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明代科举中的官年现象   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈长文 《史学月刊》2006,(11):44-48
在明代“进士登科录”、“进士同年录”、“进士履历便览”等科举文献中,皆存在程度不等的官年现象。嘉靖以后,这一现象逐渐变得普遍且近乎公开化,虚报年龄者越来越多,虚报的年岁越来越大,至明末而流于糜烂。这一现象的形成,一方面是继承了历史上的官年传统,另一方面又受嘉靖以后选拔翰林院庶吉士、科道官限年制度的直接影响。  相似文献   
从战争对平民伤害的角度来认识战争的本质,有助于理解国际间友好关系对于平民百姓所具有的社会意义。抗战时期,作为普通劳动者的旅日闽侨,因其“敌对国民”身份顿然成为特殊的群体,陷入极端困境,其生命、财产难以保全,身心遭受了双重伤害。他们传统的“一家两地”的生存模式因为战争而被扭曲、中断,承受了巨大的生存压力。本文运用日本警保局编撰的《外事月报》记载的战时旅日闽侨真实生活的若干史料,本着人道主义精神,考察战时旅日闽侨的生存状况,分析其特定条件下的行为与心态,从而为相关的华侨研究提供一些资讯。  相似文献   
Identifying and removing access barriers to the timely provision of comprehensive health care is increasingly important for the wellbeing of Australia's rapidly ageing and frail populations, particularly those in non‐metropolitan settings. This study has examined if current general practice (GP) locations in non‐metropolitan South Australia (SA) and Western Australia (WA) are geographically accessible to the rapidly growing frail and prefrail populations known to have a high level of health service use and reduced mobility. Geospatial analysis linking 60‐kilometre GP service catchments, 2016 population counts, and 2027 population projections has estimated that the size of the frail and prefrail population that live outside these GP service catchments will double, reaching 7,800 people by 2027. The maldistribution of GP locations was most evident in WA. As regional and remote populations continue to age, the challenge of health service provision, including geographic access to care, must be resolved to ensure that populations in these areas have the best opportunity to age well. Geospatial methods linking service and demographic information, such as the approach used in this analysis, can aid in planning the equitable provision of health care for older Australians.  相似文献   
王登嵘 《人文地理》2005,20(6):92-97,33
传统上,公共服务设施往往按照城市用地结构的等级序列自上而下集中配置。新时期,公共服务设施的准公共物品化、多元化的城市化发展模式、范围经济的出现以及信息网络和快速交通技术的发展动摇了配置公共服务设施的传统理论基础,使区域性公共服务设施可以摆脱中心城市而分散配置于其他周边地区。论文以佛山高明区为例,具体探讨了如何自下而上将区域性公共服务设施配置于次级组团城市的方法。  相似文献   
李玲  许学强 《人文地理》2001,16(2):22-25
本文在简述城市主导功能转变规律的基础上,分析我国50a来城市主导功能从消费性向生产性转变、及目前少数大城市开始向以服务性功能为主的生活型城市转变的历程。  相似文献   
唐寅虽一直享有才子之名,但他因出身于"屠酤"之家,又受到科举弊案的牵连,失去了仕进之路,不得不从事治生。先是到宁王朱宸濠府上做门客,不过时间较短,其后长期以出售书画为生。唐寅由于自身的人生经历和对下层文士生活状况的了解,十分重视文人治生,认为文人读书不如先治生。他认为出售书画是一种可行的治生之道,应依靠自己的才能进行治生,反对赚昧心钱。  相似文献   
Since the 1990s, the adoption of new public management (NPM) as a management philosophy has translated into multiple waves of reform in the employment services sector in Australia, namely Working Nation (1994–96), Job Network (JN: 1996–2009) and Job Services Australia (JSA: 2009–present). Each wave has sought to improve the preceding policy. In this article, we examine changes implemented during the Rudd/Gillard Labor governments. Using government policy documents and survey data from frontline employment services staff, we compare JSA to JN against five benchmarks. Our data indicate that JSA has generated modest improvement. JSA is also a system with less emphasis on strong forms of sanctioning. Our combined data suggest that policy actors operating under NPM conditions are indeed able to influence specific aspects of frontline practice, but they must spend great effort to do so and must accept new imperfections as a consequence.

1990年代以来,新型公共管理被作为一种管理哲学而被接受。这导致了就业服务部门的数次改革浪潮,即工作国(1994—96)、工作网(1996—2009)、澳大利亚工作服务(2009至今)。每波浪潮都力图改良此前的政策。本文考察了陆克文/吉拉德工党执政时期的变革。作者根据政府的政策文件、一线就业服务机构员工的调查数据等等,在五个基准点上将澳大利亚工作服务与工作网做了对比。根据我们的资料,澳大利亚工作服务这个系统带来的改进最小,也不大注重强有力的制裁。我们认为,实施新型公共管理的政策制定方的确能影响一线实践的某些方面,但他们还要花大力气,还要接受往后新的不圆满。  相似文献   

战后德国经济是在左和右,即主张国家干预和自由经济,这两股社会和政治势力交互作用下发展起来的。前者主由社民党体现,后者由基民彤社民盟主张。最初这两股势力形成了有效互补,使得德国社会和经济进入高发展期,后来由于这两股势力彼此抗衡过度,失落了有效互补,社会体制失去活力,经济和社会进入发展低迷期。如今,德国经济一直挣扎在这样的发展困境中。  相似文献   
The 1993 National Voter Registration Act authorizes nonprofit social service organizations to conduct nonpartisan voter registration drives, with the aim of making the process more accessible for low‐income citizens and segments of the population historically underrepresented in the political process. Although more than 15 years have elapsed since this important reform was enacted, very little is known about the extent to which nonprofits have embraced this practice, and what factors explain their decision to do so. Drawing upon institutional theory, this article examines the propensity of nonprofit social service organizations to carry out nonpartisan voter registration and voter mobilization campaigns in a national election year. A series of hypotheses are tested using data from a random sample of several hundred nonprofit service organizations in the United States that were surveyed prior to the 2008 election. Findings suggest that institutional factors, especially state laws, are highly influential in shaping the decision of local level nonprofits to register voters. The article concludes with a discussion of policy implications of this study.  相似文献   
李萍 《攀登》2011,30(3):47-52
随着社会经济的发展与人口老龄化问题的突出,社会对老龄服务的需求不断扩大。为此,大力发展以老年人需求为导向的老龄服务,不仅有利于提升老年群体的生活质量,还有利于缓解我国老龄化过程中的各种矛盾。本文通过梳理与总结美国、日本、瑞典三国在老龄服务方面的经验和实践模式,认为我国老龄服务应当做好四方面的工作:加强社区老龄服务网络建设;建立和完善老龄服务补贴制度和评估制度;着力推进老龄服务队伍的职业化;拓宽老龄服务经费的筹资渠道。  相似文献   
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