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回顾和检讨亚裔美国史学在过去半个世纪里所走过的道路可以发现,早期亚裔美国史学中一个最突出的问题是以意识形态为主导的一元论历史观。在近30年的时间里,学者大都仅仅从"种族歧视"这一个角度去诠释历史事件,反对从其他视野去观察亚洲移民的经历。不过,最近15年来,这个领域中出现了冲破一元论历史观束缚的趋势。新一代学者提出了白人、黑人和亚裔之间三角形关系的论点,从而否定了"有色对白种"的双重种族关系理论模式。从"跨国主义"的视野观察亚裔美国史的人认为,亚洲移民实际上具有双重的民族主义和双重文化认同,从而向"同化论"、"定居者"论和"美国化"论提出了挑战。他们还发现,日本人向美国移民和日本帝国主义的海外扩张之间有着密不可分的关系。这些新动向标志着亚裔美国史学正在逐步走向成熟。  相似文献   
The end of the Bretton Woods system, following the US decision of August 1971, and the simultaneous re-launch of the European integration with the enactment of the Werner plan came at a critical moment of internal weakness for Italy. This article highlights how the Italian government and the monetary authorities – while not always on the same wavelength – tried to tackle these challenges with a view to preserving the principles of multilateral cooperation that had promoted the country's recovery in the post-war years. By launching the project denominated ‘Global Approach’ in the summer of 1972, Italy tried to interconnect the modification of the Werner plan with the reform of the international monetary system within the International Monetary Fund (IMF) in order to restrain the growing trends towards unilateralism. However, despite all efforts, both initiatives were doomed to failure while the country entered a dramatic period of political instability and social unrest.  相似文献   
In this article, I will analyse how the Italian reception system has been transformed after the ‘refugee crisis’, showing how the change cannot be reduced to a mere expansion of the reception capacity. I will do this by tracing a genealogy of the Italian reception system and highlighting its main features before and after the ‘refugee crisis’. My hypothesis is that the ‘refugee crisis’ and the sense of emergency it created has stimulated the emergence of distinct segments within the Italian reception system functioning according to radically different philosophies and objectives. This, in addition to increasing the overall lack of consistency of the system, is having a profound impact on the rights of asylum seekers, greatly increasing the risk of their spatial and social segregation within Italian society.  相似文献   

Finite element macro-modeling approaches are widely used for the analysis of large-scale masonry structures. Despite their efficiency, they still face two important challenges: the realistic representation of damage and a reasonable independency of the numerical results to the used discretization. In this work, the classical smeared crack approach is enhanced with a crack-tracking algorithm, originating from the analysis of localized cracking in quasi-brittle materials. The proposed algorithm is for the first time applied to a large-scale wall exhibiting multiple shear and flexural cracking. Discussion covers structural aspects, as the response of the structure under different assumptions regarding the floor rigidity, but also numerical issues, commonly overlooked in the simulation of large structures, such the mesh-dependency of the numerical results.  相似文献   
X. Zong  X. Y. Wang  L. Luo 《Archaeometry》2018,60(5):1088-1105
This paper is focused on the joint use of non‐invasive and minimal intervention techniques for supporting archaeological prospection. Very high resolution (VHR) satellite imagery analysis and ground‐penetrating radar (GPR) and boring surveys were integrated for the study of the Longcheng site, located near Hefei city in Anhui Province, China, to test their effectiveness and efficiency in prospecting archaeological remains and evaluating their degree of preservation. First, target locations of potential archaeological structures were identified on a WorldView‐2 (WV‐2) satellite image through spatial and radiometric enhancement, interpretation and object‐oriented classification. Second, archaeological features extracted from the WV‐2 imagery were further investigated by a GPR survey that provided detailed cross‐checking information about buried remains. Finally, a subsequent boring survey was conducted across those prospective archaeological structures in order to map the stratigraphic sequences on the basis of colour, compactness and the inclusions contained in the soil, and then to test their correspondence with the GPR data. The boring led to detailed confirmation of the results produced by the remote sensing analyses and GPR surveys, as well as the discovery of datable artefacts. On the basis of all the integrated data, the preliminary layout and structure of the Longcheng site was reconstructed in GIS. Furthermore, the widths, lengths, heights and burial depths of these buried archaeological structures were estimated in detail.  相似文献   
For decades, archaeologists have looked for an appropriate means to integrate archaeological findings with the textual record. Often, in the past, the written word has been privileged over material remains. In this summary, which draws in part from the individual papers in this special issue, a new, more balanced approach that gives increased weight and greater independence to archaeological data is proposed. A series of implications and suggestions for current theoretical development in archaeology are advanced.  相似文献   
改革开放以来,明史研究出现了前所未有的大发展大繁荣局面。这首先表现为研究队伍日益扩大,论著数量空前增加。其次是思想解放不断深化、认识水平不断提高,对皇权政治、农民战争等一系列历史问题的评价变得越来越理性和客观。再次是研究方法日益多样,研究领域日益拓展,史学观念、问题意识和研究取向发生了深刻变化。其中社会史的兴起尤其值得关注,不仅开辟了新的研究领域,对传统的政治史、经济史、思想文化研究也产生了深刻的渗透和影响。尽管明史研究形势喜人,成就巨大,但也存在一些不足和缺陷,如选题重复、内容肤浅、对国内外研究状况不够了解等。  相似文献   
彭华 《史学月刊》2006,30(6):77-84
《三国志曹冲华佗传与佛教故事》(1930年),是陈寅恪早年运用比较方法、从事比较之学研究所获得的一项成果,其结论和方法在学界有着广泛的影响。但结合早期传世文献与出土文献考察发现:(1)华之称华佗,乃出于其善治“虫”,而非天竺语“agada”之省译;(2)麻沸散的发明权在中国,中国不但古已有之,而且传承有道;(3)华佗事迹有附益先秦文挚之事者,此乃其原型所在,且早于印度神医耆域故事;(4)曹冲称象之法,中国先秦恐已有成例可寻。在从事比较研究时,中外比较固然重要,古今比较亦不可偏废。  相似文献   
清代著名的三家诗学者魏源的《诗古微》,是一部功力深厚影响较大的诗经专著,它在诗经研究史方面具有不可忽视的地位与作用。《诗古微》内容丰富,涉及面很广,本文并不是对该书的全面评价,而是偏重于从诗经研究发展史的角度,对该书进行选择性的重点评价,即比较王先谦与魏源对《毛诗》评价的异同,对魏源如何看待《毛序》与卫宏的关系,对魏源在《诗经》研究方法论方面的突破与贡献,对魏源的精微之见,作一些介绍与评述。  相似文献   
Greig Charnock 《对极》2010,42(5):1279-1303
Abstract: It is possible to identify a subterranean tradition within Marxism—one in which dialectical thought is harnessed not only to expose the necessarily exploitative and inherently crisis‐prone character of capitalism as an actual system of social organisation, but also to critique the very categories that constitute capitalism as a conceptual system. This paper argues that Henri Lefebvre's work can be included within this tradition of “open Marxism”. In demonstrating how Lefebvre's work on everyday life, the production of space and the state derives from his open approach, the paper flags a potential problem of antinomy in an emergent new state spatialities literature that draws upon Lefebvre to supplement its structuralist–regulationist (“closed”) Marxist foundations. A Lefebvre‐inspired challenge is therefore established: that is, to develop a critique of space which does not substitute an open theory of the space of political economy with a closed theory of the political economy of the regulation of space.  相似文献   
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