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An analysis of Goethe's Farbenlehre (Theory of Colours), and of its significance for the development of geological mapping, requires an interdisciplinary approach and specific knowledge of both the history of cartography and the science of chromatics. Thus far there has been little research in either of these areas by historians of geological cartography or by students of Goethe's Farbenlehre. In particular, the influence of Goethe's Theory of Colours on early geological map colouring has not yet been explored, and the present article is an attempt to rectify that omission. After an introduction to the emergence of geological maps during the Age of Enlightenment, the discussion focuses on Goethe's substantial contribution to the selection of colours for Christian Keferstein's General Charte von Teutschland (1821). Detailed study of the available textual and cartographical source material reveals that Goethe applied the principles of his Farbenlehre as a basis for the colour chart that Keferstein used to delineate the rock formations shown on his map. The article concludes with a brief consideration of the extent to which the joint Goethe–Keferstein venture influenced the future of geological map design.  相似文献   
This article attempts to shed some light on the origins of Ptolemy’s map of the world, which remains a mystery. The premise is that Ptolemy and other ancient geographers largely drew on the same or a similar pool of sources and common beliefs. Similarities between them can, therefore, give us a key to understanding the prehistory of Ptolemy’s map. Comparison of distances on his map with those given by other sources leads to the conclusion that a large area of the map, approximately from the Bosporus to the Indus, reproduced Eratosthenes’ geographical system, with linear distances converted to angular degrees according to Eratosthenes’ own scale. It is argued that this area represents a remnant of an earlier version of Ptolemy’s map. Analysis of latitude and longitude reveals notable differences between Ptolemy’s map and Eratosthenes’ ideas concerning the latitude of Babylon and the Alexandrian prime meridian, and the impact this seems to have had on the shape of neighbouring regions is noted.  相似文献   
Near-spherical worlds may be mapped using conventional techniques, but many solar system objects with diameters less than 500 km have very irregular shapes and pose special problems for cartographers. I describe the history and current status of exploration and mapping of these bodies with emphasis on cartographic problems, their solutions, and unusual cases requiring novel approaches to mapping. These include binary and multi-lobed objects, and faceted shapes for which near-global maps may be simultaneously equivalent and conformal.
On peut faire des cartes de corps célestes qui ont une forme presque sphérique en utilisant des techniques conventionnelles, mais la plupart des petits corps célestes (diamètre de moins de 500 km) sont loin d'être sphériques et présentent des problèmes particuliers pour les cartographes. Je discute de l'histoire et de l'état actuel de l'exploration et de la cartographie de ces corps célestes - et j'examine de près les problèmes cartographiques, leurs solutions, et des cas particuliers qui doivent être examinés d'un nouveau point de vue. Ceux-ci incluent les objets avec deux lobes ou plus ainsi que les formes à facettes, dont les cartes peuvent être équivalentes et conformes en même temps.  相似文献   
透过法国制图家桑松1656年绘制的中国地图,揭示已佚的由耶稣会士罗明坚与意大利制图家内罗尼合作的1590年单幅中国大地图面貌,指出此图主体部分是由罗明坚依据《大明一统文武诸司衙门官制》所载中文舆图摹绘的抄摹型分省图稿拼合而成的,拼合主要基于对分省图稿省际河道比较随意的连接,造成水系、诸省轮廓及方位等重大错误。部分图示还借鉴1584年刻印的巴尔布达"中国新图"。此图是已知最早的单幅西文中国详图,虽有缺陷,但对中国地理面貌的展现较此前西文地图有所推进。  相似文献   
The Florentine Francesco Berlinghieri (1440–1501) published his Geographia, a version of Ptolemy's Cosmographia in Italian terza rima, comprising 123 folios of text and 31 engraved maps, in 1482. As early as 1938 Arthur M. Hind, Keeper of Prints and Drawings at the British Museum, hinted that the engravings might have been made by Francesco Rosselli (1448–before 1527), the principal engraver in Florence in the 1480s and 1490s. Subsequently, this possibility was rejected by Roberto Almagià, R. A. Skelton and Tony Campbell. In the author's view, however, both stylistic and circumstantial evidence argues that Francesco was indeed the engraver, and that this first major commission launched the career that eventually made him known to his contemporaries as ‘Franciscus rosellus florentinus Cosmographus’.

Le Florentin Francesco Berlinghieri (1440–1501) publia en 1482 sa Geographia, une version de la Cosmographia de Ptolémée en terza rima italienne, comprenant 123 feuillets de texte et 31 cartes gravées. Dès 1938, Arthur M. Hind, conservateur des estampes et dessins au British Museum, suggéra que les gravures pouvaient être l'?uvre de Francesco Rosselli (1448–avant 1527), le principal graveur florentin dans les années 1480 et 1490. Ultérieurement, cette éventualité fut rejetée par Roberto Almagià, R. A. Skelton, et Tony Campbell. De l'avis de l'auteur, cependant, des preuves stylistiques et circonstancielles démontrent clairement que Francesco Rosselli était en effet le graveur, et que cette première commande importante lança la carrière qui allait finalement le faire connaître par ses contemporains comme ‘Franciscus rosellus florentinus Cosmographus’.

1482 veröffentlichte der Florentiner Francesco Berlinghieri (1440–1501) seine Geographia, eine Version der Cosmographia des Ptolemäus, in italienischen terza rima. Sie umfasst 123 Folioseiten Text und 31 gestochene Karten. Schon 1938 deutete Arthur M. Hind, Direktor der Grafikabteilung am British Museum, an, dass der Stich von Francesco Rosselli (1448–vor 1527) besorgt worden sein könnte. Während den Jahren 1480s und 1490s, war Rosselli der hauptsächliche Florentinische Stecher. Diese Möglichkeit wurde in weiterer Folge jedoch von Roberto Almagià, R. A. Skelton und Tony Campbell verworfen. Nach der Meinung der Autorin sprechen aber sowohl der stilistische Befund als auch die näheren Entstehungszusammenhänge sehr für Francesco Rosselli als Stecher und auch dafür, dass dieser erste größere Auftrag ihm eine Karriere eröffnete, die ihn letztendlich bei seinen Zeitgenossen als ‘Franciscus rosellus florentinus Cosmographus’ bekannt machte.

El florentino Francesco Berlinghieri (1440–1501) publicó en 1482 su Geographia, una version de la Cosmographia de Ptolomeo en terza rima italiana, que comprendía 123 folios de texto y 31 mapas grabados. En 1938 Arthur M. Hind, conservador de Impresos y Grabados del British Museum sugirió que los grabados podían haber sido hechos por Francesco Rosselli (1448–antes de 1527), el principal grabador de Florencia en los años de 1480 a 1490. Posteriormente esta posibilidad fue rechazada por Roberto Almagià, R. A. Skelton y Tony Campbell. Sin embargo, en opinión de la autora del artículo, las evidencias estilísticas y cincunstanciales indican con seguridad que Francesco Rosselli fue en efecto el grabador, y que este importante encargo dio comienzo a una carrera que finalmente le hizo ser conocido por sus contemporáneos como “Franciscus rosellus florentinus Cosmographus”.  相似文献   
2015年11月,四川省文物考古研究院等在对四川渠县礼义城的考古调查中发现了《礼义城图》残片9块,通过对图中各要素的分析,成功将现存残片进行复原性拼合。《礼义城图》直观地刻画了南宋时期渠县礼义城的山形水势、道路房屋、城防设施和大量军事武器等。它不仅是国内发现的第3块宋代城池图碑刻,更是目前所见的唯一一幅描述南宋时期四川地区山城防御体系的城池攻防图。该图展现的是一幅四面围城、多点对战的战争场面,利用多种视角呈现了礼义城的地理空间和历史图景,真实再现了山城防御体系中的攻防场景。  相似文献   
none 《巴勒斯坦考察季》2013,145(2):108-118

As a result of a mistaken interpretation of the Madaba map, biblical Na?al Zered is often identified in the scholarship as Wādi al-?sā, which marks the boundary between Moab and Edom southeast of the Dead Sea. In reality, the brook of Zered does not appear on the Madaba map and the sole documentary evidence available for its identification is the Bible, which situates Na?al Zered near Na?al Arnon. The author proposes Wādi Nkheile, which spills into the Arnon from the southeast, as the most likely candidate for the biblical Zered. This identification perhaps also sheds light on the conflicting biblical sources regarding the question of whether or not the Moabites allowed the Israelites to pass through their territory en route to Canaan. In the postbiblical era Na?al Zered appears in the boundaries baraita (baraita de-te?umin) as part of the eastern border of the land of Israel and the article demonstrates that the identification of Na?al Zered as Wādi Nkheile is consistent with the geographical logic of the baraita.  相似文献   
Meret Petrzilka, Die Karten von Laurent Fries von 1530 und 1531 und ihre Vorlage, die ‘Carta Marina’ aus dent Jahre 1516 von Martin Waldseemüller. Dissertation der philosophische Fakultāt II der Universität Zurich, Zurich 1968/69. pp. 170, illustrations and maps.

Werner Becker, Vom alten Bild der Weltalte Landkarten und Stadtansichten. Leipzig, Verlag Koehler &; Amelang, 1969. pp. 268.

Schöne alte Karten. Mappe mit 24 Kartenfaksimilen. Leipzig, V.E.B. Hermann Haack, 1970.

Fritz Bonisch, Genauigkeitsuntersuchungen am Oederschen Kartenwerk von Kursachsen. In: Abhandlungen der Sächsischen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Leipzig, Philosophisch‐Historische Klasse, vol. 61, no. 3. Berlin, Akademie Verlag, 1970.

Old maps in Japan. Compiled by M. Nanba, N. Muroga and K. Unno. English translation by Hirochimi Takeda and Peter Anton. Osaka, Sogensha, 1971, pp. 160, with 93 maps in full colour + 4 foldings, 37 x 26 cm. U.S. $ 55.  相似文献   
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