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金朝防灾救灾思想,主要体现在以下几方面:重农思想;广积粮储、崇尚节俭的备荒思想;维护自然生态平衡的和谐的自然观;唯心主义的天命观等方面。金代的防灾救灾思想,既有其积极的唯物主义成分,也有消极的唯心主义成分,体现出封建时代的特点。  相似文献   
在新石器时代文化研究中,农业革命和城市革命的理论认识早就普遍接受。但把农业革命作为新石器时代革命的基本内容,仍不能充分解释旧石器时代向新石器时代的过渡问题。在农业革命之前,还应存在着以资源开发为目的、以居住方式变革为重要途径的居住革命,即发达的新石器时代文化曾经历过的三次革命性变化。  相似文献   
The nature and quality of representation in public participation is crucial to reaching acceptable environmental decisions that can be implemented. Ten case studies of natural resource management groups involved in agriculture in south western Australia were conducted at four spatial scales—state, regional, land conservation district (shire or county), and subcatchment. Qualitative analysis identified the desirable qualities of representatives, and then compared perceptions of current practice at the four scales against these ideals. Desirable qualities were being an active participant, competency (skills and knowledge), credibility, adopting the group identity and commitment, communicating outside the group, having established social networks, and an ability to function in multiple roles. Analysis across scales suggests that for groups at broader spatial scales of organizing, such as the state level, representation was closer to achieving the desired qualities than at other scales. This finding is contrary to much of the current rhetoric in natural resource management, and environmental management more generally, that "local is better." The article concludes with some thoughts as to why this is the case, suggesting that the success or otherwise of representation, and the public participation in which representatives are involved, is influenced not only by the scale of decision making but also by how representatives are selected and what they are expected to achieve.  相似文献   
王利红 《史学月刊》2006,99(6):69-76
对人类命运的关注是希罗多德《历史》最突出的主题。这个主题的形成与他所处的时代氛围密切相关。古希腊自然哲学直接启发了希罗多德对命运的思考,史诗和悲剧更进一步促成了他对人类命运的关注和同情。希罗多德敏锐地把握到了命运的变化无常,作品着力于人物命运的书写,传达了历史的变易意识。命运对希罗多德而言,既是变化不定、不可把握和预测的,又是命中注定、无从逃脱的,一切生灭变化导致了命运的无常,命运本身就是变化,就是无常,无常是命运的永恒特性。他对命运的思考既充满了哲学的深邃,又力显史家情怀,诗家笔法。这使得他的《历史》历久弥新,吸引着一代代的史家和普通读者。因为命运不拘何时,总是牵动着人心,人类面对的根本问题从未改变。  相似文献   
The relationships between traditional Aboriginal land owners and other Park users in Kakadu National Park in the Northern Territory are characterised by competing agendas and competing ideas about appropriate ways of relating to the environment. Similarly, the management of recreational fishing in the Park is permeated by the tensions and opposition of contested ideas and perspectives from non‐Aboriginal fishers and Aboriginal traditional owners. The local know‐ledge and rights of ‘Territorians’[non‐Aboriginal Northern Territory residents] are continually pitted against the local knowledge and rights of Aboriginal traditional owners. Under these circumstances, debates between non‐Aboriginal fishers and Aboriginal traditional owners are overwhelmingly dominated by the unequal power relationships created through an alliance between science and the State. The complex and multi‐dimensional nature of Aboriginal traditional owners’ concerns for country renders these concerns invisible or incomprehensible to government, science and non‐Aboriginal fishers who are each guided by very different epistemic commitments. It is a state of affairs that leaves the situated knowledge of Aboriginal traditional owners with a limited authority in the non‐Aboriginal domain and detracts from their ability to manage and care for their homelands.
明代东南地区的海潮灾害   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
海潮灾害是古往今来危害人类生命和财产安全的主要灾害之一。明代我国东南地区是海潮灾害频发的地区。海潮灾害主要是由台风引起的,多发生在阳历的6月至11月间;和一般的水灾相比,海潮灾害具有突发性和狂暴性的特点,因而更容易造成大的危害。明代海潮灾害不仅吞噬大量生灵。还淹没农田。冲毁房舍。毁坏盐场。造成极大的财产损失。明代对海潮灾害的救治和防范措施有赈灾、蠲免和加固海塘以及佥补灶丁等。  相似文献   
试论古代中国书法与地理环境   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
中国书法作为一种独特的文化艺术现象,其形成与发展和地理环境密切相关。本文通过对古代中国地理位置的闭塞性、自然环境南北差异性、人文环境中特有的汉字与毛笔因素以及人文环境内部的复杂性的分析研究,论述了古代中国书法形成与发展的基础,揭示了中国书法封闭稳定性、南北差异性、风格多样性与地理环境(自然环境和人文环境)的客观关联。  相似文献   
殷都安阳兴衰的地理因素探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
周书灿 《人文地理》2006,21(5):70-73,60
殷都安阳的兴起和发展与安阳一带相对优越的自然环境和农业、交通、人口、历史文化基础等地理因素有着较为密切的关系。商晚期以后,安阳的衰落与安阳一带的自然环境趋于恶化,政治中心转移,经济衰退及军事防守方面的缺陷和漕运不便等地理因素有关。  相似文献   
世纪之交中国文化和自然遗产保护与利用的关系   总被引:19,自引:2,他引:17  
世界遗产具有很高的自然科学和历史文化价值。由于自然力对世界遗产的长期破坏和20世纪的工业化进程的影响,一项旨在保护全人类共同文化和自然遗产的《世界遗产公约》应运而生。世纪之交,中国的世界遗产和国家级遗产(国家级风景名胜区)也正面临着无节制的旅游开发行为的巨大威胁。本文以泰山索道工程为例,提出运用最低安全标准(SMS)界定遗产地保护与利用两者之间的度。文章指出,遗产价值的挖掘将随着社会的发展逐渐被深入下去,功能分区是处理当前遗产地保护与利用关系的可行手段。  相似文献   
论城市化发展的自然资源基础   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
我国正在实施可持续发展战略与城市化战略。城市化发展离不开自然资源基础,并对自然资源基础产生一系列复杂、深远的影响。本文首先阐释了城市化发展的自然资源基础的基本内涵,即资源供需矛盾是城市化的内在动力,资源稀缺与替代是对城市化自然资源基础保障作用的演绎与强化,资源综合优势是城市化持续发展的根本保证。同时提出自然资源对城市化发展的基础作用包括三种类型,即资源开发驱动型,资源结构制约型以及资源环境耦合型。并从资源开发、利用与管理等角度提出合理利用与保护自然资源基础,促进城市化持续健康发展的对策。  相似文献   
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