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李民 《史学月刊》2003,(9):22-24
关于西周时期蔡国的始封问题,至今仍是史学界所关注的一个重要学术课题,它既涉及到对周初的大分封,又涉及周初“三监”的一些历史的探索。根据所见到的历史文献以及相关考古资料的分析,西周初年武王伐纣之后,封蔡叔度为蔡国之君,并委任为“二监”之一。但此时,蔡叔度并未就国,只是在中央王朝委派的“三监”任职,后来由于“三监”叛周,遂被流放至死。其子蔡仲由于能“克慎”、“改行”而被复封于蔡,成为实际上就国的第一代国君。  相似文献   
杨秀清是太平天国的重要领导人物,在他的生前死后,或得加官进爵,或得追封头衔,使其职爵衔由初期的7个字发展到中期的19个字,直至死后追封到41个字。这些不同时期的头衔各有内涵,它既反映出杨秀清地位的变化,又从一个侧面反映出太平天国历史的变化,对其细加考释,有助于加深对太平天国历史的理解。  相似文献   
牌坊与徽州文化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
牌坊与民居、祠堂并誉为徽州"古建三绝".作为建筑艺术与人文精神交融的产物,牌坊不但是中国古典建筑的代表,更直观体现了社会伦理文化.明清时期徽州建造了大量的牌坊,这是经济因素、乡土礼法和宗法制度综合作用的结果.  相似文献   
Revised theoretical constructs and an enlarged database allow substantive revisions to a processual accounting of greater Cahokia. Measures of political consolidation, demographic nucleation, central transformations, and centrifugal dispersions reveal the form, scale, and developmental trajectory of greater Cahokia to have been highly centralized, regional, and punctuated by abrupt and pervasive social changes, respectively. Social restructuring, political rituals, and large-scale labor mobilizations are recognizable among the archaeological remains, as are the pre-Mississippian traditions that tempered regional government. Greater Cahokia was a product of local agricultural populations dominated and accommodated over three centuries. The processes of domination and accommodation, occurring at a time when regional administration was not yet commonplace, left unmistakable regional and panregional signatures.  相似文献   
This article presents a case study aimed at identifying the success factors and the effects of a collaboration between architecture students and an Indigenous community. This exercise, which is part of a multi-year collaborative relationship, was carried out within the framework of an urban design workshop led by the School of Architecture of Laval University and the Innu community of Uashat mak Mani-utenam, which is close to the city of Sept-Îles, Quebec. The expansion of the community and the development of residential areas were at the heart of this collaborative effort. The analysis of the evolution of the different versions of the development plans, in the light of Innu development criteria, highlights the positive contributions of the workshop, particularly with regard to the community program and the tectonic symbolism. Nevertheless, the maintenance of the status quo is noted with respect to the location and respect for natural elements. Testimonials from key players involved in the project illustrate the authentic nature of the partnership between the research group “Habitats and Cultures” and the community. The quality of the relationship between the researchers and the Innu partners, the duration of the partnership over time, and the promotion of Innu cultural knowledge have favoured the success of the partnership.  相似文献   
For centuries, transferring ownership of land under common law was a slow, complex process requiring the construction of a chain of paper deeds evidencing multiple decades of prior possession. In 1858, colonist Robert Torrens developed a new system for the transfer of land in South Australia, where the land was understood by colonial powers as ‘new’ and without history. With the intention of making land a liquid asset, Torrens’ system of title registration shifted the legal basis of title from a history of prior possession to a singular act of registration. Analysing the structure and effects of title registration, engaging with interdisciplinary work on time, and taking H.G Wells’ iconic time travel novella as a point of departure, I argue that title registries can usefully be understood as time machines. Like the machine H.G Wells imagined, title registries use fiction to facilitate fantastical journeys in which the subject is radically temporally dislocated from the material constraints of history. As with time machines, it tends to be a transcendental white male subject who is most likely to survive this dislocation. While based on fiction, the impacts of title registries are very much real, facilitating humanity’s arrival at racist, dystopic landscapes in the here and now.  相似文献   
本文介绍了明清时期的一些重要的私家藏书解题目录,指出私家解题目录对于研究中国学术史有重要意义。  相似文献   
《列女传》现存104篇,每篇均有四字标题。标题的拟定具有以下三条规律:第一,虽然是“列女”传记,但标题的命名却以依附于男子得名者为多数,纯以女子自己的名字直接作为标题的情况极少。第二,凡是传中女性得到国君的嘉奖赐名者,都会将这一赐名用于该篇的标题。第三,基本上每个标题的首字均为国名或地名以显示其所在区域,这种地名都是妇女出嫁后夫家所在地的地名。  相似文献   
Spatial metaphors that presuppose exclusion and separation rather than interaction and co‐existence dominated in representations of landscape on Australian frontiers prior to the 1990s legal, parliamentary and social recognition of native title. Metaphors of co‐existence have emerged from the public debate about native title. This constitutes a major challenge to previously hegemonic ideas that indigenous Australians were marginal to the Australian national identity. This paper reviews the implications of metaphors used to represent frontiers, borders, boundaries, edges and complex relations within and between indigenous and non‐indigenous territories in Australia. It argues that the liminal notion of co‐existence unsettles many of the hidden legacies of colonial exploitation infecting Australian geographical imaginations to the detriment of reconciliation and sustainability. This opens avenues for geographers to address the burdens the discipline carries from its roles in creating geographies of exclusion.  相似文献   
1982年诸暨陶朱山东麓桃花岭发现一座南宋纪年墓,出土了青铜器、银器、漆器、瓷器、水晶、砚台、墓志等各类文物50余件。本文结合此前在桃花岭陆续出土的几方墓志作一综合考察,对墓志涉及的人名、地名和人物关系作了初步分析,认为桃花岭发现的南宋纪年墓为与赵宋皇室有着密切关系的廖虞弼家族墓中的一座。这批考古材料的发现,为研究宋代的墓葬制度等提供了重要的实物例证。  相似文献   
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