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光绪三十四年(1908年)夏,地处皖南的徽州地区山洪暴发,徽州地方社会及流寓各地的徽籍人士就此次水灾及时展开了救助。本文以灾后救助所形成的征信录为主要资料,结合文集、徽州文书和地方志等有关史料,对此次灾害及其救助情形进行了探讨。文章首先结合受灾村庄的地理微环境,以赈灾款额为代资料揭示出灾情的空间分布,接着探讨了在晚清义赈兴起的大背景下,此次水灾的赈济过程和各赈灾机构的实际作用,并关注了赈灾款项与赈济物资的来源与比例,以期揭示在财政匮乏、政局动荡的晚清社会,随着邮政、报纸等新事物的发展,偏处一隅的徽州地区是如何应对这样一场突如其来的大水灾的。  相似文献   
安徽省“两山一湖”旅游区联动发展机制与对策研究   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
冯学钢 《人文地理》2003,18(1):19-23
文章认为 ,安徽省“两山一湖”旅游区是资源型旅游地 ,是安徽省旅游资源最密集的地区和安徽省旅游业的重点地区。由于本地区地脉、文脉一致 ,旅游资源和旅游产品互补 ,旅游市场互动互补 ,本地客源有限 ,但邻近中国最大的客源市场和旅游目的地长江三角洲 ,必须联动开发旅游资源。只有优先建设外部快速交通 ,按照“两山一湖”旅游区一盘棋的原则建设各具特色的旅游地 ,构建“两山一湖”旅游形象 ,加强管理 ,搞好市场营销 ,才能使得“两山一湖”旅游业有更大的发展。  相似文献   
名山旅游地的空间竞争研究──以皖南三大名山为例   总被引:32,自引:2,他引:30  
本文分析了名山旅游地的特点和影响其空间竞争的因素,以皖南三大名山为例,讨论了名山旅游地空间竞争的特点和竞争策略。  相似文献   

Changes in temperature and precipitation can affect tourist experiences. This study examines how summer park visitation has changed in response to temperature and precipitation extremes. The study goals were two-fold. The first is to introduce a framework and the second is to test it in a pilot region with four mountainous National Parks. The framework is designed to compare the vulnerability of seasonal park visitation to shifts in a combined indicator of temperature and precipitation. It uniquely considers needed measurements, and the data required to conduct an analysis. The second goal is to test it in four destinations in the U.S. Northern Rockies, including Glacier, Yellowstone, Grand Teton, and Rocky Mountain National Parks. The preliminary test reveals outlier cases of visitation under wet and dry extremes. The analysis connects time series climate and visitation data for the peak summer season from 1991–2012. Outlier analysis illustrates more change in extremely dry conditions, with four out of the six dry-year outliers resulting in a visitation decline. Whether this decline in park tourism is attributable to climate features, economic factors, or conscious management decisions, these drops have significant economic impacts: estimates of changes in visitor spending during dry years are between roughly 9 and 90 million USD. These differences may be connected to the popular activities in each park, and the extent they are dependent on weather conditions. This framework can be used to test the relationship between climate and tourism visitation in other regions, in various seasons and time frames. The work may inform the tourist sector in adjusting and planning for a range of conditions. We discuss opportunities and conclude with additional needs for understanding the mechanisms behind risk in mountain park tourism under climate extremes.  相似文献   
阮新梅  徐锦顺  靳淼 《中原文物》2012,(2):75-76,81
河南博物院藏有明末画家曹堂《深山观瀑图》一幅,笔者根据仅有的史料记载对曹堂的生卒年做简要考证,另外还对这幅画的风格作了较为详细分析。  相似文献   
本文通过对近年来韩国境内高句丽山城发现土柱洞的分析,比较其与我国境内高句丽山城石柱洞的不同,指出其主要功能为在堡垒等小型军事据点外缘树立木制城栅,起到类似城墙的作用。采用木栅替代城墙因其构筑快速,适应战争形势的变化,而并非受制于技术的落后。土柱洞的出现可视为衡量高句丽晚期山城的一项指标。  相似文献   
Previous research acknowledges the ancient and complex land-use history of European mountainous areas, which are characterised by a remarkable regional variability in terms of human practices and patterns of occupation during the Holocene. However, the combined palaeoenvironmental and archaeological study of highland human management at a micro-regional scale remains a largely unexplored research field, especially in the Pyrenees. A combined pollen, stomata, non-pollen palynomorphs (NPPs) and macrocharcoal study was carried out at three nearby alpine and subalpine peat basins from a relatively small territory (ca.1700 ha) at the Madriu valley (Andorra, eastern Pyrenees), following a fine spatial-resolution strategy. The purpose was to test the suitability of high altitudinal palaeoecological sequences when reconstructing past small-scale land-use variability. The palaeoecological results of those peat records are compared and further integrated with archaeological local data, and together underline the marked complexity of high mountain land-use system over the Holocene period. Main phases of micro-regional land-use and landscape variability can be distinguished from the middle Neolithic to the early Bronze Age and from the Roman Period to the Modern Era. Conversely, several phases of homogeneous landscape management are distinguishable during the early Neolithic, and from the late Bronze to the late Iron Age. Results drawn from this study show that landscape variability is not necessarily connected to topographic or climatic parameters, and underline the role of social, economical and cultural parameters in the land-use organisation and the landscape shaping of high mountain spaces since Prehistory.  相似文献   
山岳旅游地旅游者动机行为研究——黄山旅游者实证分析   总被引:43,自引:2,他引:43  
陆林 《人文地理》1997,12(1):6-10
本文以黄山旅游者为实证分析对象,揭示了山岳旅游地旅游者旅游动机的基本特征,分析了中外不同类型旅游者旅游动机的差异。文章试图为山岳旅游地的保护、开发和管理提供有益的参考。  相似文献   
This paper puts into question the conventional way of delineating tourism destination borders in terms of taken-for-granted administrative boundaries. Despite the fact that the literature on destination boundaries advocates for conceptual frameworks where customers’ consumption patterns play a more fundamental role, instances of actual attempts of structuring tourism geographies into ‘new tourism areas’ are scant, and instances of zoning on the basis of visitors’ consumption patterns are absent. A method for identifying alternative and more effective consumption-based tourism zones that combines geographical information system and hierarchical cluster analysis techniques, and that relies on time distances between attractions, is thus proposed, and implemented in the case of the Pyrenees mountain region. As a result the region is restructured into nine new tourism zones, which, compared to the original destinations, are more uniform in size and have a higher correlation index between attractiveness and accommodation intensity; they also have different levels of cross-border intensity and are very similar to historical regions; and the more they differ from the original destinations the higher their attractiveness, which supports the effectiveness of the new zoning technique. Four types of tourism zones ranging from higher to lower tourism intensity are also identified.  相似文献   
沟域经济背景下的山区空间发展战略研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分析了沟域经济的内涵及其对山区发展战略的影响,提出了"廊道+沟域+节点"的山区空间发展战略模式。以门头沟区为例,其沟域经济发展模式可归纳为"走廊带沟域促节点",这符合提出的山区空间发展战略模式。交通线是沟域经济发展的主要廊道,在空间上打破了传统行政上的界限;沟域是沟域经济发展的主阵地,是山区发展的最佳区域;村庄是山区发展的主要节点,通过集聚式发展,符合山区发展空间优化的原则。  相似文献   
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