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黄圣佑 《旅游科学》2005,19(4):44-48
本研究的目的是探讨台湾旅游区游客解说服务的经验与制度。研究首先指出解说服务对于旅游区管理的各种功能,介绍正职解说员与解说志工的角色及特性,并整理目前旅游解说志工制度的特色。其次,讨论志愿服务的3个理论,以及志工绩效评估的意义、流程及重要性。再透过实证的量化问卷调查,分析阳明山旅游区解说志工的个人背景、参与特性、环境素养、组织满意度以及带队解说表现情形。研究最后归纳解说志工制度的经验与推展流程,为相关保护区或风景区管理单位提供参考。  相似文献   
南京滨江开发区吴墓出土建衡元年买地券券文中未释读、误读或漏读的部分,可补释校订为十一月丁巳朔、丹杨、卜安冢宅、从地主古糸买地、糸卖承买、先立可信等。虽然券文从形式到内容仿照现实生活中的地契,但其中的面积、地价和地主姓名仍有可能出于虚构。  相似文献   
岩画意义的解释经常会出现望图生义或者恣意猜度的现象,导致学术界对岩画的解释产生了偏见。为了避免这种情况,在解读岩画的时候应当充分考虑各种可能的因素,如岩画所处的环境,岩画自身之间的关联,岩画产生地所呈现出来的地方性知识,其他学科的支持等。  相似文献   
The paper focuses on an argument put forward by Augustine in his De doctrina Christiana: there are passages in the Bible that need to be read in a literal, contextual, and ultimately rhetorical perspective. This approach to the Bible (usually overshadowed by Augustine's own parallel emphasis on the importance of allegory) was needed to deal with customs—for instance the patriarchs' polygamy—that had to be evaluated, Augustine argued, according to standards different from those prevailing in the present day. This need inspired Augustine to utter some sharp remarks on the need to avoid (as we would say today) ethnocentric, anachronistic projections into the Biblical text. The long‐term impact of Augustine's argument was profound. The emphasis on the letter played a significant role in the exchanges between Christian and Jewish medieval readings of the Bible, which affected Nicholas of Lyra's influential commentary (Postilla). The same tradition may have contributed to Valla's and Karlstadt's audacious hermeneutic remarks on the Biblical canon, which covertly or openly focused on contradictions in the Biblical text, questioning the role of Moses as author of Deuteronomy. Traces of those discussions can be detected in Spinoza's Tractatus theologico‐politicus. The paper suggests that the emphasis on a literal, contextual reading of the Bible provided a model for secular reading in general. The possible role of this model in the aggressive encounter between Europe and alien cultures is a matter of speculation.  相似文献   
汤治 《旅游科学》2010,24(6):64-71
现今旅游纠纷日益增多,而在我国旅游行政管理部门及司法实践中,普遍存在"无法可依"的认识误区,以及回避纠纷性质,重结果轻分析的倾向。《最高人民法院公报》公布的"孟元诉中佳旅行社旅游合同纠纷案"及其判决,虽然并未引起旅游业界、法学界的太多争议,但其在旅游合同性质认定及解除权问题上的认定,存在着一定的问题和瑕疵。本文从民法解释的角度重新审视该案,并对该案判决提出较为具体的不同意见,以呼吁业界通过解释现行民事立法,充分发挥其在解决旅游民事纠纷中的作用。  相似文献   
本文对汉代画像石文字中的通借字、异体字作了介绍和探讨,对某些疑难字作了具体辨识,为了解、研究汉代文字面貌及增补《碑别字新编》等工具书提供了新的资料。  相似文献   
孙燕 《东南文化》2012,(2):23-27
遗产诠释是一种旨在揭示文化和自然遗产内涵及价值的行为,其功能包括遗产保护、旅游管理、休闲娱乐、教育、宣传等。对遗产诠释的研究源于美国,自提尔顿以"通过诠释,以致了解;通过了解,以致欣赏;通过欣赏,以致保护"为中心的诠释思想奠定了西方遗产诠释理论研究的基础后,遗产诠释研究随即在英国、加拿大、澳大利亚等国家发展起来。现在,西方已经形成一系列的诠释理念和经验。介绍和梳理西方有影响的诠释思想,可为中国的遗产诠释研究和实践工作提供参考和借鉴。  相似文献   
《绿林荫下》是英国著名作家托马斯·哈代“威塞克斯”系列小说中的第一部作品。本论文尝试从自然的化身、女性和男性的和谐统一以及女性对父权制度的反抗三个方面入手,通过对《绿林荫下》的生态女性主义解读,指出托马斯·哈代热爱大自然,同情女性的生态女性主义文学创作倾向。  相似文献   
在中国学术的发展脉络和文化传统的历史演进中,余英时尤其推重"宋学",并对"宋学"作了广博而精微的研究。综合余英时的著述与论说,他对"宋学"的现代诠释主要包括五个方面的内容与精神,即:援释入儒的文化贡献,"内圣外王连续"的儒学理想,"以天下为己任"的士人精神,实证与诠释结合的经学方法,"朱陆之争"的思想线索。  相似文献   

Maps and mapping are fundamental to archaeology. Archaeologists sometimes fail to recognize that the maps we use and create are fraught, like material culture, with interpretive complexities. These complexities arise from the fact that maps are created with social meaning dependent on the context in which the map was created and used. Here, we relate our experience with maps and mapmaking at the pithouse settlement of Sxxwiymelh, in southwestern British Columbia. We review the mapping history of the site, highlighting the contexts in which the maps were constructed and how they influenced subsequent interpretations of the site. We describe our deconstruction of these earlier maps and how we combined them to create a more accurate and detailed map that presented a rendition of the site as it was prior to significant modern development. This process of map deconstruction and construction allowed us to see several previously unknown details about the ancient settlement (e.g., house form, relative house size, and feature spacing) of Sxxwiymelh. In general, this process provides conceptual and practical lessons for incorporating previously collected map data into archaeological research.  相似文献   
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