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"一线两带"建设与关中城镇群的双向促进机制研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
如何提高关中城镇群竞争能力及区域经济发展活力.在分析“一线两带”建设和关中城镇群发展的现状后认为,高新技术产业和星火产业具有不同的产业形态,是从工业和农业两个层面实现关中区域经济一体化的重要支撑和发展动力.对于关中地区不同发展层面的城镇,宜采用不同的产业经济政策,促进关中城镇向组团式城镇群发展,为关中地区产业集群的发展和新的产业经济体系提供良好的发展平台.研究结论认为,要实现关中区域经济一体化,必须实现二元经济和二元社会的融合,需要建立产业协调机制、城市协调机制,构建区域内功能性组团式城市群,促进关中城乡经济一体化.“一线两带”建设与关中组团式城镇群建设,宜从产业集群和城镇两个层面进行整合,提升关中城市和经济社会的整体竞争能力.  相似文献   
《河南通史》是河南省“八五”社会科学规划重点项目成果,填补了河南地区没有地方通史的空白。该书在研究特色上有自己的特点和优长之处,也有较高的学术价值。主要表现在:既在全国整体中写河南,又注意突出河南地方特色;注重中国古代历史上的一些重大问题的研究;资料翔实,既广泛运用典型的正史资料,又充分使用方志资料,并重视使用考古资料,实现了考古与文献资料的结合;注意吸收学术界的最新成果,观点多有创新。不足之处是,某些观点还有可商榷之处,各卷之间的布局不够均衡,某些部分显得单薄。  相似文献   
魏晋南朝地方军政官的频繁变乱是个值得研究的问题。其原因主要在于:军府长官在获得财富方面具有先天之利,名义上属于国家的地方财富常常会被越轨的军政长官挪作私用。当时以“节”为发兵符信,但是诏书与尚书符都很容易被伪造,朝廷无法防止地方军政官擅自募兵、兴兵。中央也曾对军府内部士兵、府僚、属州刺史与军府长官之间过于亲密的关系进行干预,并且加以种种规定。但这些规定具有矛盾性,而且这种矛盾性又总是向有利于军府长官的方向转化。中央一直向军府派驻有各种监察性质的官员,但这种官员在身份和地位上又从属于府主,有听命于府主的义务。  相似文献   
吐鲁番是一个多民族聚居、多种文化交汇的地区。本文根据《吐鲁番出土文书》和山田信夫刊布的回鹘文文书的记载,从容量单位的角度探讨汉文化对该地区少数民族经济生活的深远影响。  相似文献   
内乡县衙所存遗迹是清末章炳焘时代留下的。清末县衙的东西两路与明代及清光绪重建前大不相同。今天按照明清两代地方志复原的建筑群,不仅与章炳焘所留的清末旧衙署基本没有什么关系,与历史记载中的明内乡县衙也相去甚远。鉴于该衙正成为史学界研究明清官僚政体的新史料,弄清楚它的沿革、遗迹和现状间的关系是必要的。中国衙署建筑所存遗迹极稀贵,如内乡县衙可反映行政制度变迁者更少,故应特别慎重对待。  相似文献   
房地产泡沫和金融安全之间的相互关系既是政府宏观管理必须密切关注的问题,也是学术界长期探索的重大课题。本文以20世纪80至90年代的日本泡沫经济为对象,全面分析了日本以地价泡沫为特征的泡沫经济状况以及日本房地产泡沫对日本金融安全伤害的情况。在此基础上,从制度变迁、宏观经济政策的变化以及预期和经济主体行为变异等方面,考察了日本房地产泡沫和金融安全之间的相互关系,重点分析了两者之间的传递机制。  相似文献   
日本地方自治的表里   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文从团体自治与居民自治两个方面对日本地方自治的现状进行了考察,发现了其地方自治现状与自治理念之间存在着很大的落差,并对产生落差的主要原因进行了简要分析。  相似文献   
The differences between China and Western countries in human and physical environment has brought about two distinctive models of state. In the Chinese-style state of quasi-consanguinity, in which family and state have a similar structure, imperial power, gentry power, and clan power are the product of common ownership of consanguineous groups. The similarity in the structures of these three kinds of power derives from the fact that they are all restricted by the power of lineage generated from the self-sufficient small farmer economy, and must obey the conventions of ancestors which hold the benefits of the group as supreme. The relationship between these three kinds of power, is definitely not the one that is based on the division of power that is founded on individual private ownership in Western countries, where ‘public power’ and ‘individual private ownership’ are antithetic, but are three aspects of the patriarchal dictatorship that complement each other. Therefore, village rule in China and autonomy in the West are two totally different concepts, and gentry power is also not the ‘authorized power’ from the state. __________ Translated from the Journal of Tianjin Normal University, 2004: 1  相似文献   
It is not the case as Robert Bork claims that the U. S. antitrust law had only one goal—maximization of consumer welfare of efficiency—at the very beginning and should have been kept that way for its later development. Partly because of the fighting among different interest groups as well as spokesmen of different regions at the 51st Congress, the Sherman Antitrust Act came out as a legislation with multiple goals, which were also taking shape under the influence of the Republican idea of balance of power, the liberal belief in property rights, the freedom of contract of classic economics, and the price theory of neoclassic economics. In more than a hundred years after that, the U.S. antitrust law has shifted the center of its goals as a result of the change of regulatory regimes with different emphases such as market function, economic stabilization, social concern, and economic efficiency during different periods. From a historical perspective, it is beyond dispute that the U.S. antitrust law has had multiple goals instead of only one. __________ Translated from: Shixue Yuekan 史学月刊 (Journal of Historical Science), No.6, 2004  相似文献   
The paper, based in part on field surveys in 2006, examines the role played by large Russian companies in local development, focusing on the operations of SUAL and Severstal' in Northwest Russia. The two companies provide examples of different models of corporate behavior (transnational and paternalist) in the current Russian business environment, reflecting a choice more broadly between neoliberal and corporate-nationalistic versions of Russia's participation in globalization. The author investigates the implications of the different models for the local jurisdictions in which these companies operate. Journal of Economic Literature, Classification Numbers: D21, L20, O18, P20. 2 figures, 1 table, 48 references.  相似文献   
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