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1935年遵义会议后,陈云帮助中共与共产国际保持着良好关系。在延安,他建立起 一套人事制度,培养了党内的一批青年知识分子。在东北,第二次世界大战后他在小城市和农村建 立了共产党的根据地,对赢得东北的军事胜利发挥了重大作用。1949-1952年,他主持恢复了国 民经济秩序。1953-1957年,他成功地制定和执行了第一个五年计划,从事建设和工业发展。尽 管他作了努力,但仍未能阻止"大跃进",但是当毛泽东给他施展才能的机会时,他使国家从严重 的政策错误中恢复过来。1978年后,他的谨慎与专长使改革置于坚实的基础之上,他致力于平反 干部的冤假错案从而有助于改革开放的成功。陈云受到很多党员的爱戴,这不仅是因为他的巨大成 就,而且是因为他对国家和党的鞠躬尽瘁的精神和无限忠诚,对其他党员的真诚和爱护以及他朴素 谦逊的生活作风。  相似文献   
上世纪90年代以来,日本政府在环境基本法和环境基本计划的框架下推进了循环社会建设,新世纪以来通过实施《循环社会基本法》和《循环社会基本计划》,继续推进了循环社会建设。同时,环境立国战略也对循环社会建设提出了新的要求。第二次《循环社会基本计划》强调了建设循环社会的紧迫性和新课题,提出了2015年前的任务、目标、政策方向和政策措施。日本循环社会建设取得了初步成效,积累了有益的经验,可供我国学习、参考和借鉴。  相似文献   
国内学者在运用现象学方法研究旅游现象时,由于未能对旅游体验等概念进行现象学的澄清,导致旅游现象学研究始终在心理学意义上进行。本文运用现象学方法对旅游体验、旅游体验的整体性、旅游世界和生活世界以及旅游体验的自身构成等问题进行了现象学分析,并与目前代表性观点就上述问题的方法论进行商榷。本文认为,旅游世界从本源上讲是由形式上不在场、但本质上又时时牵扯在场的生活世界及其"资粮"构造并呈现着自身,旅游体验则是在异地场的非谋生实践体验与生活世界积淀的体验相互激荡构成的境域中构造自身。只有这样,才能够达到真正意义上用"旅游学"的视角构建旅游学科体系。  相似文献   
Bibliometric analysis of osteoarchaeology publications covering the period 2001–2007 in leading journals was carried out. The aims were two‐fold: firstly, to characterise research in this field in the UK and make comparisons with selected other countries, and secondly, to shed light on the use of skeletal collections. It was found that, since a previous survey of this type,covering the period 1991–1995, isotopic and DNA studies have increased. In the UK, work on biodistance studies is minor compared with other countries, and the proportion of palaeopathology work is high. In palaeopathology, substantial effort continues to be devoted to case studies, particularly in the UK where the frequency of problem‐orientated work directed at understanding earlier populations has not increased since the early 1990s. Although it is argued that the case study still has a place in osteoarchaeology, the balance of work needs to shift further in favour of population studies, particularly in the UK. Skeletal collections are vital for primary osteoarchaeological work, and there was little evidence for any great use of skeletal databases such as the Standard Osteological Database. Skeletal collections from the UK were the most used for the research papers analysed, demonstrating the importance of UK‐held collections for research that leads to high profile publication in the international scientific literature. These observations are pertinent since legal, ethical and practical issues in the treatment of human remains, particularly those connected with retention of skeletal collections, are now coming under closer scrutiny in the UK. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
谢彦君  樊友猛 《人文地理》2017,32(4):129-137
身体理论的发展为旅游体验本质的探究提供了新的可能,国内外的研究开始关注人的某些感官体验,但作为一个整体的身体还极少得到审视。在梳理相关文献的基础上,采用身体地理学视角,对收集的徒步旅行游记和访谈进行扎根理论分析,提炼出24个范畴、7个主范畴和1个核心范畴,据此建立旅游体验本质模型。结果表明,徒步旅游体验本质上是一种具身化生成实践,即旅游者通过具体身体的参与,与旅游情境深度融合,寻求个体完善与成长的对象性活动。具体包括身体意识的唤醒、身心的浸入、与他人和自然的共在以及个体的生成等四种体验类型。这些体验主要通过旅游者由身体痛苦到精神快乐的逆向选择、具有仪式象征意义的行为表演和面向自我的反思性观照三种典型路径达到。在此过程中,作为整体的身体解除了规训和压制,展现出生动鲜活的样貌,迈向持续的生成之域。  相似文献   
The representation of history continues to evolve in the domain of museum exhibitions. This evolution is informed in part by the creation of new display methods—many of which depart from the traditional conventions used to achieve the "museum effect"—in part by an increased attention to the museum-visitor relationship. In this context the ethical force of bearing witness, at times a crucial aspect of the museum experience, has emerged as a particularly compelling issue. In seeking to represent and address atrocity, injustice, and the abrogation of human rights, museums have the potential to become "sites of conscience" and to encourage "historical consciousness." Through a series of three exhibitions devoted to slavery, the New-York Historical Society demonstrated how such sites can be constructed and how objects can be deployed to represent extreme or "limit cases." In this review/essay I investigate and interrogate these exhibitions, looking closely at the use of objects as a source of "indirect testimony" (Marc Bloch) and at the "dialogical situation" (Paul Ricoeur) that might arise in an encounter among objects, exhibit narratives, and visitors. Thinking in terms of point of view, I look at the variety of rhetorical platforms from which objects speak in these exhibitions; thinking in terms of syntax, I look at the effects of ordering and of the radical juxtaposition of objects; thinking in terms of irony, I look at the provocations of double-voiced narratives and at how objects are used to support those historical sentences.  相似文献   
2007年冬季在秦始皇兵马俑博物馆陶器库开展了室内大气污染系列采样工作,持续31天,使用Minivol便携式气溶胶采样仪采集了大气颗粒物样品(PM2.5),利用AreaRAE—IAQ(PGM5220)测定了库内的微气候特征。结果表明,冬季兵马俑陶器库中的PM2.5的平均质量浓度为76.1μg/m3,明显低于室外,PM25中水溶性离子主要由SO4^3-、NO^3-和NH4^+组成,与室外相同,表明库内污染物主要受室外控制,而且库内颗粒物偏酸性,库内温差较大,由于颗粒物偏酸性可能会对库内的陶器彩绘颜料中的碳酸钙、碳酸钡及硅酸铜钡等成分产生不利影响,颗粒物的悬浮与沉降也可能会对彩绘产生污损,此外库内剧烈的温度变化也可能会对彩绘陶器的保存带来不利影响。  相似文献   
博物馆的陈列与展览在保存传统文化方面发挥重要作用,要使展览收到好的效果,就要求文博人集思广益、精心设计,提供人性化的服务,以吸引更多的观众。  相似文献   
在人类各个技术发展阶段,技术与人的主体性之间互相消长,在数字博物馆建设中,文博工作容易出现傻瓜化倾向。为此,数字博物馆的建设应是文化创意的过程,在使用现代设备、系统、工作流程的同时,文博工作者要发挥自身的主体作用。  相似文献   
自然博物馆藏品中部分标本,在其被征集、研究、馆藏、展示过程中,不断积淀、附着重要的人文信息,成为具有文物特征的自然标本。然而,由于管理体制等原因,对于自然博物馆文物化标本尚缺乏科学管理办法,导致其重要的隐性人文信息得不到规范的管理和传播,不能凸现其实际科学研究价值。对此,应从自然博物馆及文物管理部门两方面入手,加强对具有文物特征标本的科学保护与管理。  相似文献   
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