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对于幕末与明治时期的日本人而言,上海首先是中国的上海;同时上海也是世界、尤其是西洋的上海,租界区域出现了与此前的中国本土迥然相异的新的样态;再次是与日本紧密相关的上海,19世纪末期以后,在虹口一带形成了以日本居留民为主体的日本人社会。这样一个多元组合、多重叠加、既相对分离又互相交融、同时其经济政治文化的影响力日益凸显的都市,对于正在走向东亚乃至世界舞台的近代日本而言,无疑是一个巨大的存在,因此,这一时期日本人对于上海的认识,首先是对于以上海为媒介的中国的认识,其次是对于与上海相关的世界的认识,同时也是对于通过上海所体现出来的中日关系的认识因此,近代上海对于这一时期的日本人,实际上具有三层意义:观察中国的现场;透视世界的窗口;反观日本本身的泰照系,  相似文献   
明治初期,维新政府中枢就已深刻地了解到日本所置身的国际社会和国际形势,确立起包括对自己和世界进行重新定位以及日本未来发展方向在内的国际秩序观。近代日本国际秩序思想中的上下秩序认识与欧洲近代国际秩序思想的二重原理体系如出一辙,并在明治维新后迅速与国家政权结合起来,最终确立起对欧美屈从,对东亚邻国强硬的双重外交路线。  相似文献   
在中国学术的发展脉络和文化传统的历史演进中,余英时尤其推重"宋学",并对"宋学"作了广博而精微的研究。综合余英时的著述与论说,他对"宋学"的现代诠释主要包括五个方面的内容与精神,即:援释入儒的文化贡献,"内圣外王连续"的儒学理想,"以天下为己任"的士人精神,实证与诠释结合的经学方法,"朱陆之争"的思想线索。  相似文献   
曾由幕府出身的李鸿章受命招募淮军伊始即开始建立自己的幕府,此后随着其政治地位的不断提高,幕府班子也越来越庞大,30余年间一直常盛不衰。家庭背景、个人出身、入幕方式等方面的不同显示了李鸿章幕府的庞杂性。以1870年8月调任直隶总督为界,前期李鸿章幕府以履行军事职能为主,主要由其同乡、同学、亲属、朋友、原曾国藩幕僚和上海官绅组成,基本上是以传统的旧式人才为主的,不少人在思想观念上仍属于守旧派;后期李鸿章幕府的职能转向以行政事务为中心,为此而延揽一大批具有办理工矿企业、海防、教育、外交等方面专长的近代人才,旧式幕府成员也有一部分受西学影响而发生转化。甲午战争以前,李鸿章幕府可以说是中国当时独一无二的近代人才库。  相似文献   

Animals have played an important role in certain ceremonies or rites in the past. During such activities, animals may have been alive, dead or been used as raw material. The disposal of detritus from these practices can lead to the formation of faunal assemblages with a particular taxonomic and anatomic composition. At the Iron Age ‘Mas Castellar de Pontós’ site (Girona, Spain), associations of archaeological materials excavated from Pit feature FS362 were suggestive of deposits arising from collective ceremonial consumption. Analysis of the 1309 mammal remains recovered from this feature is used to determine the nature and dynamics of the ceremony. At the same time, the relationship of these faunal remains with the other archaeological materials recovered in the pit will allow light to be shed on the significance and importance of these ceremonies in the framework of the social and political relations that governed the life of the inhabitants of this settlement.  相似文献   
Korea witnessed a steady increase in women marrying younger men from 8.5 per cent in 1993 to 14.3 per cent in 2009. This study examines those women marrying younger men in Korea through an empirical analysis using a large and reliable data set of more than 5 million observations collected from marriage register reports from 1993 to 2009. The results indicated that an increase in Older-Women/Younger-Men Marriages (OWYMMs) in Korea was mainly due to a steady increase in the woman’s age at marriage and show that women with a higher level of education and/or income than men were more likely to choose the OWYMM. That is, the incidence of OWYMMs was related more to the gap in the level of education or income between spouses than to the absolute level of education or income of individual spouses. In this sense, the results provide empirical support for exchange theory.  相似文献   
In contrast to East and South-east Asia, changes in marriage patterns have played a small role in reducing fertility in South Asia. While age at marriage for women has risen, it remains early, with the exception of Sri Lanka, and change has been slow. Except in Sri Lanka, the region has shown few signs that there will be a sizable population that will never marry. South Asia's marriage patterns reflect its cultural context and lesser socio-economic change but their precise effect is not simple or always predictable. The paper examines these issues in Bangladesh, where age at marriage is very early, and Sri Lanka, where it is much later. The study areas, Dhaka city and south-western Sri Lanka, are ones of great economic and social change. A particular examination is made of the way in which changes in the arrangement of marriage affect age at marriage.  相似文献   
This paper reviews new developments in the study of modern Chinese history since 1979, especially key questions in modern Chinese history, together with innovations in content, structure and research methods. These new developments reflect the broadening of academic exchanges with foreign countries, the initiation of reforms, the influence of the modernization process, and far-reaching innovations in the discipline of modern Chinese history studies since the reform and opening-up of China.  相似文献   
This paper presents an overview of and comments on a symposium concerning modern Chinese history held in Beijing, China in October 2009. It is composed of four parts: first, the paradigm issues of modern Chinese historical studies; second, indigenous reorientation and the study of regional social history; third, the relationship between social history and regional social history; fourth, the history of scholarship on the Chinese revolution. All the conference participants were prestigious scholars in the fields of modern Chinese history and Ming–Qing historical studies in Mainland China. The attending scholars provided in-depth and well considered views about the macro issues of this discipline. Furthermore, the discussion was very active and productive. This paper reflects the latest trends in the field of modern Chinese historical studies in Mainland China.  相似文献   
杨红  李广华 《故宫博物院院刊》2022,237(1):72-88+133-134
故宫博物院养心殿正殿保留了明代嘉靖年间至清代末期多种类型的彩画遗迹,其中正殿东暖阁后檐东西明瓦窗罩和梅坞西窗罩绘制了海墁彩画,与整体区域的和玺彩画、旋子彩画风格迥异。作者通过实地勘察、科学检测分析并结合历史文献,考证了养心殿正殿外檐窗罩海墁彩画遗存的工艺和材料特征及其确切年代,揭示了彩画所折射出的皇帝、太后的审美喜好。  相似文献   
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