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《夷坚志》是南宋文学家、史学家洪迈所编的一部志怪小说集,它虽以"鸠异崇怪"为主旨,却全面展现了宋宁宗嘉泰二年(1202)以前宋代社会的世俗百态。其间保存了大量的医药史料和医疗故事,这些故事反映了当时民众独特、复杂的医疗观念,体现了宋代医学的发展、医职群体的壮大以及民间行医队伍的庞杂,也生动地描绘了当时民众的卫生习惯与保健意识。  相似文献   
The Magnus-Rademaker scientific film collection (1908–1940) deals with the physiology of body posture by the equilibrium of reflex musculature contractions for which experimental studies were carried out with animals (e.g., labyrinthectomies, cerebellectomies, and brain stem sections) as well as observations done on patients. The films were made for demonstrations at congresses as well as educational objectives and film stills were published in their books. The purpose of the present study is to position these films and their makers within the contemporary discourse on ethical issues and animal rights in the Netherlands and the earlier international debates. Following an introduction on animal rights and antivivisection movements, we describe what Magnus and Rademaker thought about these issues. Their publications did not provide much information in this respect, probably reflecting their adherence to implicit ethical codes that did not need explicit mentioning in publications. Newspaper articles, however, revealed interesting information. Unnecessary suffering of an animal never found mercy in Magnus’ opinion. The use of cinematography was expanded to the reduction of animal experimentation in student education, at least in the case of Rademaker, who in the 1930s was involved in a governmental committee for the regulation of vivisection and cooperated with the antivivisection movement. This resulted not only in a propaganda film for the movement but also in films that demonstrate physiological experiments for students with the purpose to avert repetition and to improve the teaching of experiments. We were able to identify the pertinent films in the Magnus-Rademaker film collection. The production of vivisection films with this purpose appears to have been common, as is shown in news messages in European medical journals of the period.  相似文献   
医用螺钉在手术中得到大量的使用的同时,因其质量事故频发,患者对质量鉴定要求越来越迫切。我们借助光学显微分析、电子显微分析技术、X射线荧光能谱分析等微量物证分析技术。从微观角度对螺钉断裂原因进行了质量鉴定.  相似文献   
This study concerns the history of Swedish public everyday discourse about knowledge and its benefits for the individual, c. 1920–1974. We examine the value(s) ascribed to knowledge – in economic and/or idealistic terms – using private correspondence institutes as our point of departure. These were immensely popular, yet have hitherto been overlooked by historians. First, we argue that commercially driven correspondence education, which was a mass phenomenon in early and mid-20th-century Sweden, blurred the demarcation lines between general and vocational education, and more importantly between formal and so-called popular education (folkbildning). Second, we examine how knowledge and education were promoted and justified in the widely circulated advertisements for Hermods Korrespondensinstitut, the largest of the Swedish correspondence schools. By analysing and contextualizing advertisements over six decades, we find a strong dominance of individualistic economic valuations from the beginning, a successive increase in idealistic valuations over the decades, and an increasing amalgamation of idealistic and economic justifications for knowledge. We argue that the extensive scale of Hermods’ and similar institutes’ educational activities offers an important key for understanding the social context in which the overall marketization and capitalization of knowledge in the latest decades was able to take root.  相似文献   
Shortages of family physicians, specialists and other personnel working within the realm of conventional medicine (CM) concern citizens in many regions and municipalities in Canada. Complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) approaches (such as chiropractic, holistic, homeopathic, naturopathic, massage and acupuncture) are increasingly used in conjunction with, or in some cases as replacements for, conventional medicine. Thus, to get an idea of 'total' health care supply in a jurisdiction and to draw comparisons between locations, it is useful to understand the spatial tendencies of both CM and CAM offices. With the use of a sample that contains the location, employment and sales of 4,955 CAM and 8,709 CM offices, this study details the spatial patterns of health care supply in the Canadian province of Ontario. The analysis comprises three main parts. First, the geographic tendencies of CAM and CM office activity are revealed in per capita terms and while regional differences are detectable, the main contrast is that CAM displays a much more even distribution across the urban-rural continuum in comparison to CM. Second, through the use of location quotients and a local spatial autocorrelation analysis, it is shown that certain municipalities (especially in Ontario's southwest and south-central regions) specialize in CAM and the most outstanding spatial feature is an '81 municipality CAM cluster' that represents arguably the pinnacle of CAM activity in the province. CM specialization is rarer and is biased towards the more populated municipalities. Third, a Spearman's correlation analysis suggests that CAM and CM health care supply are associated with community well-being indictors and urban density measures.  相似文献   
1889年至1947年间,加拿大基督教新教长老宗在卫辉一带借医传教。根据不同时期政局、民情状况及传教士自身特点,他们先后经历了用药品"裹挟"其福音的谨慎发展阶段,边行医边传教、"疗灵"与"疗身"互为手段、互为目的、交叉渗透的"黄金"发展阶段,以及行医与传教貌离神合的深入推进阶段。"疗灵"与"疗身"始终既存冲突又相互渗透。  相似文献   
隋唐医用古籍,能完整传世的数量不多,并且都是中医方面的专用书,而鉴于语言的共通性,这些医书完全可以为此一时期的词汇研究提供可贵的材料。本文主要选择了有代表性的儿部医书,如《千金要方》、《千金翼方》、《外台秘要》、《诸病源候论》,兼参他书,完成了若干词语的考释工作。  相似文献   
This article examines the circulation of medical recipes through vernacular literature and personal networks from the late Ming through the Qing. During this period, vernacular texts played a leading role in circulating practical instructions for everyday healing techniques, especially in the form of recipes. Recipes became a versatile textual form for recording and transmitting experience in quotidian practice. They moved among different genres of texts, providing information about healing, offering advice for entertainment, and delivering moral lessons. Literati sociability as well as philanthropic and religious commitments motivated people of varied social means to distribute vernacular texts bearing healing information to a broad audience. Recipes acquired legitimacy and authority by clearly marking their provenance and thus its relationship to particular social networks and, sometimes, a religious purpose as well.  相似文献   
中医学传入日本,经过千余年的引进、学习研究与发展,从名称到内涵日益日本化。这些变化在近世表现得最为明显和强烈。本文系统介绍了近世日本汉方医学变迁的过程,努力揭示文化土壤、制度、政策及当时的社会生活水平对汉方医学的影响,进而对汉方医学变迁的原因进行考辨。  相似文献   
本文以生态脆弱群体的就医偏好与决策行为为研究对象,运用问卷调查和访谈,从生态脆弱群体的属性特征和社会因素两个方面,构建logistic回归模型,分析生态脆弱群体就医偏好与决策行为。从回归模型的整体拟合来看,自变量与各别因变量之间存在显著的线性关系,其渐进Sig.(双侧)值均小于0.05。其中:生态脆弱群体的教育程度、经济和身体状况等属性特征与生态脆弱群体的就医偏好存在显著线性关系;社会因素中医疗服务满意程度、医疗条件的优劣、就医程序复杂程度与生态脆弱群体的就医决策行为存在显著线性关系。据此,形成了两种类型的就医行为模式,即"自养"和"异养"型模式。研究结果可为生态脆弱群体就医行为类型的划分提供借鉴,促进行为地理学和健康地理学的融合研究。  相似文献   
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