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第三代中央领导集体国际战略初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
冷战结束以后 ,面对西方国家的联合制裁和苏东剧变 ,第三代中央领导集体坚持独立自主的外交立场 ,采取灵活多样的外交手段 ,打破西方国家的联合制裁 ;冷静分析苏联解体后的国际局势 ,积极实施全方位外交战略方针 ,为社会主义现代化建设营造良好的外部环境 ;全面改善和调整大国关系 ,谋求面向 2 1世纪的新型伙伴关系的建立 ;面对经济全球化的趋势 ,实施积极主动参与和趋利避害相结合的国际战略方针 ,积极倡导和推动国际政治经济新秩序 ,将一个生机勃勃、在国际上有着举足轻重作用的社会主义中国带进了新世界的门槛  相似文献   
建国初期 ,随着朝鲜战争的发展 ,我国国防战略在不断变化。本文着重论述了把以解放台湾为最终目标的积极进攻战略转为在东南沿海地区实行防卫战略的变化与积极防御战略形成的问题  相似文献   
本文分析了世界文化遗产平遥古城的旅游市场区位特征,研究了平遥旅游市场的时空分布规律、旅游市场行为特征、旅游后评价及满意度等旅游需求特征,规划了平遥旅游市场的细分目标,制定了平遥古城应扩大市场影响范围、统一促销口号、拓宽促销范围、强化促销手段和明确促销对象的旅游市场开发策略,提出了平遥古城作为中国旅游温点地区的采取调整旅游消费结构、建立合理市场结构,发挥客源市场共存、减轻旅游"瓶颈",形成紧密旅游网络、提高产品文化品格,加快旅游国际进程、建设中国旅游强县的可持续发展战略。  相似文献   
甘肃经济空间结构的现状、问题与战略选择   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
聂华林  赵超 《人文地理》2003,18(4):32-36
区域经济空间结构和产业结构一样是不断发展变化的经济结构,具有向合理化和高级化变化的趋势。本文从区域经济空间结构要素的角度详细的考察了甘肃城市体系、交通体系和经济集中区的情况。其次,重点分析了甘肃经济空间结构的特征及其问题,得出了许多有意义的结论。最后,通过把区域经济空间结构理论与甘肃具体省情相结合,提出了甘肃"大十字"经济空间结构的发展战略,同时分析了实施这种发展战略的意义。  相似文献   
中国西部开发研究评述   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文在改革开放以来我国东西部经济发展差距日益扩大的地区经济发展格局下,在充分吸收前人研究成果和参阅大量文献的基础上,对改革开放二十年以来我国学术界对西部开发的研究著作、西部开发中关于东西部经济发展差距拉大的原因、西部经济开发战略、西部产业结构调整、西部开发的经济布局、西部开发中对外开放和区际贸易等问题一一做了评述,指出了西部开发研究工作中取得的成绩和今后研究中可资注意的有关问题。  相似文献   
泉州市城市化发展战略的新思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
唐礼智  汤建中 《人文地理》2002,17(2):23-26,81
面对新时期泉州市城市化发展环境的改变,制定切实可行的城市化发展战略显得尤为迫切。本文首先通过对泉州市人均GDP、人均国民收入与城市化相互关系的分析,初步判断泉州的城市化发展目前正处于迅速集聚阶段。进而提出,泉州应构筑以城市为中心,以中心城为核心的现代化城镇体系。在具体建设模式上,把中心城建成富有竞争力的特大城市,从而培育地区增长极、提升区域综合竞争力以及优化中心城功能结构;以"新城"模式建设各县城,使其成为城市化过程中人口和产业集聚的重要基地;按小城市模式建设中心镇,以构筑地区增长极和建设现代企业载体。  相似文献   
Historians are generally coy and diffident when it comes to engaging with the moral question despite it being a critical aspect of doing history. However, historians of empire cannot evade the moral question given the ethical dilemmas that imperialism posed for the men at its helm. To portray the colonists as hypocrites is too facile and cynical an explanation. So, what allowed the British colonists to manage the conscience that they indeed possessed? As Priya Satia boldly argues in Time's Monster: How History Makes History, the answer to this question resides in historicism, which became the new ethical idiom from the nineteenth century onward. It enabled the British colonists to assuage their conscience and made the empire an ethically thinkable reality. It helped whitewash colonial violence and generate public acceptance for colonization. The historians’ power lay in anointing history as providence and in using it to paper over the cracks in the British conscience. Being able to narrate was itself a manifestation of power. It was only after the Second World War that history renounced its pact with power and a reimagination of the historical idiom emerged. Various shades of South Asian and Caribbean anti-colonial leaders and postcolonial writers began to think beyond the historicist category of the empire. These efforts to dismantle the empire's historical narratives were paralleled by the writings of British historian E. P. Thompson, although he remained tied to the idea of history as progress. The moral question, however, remains unsettled. It endures for present-day historians because the teleserials, nostalgic period dramas, and “great men” histories continue to hold sway over the public mind, generate debates about the “benefits” of the empire, and feed Britain's anti-immigrant sentiments. Satia's book lies at the intersection of three sets of historiographies—histories of British political thought, postcolonial writings that highlight alternate conceptions of the past and the significance of orality, memory, and community history, and, lastly, histories of violence—all of which engage the moral question in some form or another.  相似文献   
Our project uses the narrative policy framework (NPF) to explore narrative effects on attitudes about transgender rights. The framework focuses on the stories that are told about public policy. As opposed to conceptualizing communications as informational, NPF suggests that getting lost in the story is primary for attitude change. We also incorporate a perspective taking exercise to examine its effects on individual attitudes. Using an experiment on 1784 American adults, we found that individuals who received the inclusive transgender policy narrative by either watching or reading the narrative held views more supportive of transgender rights, with the effect greater for watching than reading. Those who experienced greater narrative transportation, being more lost in the story, reported more supportive attitudes. We further find that those with traits that lead them to become more imaginatively involved in stories occasionally are more greatly affected by watching policy narratives than those who are less imaginatively involved. However, perspective taking did not influence attitudes and weakened the treatment effects of the narratives. Our findings suggest stories can affect policy attitudes and beliefs, which may be conceptually distinct from traditional framing-based accounts and implies distinctive causal mechanisms that result in attitude change.  相似文献   
城镇化问题是当代中国社会经济发展的综合性课题,也是涉及到我国国民经济各部门如何协调发展,达到一个新的现代化和谐社会发展的根本问题:新型城镇化是以人为本,强调市民化和公共服务均等化,实现中国城镇化健康稳定发展的关键。本文从新型城镇化发展背景,五大发展策略与实施长远目标的关键措施,论证了我国大城市群地区的新型城镇化建设方针、路径与方法措施,探索中国新型城镇化的理论与实践问题。同时,从国情特点、城乡统筹、产业转型、区域协调、资源环境统筹视角出发,对我国城镇化的合理进程、规模建设与规划布局以及环境生态保护等重大问题,进行了综合性、区域性的研究探索,对我们深入的理解中央有关新型城镇化一系列方针政策理论具有重要指导意义与实际价值。  相似文献   
叶丹  张京祥 《人文地理》2015,30(5):57-64
基于米歇尔·德赛图的日常生活实践的视角,结合列斐伏尔的空间生产理论(空间生产的三个层次),建立"战略/战术-空间生产"的分析框架,以宁波市孔浦街区为例,通过对权力主体和弱势群体(流动人口和失地农民)之间规训——抵制的空间实践分析,解释非正规空间的生产过程:施加于日常的支配、压制和规训与来自日常的抵抗构成非正规空间生产的核心机制。研究表明,在"增长主义"发展模式之下的中国,地方政府成为非正规空间的主要塑造者,而被固化在非正规空间中的弱势群体为了生存,通过灵活的日常生活实践对空间进行重构,进一步加剧非正规空间的非正规化。  相似文献   
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