;在协调人与自然关系的支撑条件方面,强调科教对经济建设和环境建设的先导作用,突出立法建制对环保事业发展的保障作用,蕴含有绿色发展的科技观、教育观和法制观。总结和研究邓小平绿色发展思想,对于深入把握当代中国马克思主义绿色发展观的历史与理论逻辑,贯彻落实党的十八大以来关于生态文明建设的新认识、新设计、新规范,实现美丽中国梦具有重要意义。  相似文献   
保持共产党员先进性长效机制初探   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
费雅君 《攀登》2005,24(3):5-9
始终保持共产党员的先进性,是保持我们党长期执政的前提和基础。要保持党的先进性,必须建立保持共产党员先进性的长效机制。该从形成党员教育培训机制、健全党员目标管理机制、建立党员激励惩处机制、完善党员队伍吐故纳新机制、完善对党员的党内外监督机制等六个方面,对这一问题进行了探讨。  相似文献   
孟子认为人区别于禽兽的只是“人性善”,它源于人类共有的同情之心。因为人特有理性精神——反思能力,人人可以发现自己的“本心”,人人也可以成为“尧舜”。“人性善”是孟子“仁政”学说的基石。然而把“人性善”作为“平天下”功业的起点,也使其诞生之日起就有了巨大的消极意义。可是,现代人视人性为物质生活,社会生活等等所决定,也使人类为了从精神家园逃离,失去了生存的终极意义。把“人性善”作为终极的价值理性或许可以拯救这一现代病。  相似文献   
可持续发展思想史述评   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张二勋  秦耀辰 《史学月刊》2003,(11):109-116
可持续发展是人类与自然关系认知史上的一次重大转折和飞跃,是人类痛定思痛后的明智抉择。人类对于人与自然关系的认知,经历了人和自然的原始统一、农业文明时代朴素的“天人合一”、工业文明时代人与自然的冲突和生态文明时代人与自然的和谐统一等几个主要阶段。可持续发展是人类的理想与追求,也是人类生存、延续和发展的必由之路。  相似文献   
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