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词是音义的结合体,音义关系是词汇研究中的一个重要问题。我国历代语言学家都十分重视对音义关系的探索与研究,唐代初年名语言学家颜师古就是其中一位,他在其《汉书注、《匡谬正俗》等作中充分运用音同,音义同,声相近,声之转等方法来辨通假,推求事物命名之意,贯通异形词。其因声求义的观念是明确的,方法是科学的。可以说,颜师古的因声求义已开清代以声音通训诂方法的先河。了解并研究颜师古因声求义的实践与理论,对汉语词汇史以至中国语言学史,都有重要意义。  相似文献   
The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) used suku (speaking bitterness) in ideological education movements to teach subaltern women to give voice to their personal narratives of oppression in accordance with Maoist political doctrine. Suku is thus a historically specific practice and a culturally specific form of women’s narrative practice. By listening to and observing the post-Mao suku narrative performance of my grandmother, a retired State-Owned Enterprise (SOE) worker, I show that her suku is a gendered performance, a form of labor that blurs production and reproduction, and a form of embedded personhood; and that suku as a form of narrative persisted through the period of economic reforms, even though its intent and audience became transformed. My kin relationship with this particular suku performance allows an analysis of the impact of suku on cross-generational relationships—those between first-generation SOE workers and laid-off SOE workers in former SOE families. Furthermore, I argue that suku can be seen as a form of labor and self-valorization of Chinese women workers discarded in the new economy, and contrary to its original disciplinary purposes, as a form of resistance.  相似文献   
Based on a newly constructed set of data, this paper offers a quantitative perspective on the Nationalist Government’s relations with China’s domestic bond markets during the period 1932–34. For all the recent revisionist scholarship on the achievements of Nationalist state-building, the perception of the Nationalist elite as corrupt is still widely accepted. In order to demonstrate the empirical potential of quantitative financial history, this paper tests one particular assertion: that members of the Nationalist elite manipulated the issue price of domestic government bonds in order to enrich themselves and their associates. We test this by calculating two price data correlations: that of a first sample of government bonds, all of them issued before 1932, and that of a second sample of government bonds, which includes bonds issued during the period under review. The price fluctuations of the first sample are correlated with each other to a much higher degree than those of the second sample. This indicates that the prices of bonds in the first sample were reacting similarly to the same range of influences, while the bonds issued during the period under review and included in the second sample were displaying individual price fluctuations. One possible explanation for this is that members of the Nationalist elite enriched themselves or their associates by issuing domestic government bonds at artificially low prices. In sum, the article illustrates both the potential and the limitations of quantitative history: it allows us to test and dismiss a precisely formulated hypothesis about Nationalist corruption, but it is only one possible way in which statistical analysis can be applied and does not cover the whole realm of state practices.  相似文献   
于民 《安徽史学》2006,(2):108-115
复辟时期是英国财政与税收史上的一个重要转型时代.长期以来,西方学界对复辟时期的财政与税收进行了深入探究.总体性、贯通性研究和专题性研究都成果斐然.研究主要集中在复辟王权财政状况、财政收入的税收和非税收构成、财政管理、复辟时期财政税收的性质和地位等方面.此外,还有一些学者从不同维度对复辟时期的财政税收展开研究,亦取得了不少研究成果.  相似文献   
储著武 《安徽史学》2006,39(2):120-128
20年代的中国近代史研究呈现出一种畸形的发展状况。近代史研究不被时人看重,但却有不少近代史著述出版。到1928年,通过对近代史史料的整理工作,由斯而发,罗家伦明确提出了要科学地研究中国近代史,开启了近代史研究的新局面;从史学史的角度对这些近代史著述的特点作出总结,知人论世,可以窥见20年代近代史研究的状况。  相似文献   
陈立柱 《安徽史学》2006,2(6):20-25
1、中国考古学者的编史倾向使其对炎帝问题的研究表现出浓厚的兴趣,发表了大量的相关论著,但考察他们的研究可以看出,他们并没有提供任何可以"确证"为炎帝的遗物,仅是根据某些考古理论与材料提出种种假设,以考古学为基础重建的"古史"目前还看不出多少"史"的意味.2、历史学界关于炎帝也提出了多种看法,彼此之间争论不休,稍作分析即可看出也都是因为对待材料与证据的态度不同引出的.3、依据现代历史观念,不是所有资料全都可以成为历史证据的,只有那些能"确证"过去发生的事情的记述与文物才具备历史证据的资格.重新检视目前已有的历史观,即历史真实如何可能或意味着什么的问题,才是解决相关研究出现混乱与矛盾的根本所在.  相似文献   
The archaeological interpretation of past land management practices can be greatly enhanced through examination of soil thin sections. Features relating to manuring practice are among those key to interpreting agricultural practices. The sources and the processes leading to the distribution of these manure materials may further improve knowledge of the past landscape utilisation. The use of quantitative analyses to examine soil thin sections opens the possibility of considering these relationships between manured areas in greater detail and to extract more subtle spatial and temporal changes in past management. In this study the validation of this methodology has been tested with quantitative image analysis methods used to examine manure inputs to a well-documented historical landscape of Papa Stour, Shetland, where intensive manuring has been practised until the 1960s. By using both historic and ethnographic evidence to validate the image analysis protocol, differences in spatial and temporal distribution are examined for the practices of manuring with both fuel residues and with turf. The validation of the hypotheses expected from ethnographic and historical data that quantitative soils-based evidence allows the definition of variations in manuring strategies and provides a more secure basis from which to interpret manuring management strategies in archaeological landscapes.  相似文献   
当今,无论在研究领域还是教学领域,世界历史都成为最重要的议题之一。人们可以真切地感受到有关世界体系的历史研究取得了长足发展。这一新趋势削弱了传统的中、小学历史教学,传统历史教学建立在种族中心主义方法基础之上,被民族国家用于加强民族集体认同(通常与其他国家相对立)。与此相反,新的世界历史教学可以被视为一种开展不同文化间教育和加强世界主义的手段。这里建议世界历史课程计划以概念、空间和时间这三重框架为基础。概念框架集中于两个主题:人类社会的演进及其相互交往;空间框架可以持续利用与主题有关的球体投影图来展示;时间框架由基于9个时代的历史分期连接起来,另附一个时期论述未来前景。  相似文献   
古史辨派的史学遗产与中国上古史体系的建设   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
沈长云 《史学集刊》2006,(4):97-103
以顾颉刚为首的古史辨派是我国20世纪20-40年代古史研究的主要派别,对我国史学尤其是上古史研究影响深远。疑古精神、对进步史观的积极追求与接纳的态度、对古史资料考信而后用之的原则、注重历史与考古研究结合的治史方法,以及建设新古史体系的设想,是古史辨派留给我们的史学遗产。新古史体系的建设道路并不平坦,搞好新古史体系建设较为根本的对策就是在总结和继承古史辨派优秀史学遗产的基础上,坚持理论创新,切实加强考古学家与历史学家的沟通与合作。  相似文献   
战国秦汉城市人口结构初探--以农民问题为中心   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
宋仁桃 《史学月刊》2006,(5):108-114
伴随着中国古代城市的发展,城内居民的构成也在不断地发生变化。城最初是军事防御的城堡,居民以农人为主。随着经济的发展和市场的兴盛,春秋战国时的城市居民主要被划分为士、农、工、商四类,但农民一直都是主体。两汉时仍然延续着战国的传统,但在交换经济和土地兼并的破坏下,大量农民丧失了土地,沦为流民或大土地所有者的依附民,城内农业人口的数量不断趋于下降,但短期内还不会完全被排挤在城墙之外。  相似文献   
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