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旅游资源开发与保护中的制衡机制失衡与政府规制优化   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
旅游资源开发与保护中发生的种种矛盾,归根到底是相关利益者之间利益的冲突,为此政府必须建立平衡各方利益的制衡机制。我国制衡机制的失衡,突出表现为:企业的制衡力过于强大,原居民、社会组织、从业人员的制衡力过于微弱。制衡机制失衡必然导致利益分配失衡,强势方获得超额利润。建议从三方面优化规制:重构政府的旅游资源管理体系与制度,严格执行旅游资源开发项目的“审批权”;健全旅游资源开发与保护的法规,编制并严格执行旅游规划,提高依法规制的合法性、科学性与严肃性;推进相关利益者制衡机制建设,对旅游资源实行全民监督管理。  相似文献   
张金龙 《史学月刊》2003,41(4):32-42
作为中国古代专制君权有机构成的禁卫军权,它既是维护君主专制政体正常运作的必要条件,同时也会成为破坏这一体制的重要因素。“八王之乱”是中国历史上规模最大、影响极为深远的一场统治集团争夺最高统治权力的政治斗争。参与政争的太后及外戚杨骏、惠贾皇后、宗室诸王之间围绕宫殿禁廷的控制权而展开了多次较量,对禁卫军权的控制和利用成为斗争中最常见的手段,能否有效掌握禁卫军权往注成为决定胜负的关键。“八王之乱”与禁卫军权的关系,提供了认识中国古代君主专制政治和禁卫军权关系的一个典型个案。  相似文献   
华侨华人学科建设的反思:东南亚历史研究的视角与经验   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
本文的讨论围绕三个层面展开 :华侨华人研究 ,东南亚 (华侨华人 )研究以及笔者个人对槟城—吉打州华人商业与权力关系的研究。争论的实质是这样一个理论与方法论的问题 ,即华侨华人研究应该分别被视为某一孤立的主题研究领域、区域研究和学科研究方法 ,还是一个相互关联的结合整体的问题。本文并非企图为华侨华人研究确立一个标准 ,而仅仅是呈献一个实例 ,即把个人的研究视角和经历 ,结合大的结构、进程、理论和方法论的关怀等问题 ,进行情景化的考察。  相似文献   
以大连市旅顺太阳沟为例,采用新文化地理学的观点,借鉴后殖民主义相关理论,考察了殖民地时期、原苏联红军接管时期和现代社会三个时期下文化景观的表征变化,得出三个结论:①话语和权力是景观表征的主要决定因素,日俄殖民者、原苏联红军、军队和政府及开发商是三个时期景观表征的权力主体;②利益相关者在景观和空间的塑造中也扮演了重要角色;③殖民城市有屈辱历史,但不代表有屈辱文化。保护太阳沟文化景观刻不容缓,首要任务就是进行体制创新;太阳沟应大力发展文化产业。  相似文献   
国内外地名研究的批判主义转向,注重地方命名时地方意义的生产、再生产以及争夺。文章以黄岩岛地名的演变为例,研究其地名变迁背后的政治博弈。研究表明:①黄岩岛的地名演变是中、西方话语体系下国际行为主体政治角力的过程。②中国的黄岩岛地名演变彰显的是中国对其无可争辩的主权;西方殖民者的黄岩岛地名演变展示近代以来对南海及其周边地区的殖民统治;菲律宾当局对黄岩岛的更名,谋求建构国家认同、侵占更多海洋岛礁资源。③地名是集体记忆解构与重构的纽带和国家权力博弈的指示物。中国对内应增强国家认同感和民族凝聚力,唤起中华民族的集体记忆,对外提升国际话语权,通过国际舞台阐释对南海主权维护的法理依据和坚强决心。  相似文献   
ABSTRACT This paper takes up the call by scholars such as Alfred Gell to consider objects of material culture as objects, by examining them in the context of production, circulation and reception. Because they are unadorned and without visual interest, langarol, the hand‐held artefacts used in some New Ireland dance performances, do not lend themselves to modes of analysis that see cultural objects as surrogate texts, the hidden meanings of which can be ‘read’. This very ‘lack’ enables us more readily to discern their significance, which lies in their magical potency and in the performance of their creator, the shaman, in attracting, wielding and revealing his awesome power. The power sought is less power over others and more power to — the ability to realise projects that can elicit effects. If consciousness and body are one, such achievements are to be understood as embodiments of intentionality and agency. It is through the production and wielding of such objects that people make themselves.  相似文献   
Previous analyses of forced migration have drawn attention to the increasing discretion held by asylum sector decisionmakers. According to these accounts, as the state reacts to the political risks associated with asylum migration control, responsibility for forced migration management is increasingly transferred onto a range of intermediate actors, between state and society, including local government employees, asylum interviewers, immigration judges and security staff. Yet little research has directly addressed these intermediaries' collective experiences and the influences to which they are subject. The article therefore focuses attention explicitly upon the nominal conduct of this increasingly authorised, discretionary and highly heterogeneous population. Drawing upon 37 interviews across four sites at which asylum sector intermediaries have significant and increasing discretion over asylum seekers' experiences, the findings demonstrate the importance of institutionalised timing and spacing for the determination of their volitional conduct. The timing and spacing of government institutions are important, not only through their influence over asylum seekers directly, but also because they present asylum seekers to those with discretionary authority in ways that are conducive to exclusionary uses of this authority.  相似文献   
Climatic deterioration in the later middle ages was associated with an increasing frequency of marine storm surges affecting the coasts of the southern North Sea. This paper investigates the impact of storm surges upon the lands bordering the Thames estuary and tidal river between the mid-thirteenth and mid-fifteenth centuries. Land use in the coastal and riverine marshes is reviewed, and the means and costs of defence against marine flooding explored. The impact of flooding upon human use of the marshlands, upon the suburbs of medieval London and upon the Thames fisheries are all investigated. Stress is placed upon the complex interaction of economic and environmental factors in determining the response to the threat of marine flooding.  相似文献   
Choon‐Piew Pow 《对极》2009,41(2):371-390
Abstract: If according to Terry Eagleton (The Ideology of the Aesthetic 1990:28), the aesthetic is from the start “a contradictory, double‐edged concept”, how are seemingly innocent acts of viewing and consuming aesthetically pleasing landscapes implicated in the neoliberal politics of urban restructuring? Using contemporary Shanghai as a case study, this paper critically examines the role of the aesthetic in the politics of exclusion and urban segregation in post‐Socialist Shanghai where the restructuring and commodification of erstwhile public welfare housing have led to the rapid development of private “middle‐class” gated enclaves. A central objective of this paper is to excavate the underlying cultural politics of neoliberalism and demonstrate how the aestheticization of urban spaces in Shanghai has become increasingly intertwined with and accentuated by neoliberal ideologies and exclusionary practices in the city. Imbricated in the pristine neighborhoods of Shanghai's gated communities are the fault lines of social division and class distinction that are rapidly transforming urban China.  相似文献   
冀东朝 《神州》2012,(6):104-104
根据《语文课程标准》中写作教学的总目标:“能具体明确,文从字顺地表述自己的意思。能根据日常生活需要,运用常见的表达方式写作。”由此可以看出,去除学生对于作文的畏惧心理,注重激发学生的写作兴趣和自信心,养成良好的写作习惯将是初中作文教学的首要任务。现将笔者在初中作文教学探讨中的一些经验拿来与大家同享,希望对作文教学有所裨益。  相似文献   
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