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五代十国时期商业贸易的特点及其局限性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
五代十国时期商业贸易的特点主要表现在国内各区域间的贸易比较兴盛,与周边少数民族的贸易有所萎缩;陆上对外贸易萎缩,海上贸易有所发展;官营商业有所发展等方面。用于贸易的商品种类与唐代相比,主要表现在农产品商品化的趋势不断扩大上。这一历史时期商业贸易的局限性表现在缺乏统一的国内市场,商税繁重;战乱和混乱的政治秩序,影响了商业贸易的正常进行;币制杂乱,钱币紧缺,制约了商业贸易的进一步发展。  相似文献   
Franco Venturi famously emphasised the importance of the ‘English Model’ for Italian reformist culture in his Settecento riformatore. This essay contributes to the history of the development and evolution of the ‘English Model’ beginning with its influential appearance in Antonio Genovesi's 1757–1758 translation of John Cary's 1695 Essay on the State of England. The ‘English Model’ was not a stable concept and, in fact, one tradition inverted the model's meaning, rejecting the need for protectionism and instead embracing a providential faith in laissez-faire. This tradition began with an important, but falsified footnote in Carlo Denina's 1769–1770 Rivoluzioni d’Italia. In this note and the tradition that adopted it, Lorenzo de’ Medici's imagined English wool factories became the locus of this inversion, and, through a reading of Adam Smith's Wealth of Nations, blaming the Medici as agents of Italy's aberrant historical development became an alternative to blaming English economic imperialism in late eighteenth-century Italy. The narrative of Medici involvement in the decline of Italy was finally realigned with Genovesi's original intention under the auspice of Pope Pius VI in 1794.  相似文献   
In his main work, The Science of Legislation (1780–1783), the Neapolitan Gaetano Filangieri proposed a set of extensive political and cultural reforms. These reforms were necessary to free eighteenth-century societies from the remnants of feudal institutions that obstructed international peace and economic growth. Filangieri's ideas were shaped by the international political climate between the seven Years’ War and the eve of the French Revolution. Reinterpreting Montesquieu and Genovesi through the influences of French radical and Enlightenment thought (Helvétius, Raynal, l’Encyclopédie), as well as the economics of Hume, Verri and the Physiocrats, he concluded that European modernity was inherently contradictory.From this perspective Filangieri set out to force a clean break between the technical horizons of mercantilism and enlightened absolutism and a society based on civil rights, a fair distribution of wealth and resources, and free trade. Proper ‘scientific’ knowledge of the rules and principles of legislation would allow governments to balance out the natural and cultural factors that characterise individual states, and to identify the appropriate model for social and economic development. If all states acted on their proper interest, international free trade and peaceful competition between states would emerge and the potential for general economic growth be materialised. Thus, the natural equilibrium and ‘universal consensus’ among nations could be restored.  相似文献   
Both Antonio Genovesi and Ferdinando Galiani devised strategies for Neapolitan economic development, which they realised was essential for preserving its recently acquired independent statehood. In order to avoid any socially disruptive effects they considered how economic processes changed the human mind. Both thinkers grounded their political visions on foreign trade on highly sophisticated ideas of the nature of self-interest. In spite of the similar characters of their projects, the political thought of Genovesi and Galiani has never been subject to serious comparison. Instead the two thinkers have tended to be portrayed as opposite characters with highly divergent political leanings. It is argued here that this view is historically questionable and itself a product of a distorting canonisation process that was set in motion in the second half of the eighteenth century. Ironically, comparing the moral philosophies and economic ideas of Genovesi and Galiani, a picture emerges that inverts the myth that started at the end of the eighteenth century and that until this day has determined accounts of the early Neapolitan Enlightenment.  相似文献   
‘Financialization’ and ‘shareholder value’loom large in the closure of the Vaux Brewery in Sunderland.They are necessarily intertwined with the geographies of spaceand place. Geography inevitably enters into assessments of shareholdervalue by social agents. A geographical political economy approachargues that generalized pressures created by financializationand shareholder value are mediated and contested by specificand particular configurations of spatialized social relations,social agency, and socio-institutional contexts over time, acrossspace, and in place. Geographical political economy frames theanalysis of the Vaux Brewery closure in Sunderland. A more spatiallysensitive, place aware, and locally and regionally rooted financialinfrastructure may be necessary but not sufficient to underpinlocal and regional development.  相似文献   
The success of the group approach in rural micro‐finance among women has inspired the tendency to look at all networking as essentially good and desirable in rural community development, without acknowledging the entrenched caste, class, ethnic and religious hierarchies that lead to diversities among women. Government schemes designed for poverty alleviation among rural women tend to be influenced by concepts and models that have been successful elsewhere, but do not take into account the diversities of situations at the local level. Internationally popular catchwords are used indiscriminately without questioning how these concepts can work effectively in the specific local context. This paper examines why some ‘self‐help groups’ fail by using the Development of Women and Children in Rural Areas (DWCRA) experience in India. The empirical survey was done over a period of two years in Burdwan, a relatively rich agricultural tract located in eastern India. We argue that whilst the ‘group’ has inherent benefits, it must never be allowed to become the paradigm in developmental policies for women.  相似文献   
1966~1976年我国个体私营经济政策述评   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
1966~1976年间,我国对个体私营经济采取了严格限制的政策,至1976年底,私营经济在我国已经绝迹,个体经济也微乎其微,全国城镇个体工商业者只剩下19万人,仅为1966年的12.2%.此外,由于这期间对自留地、家庭副业、集市贸易的限制政策,扼杀了农村经济的生机和活力.  相似文献   
巴兆祥 《安徽史学》2006,73(6):52-58
乡土志是近年学术界讨论的热点问题之一,但尚有不少方面没有涉及.本文就近代乡土志的发展状况,当时的读书人对乡土与国家关系的诠释,以及乡土志流播日本等问题,进行分析,阐发了自己的新看法.  相似文献   
青海民营经济发展研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
史长智 《攀登》2006,25(1):96-102
近年来,青海民营经济虽然有了长足的发展,但就其规模、数量、市场竞争力以及对国民经济的贡献值等方面而言,仍显滞后,与中东部地区相比有着不小的差距。大力发展民营经济,不断开辟新的经济增长极,是青海经济发展继续保持良好势头的现实选择和客观需要。本文拟通过对青海省民营经济发展现状的分析,借鉴发达地区的成功经验,从政策和体制层面上进一步探索加快青海民营经济发展的战略措施。  相似文献   
佛秀芳  白光元 《攀登》2006,25(5):147-149
县域经济发展水平决定着县域文化发展水平,同样,县域文化对经济建设具有促进作用。发展县域经济需要文化作支撑,县域文化的成果最终体现在县域经济和社会发展上。因此,在县域工作中要一手抓经济建设,一手抓文化建设,使县域经济和县域文化协调发展,从而推动县域各项工作的良性循环。  相似文献   
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