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Licit narcotics production in Australia is based on the cultivation of a poppy crop restricted to Tasmania under local, national, and international regulation. Its legal geographical analysis is advanced by drawing on the thinking about ‘the nomosphere’ and ‘topology’ developed by David Delaney and John Allen, respectively. Australia continues to lead global production of licit narcotics as distinct new entities, relationships, and capacities have been enabled by differentiating between the constituent alkaloids morphine and thebaine with a loophole identified in US legislation of the 80/20 rule. Nomospheric and topological lenses are used to focus on the intensive, emergent qualities of the industry in addition to the traditional topography revealed in its scalar, networked territorialisation. A renewed understanding of the spatial workings and power plays relevant can inform possible transformation around narcotics production.  相似文献   

Eighteenth-century English common-law courts used petit juries in civil litigation to try issues of fact or find damages after defendants defaulted. In colonial Virginia, county sheriffs impaneled potential jurors for trials of the issue; before trial, litigants selected a 12-man jury during voir dire. By contrast, juries on writs of inquiry to ascertain damages were selected solely by sheriffs and reached verdicts under the sheriff's supervision. Scholarly consensus holds juror selection to have been prejudiced, but pure probability predictions generated with hypergeometric distributions indicate that on writs of inquiry sheriffs often picked jurors in a functionally random manner. This article presents a new test for identifying bias in jury selection by identifying improbable numbers of magistrates, constables, and grand jurors.  相似文献   
车是古代重要的交通工具.与西亚等地相比,从"黄帝造车"等古史传说和文献记载来看,我国车出现的时间与西亚相比相差不远.中国早期车的遗存都出现在远离西北和北部边陲的中原地区.由此可见中国的车并非传自域外.商人是善于迁徙和经商的部族,车是其代步致远的重要工具,这正与文献记载相吻合.豫东平原一望无垠,适宜放牧牛马和驾车,是传说中先商活动的主要地区,在那里发现有不少史前文化的遗迹.因此有理由推断:牛车、马车应是在中国本土起源的,商族应是我国最早掌握牛车、马车驾御技术的部族.  相似文献   
作为宋代的一部地理总志,《舆地广记》具有丰富的地名学内容。其地名学价值主要体现于它在继承汉唐以来的地名学传统的基础上向前发展,开创了“古今参考”的编撰体例来研究地名沿革变迁。它还用诠释法和历史考证法,对地名的命名原则、地名渊源解释、地名考证等作了有益的探索。  相似文献   
湖北随州战国曾侯乙墓的发掘,是“20世纪中国百项考古大发现”的一项。出土文物15000余件。试从音乐、工艺美术、雕塑、绘画、书法诸多领域,全面论述这些文物所反映出的公元前5世纪中国辉煌艺术成就。并分析取得这些成就的历史渊源和社会背景。  相似文献   
卢毅 《安徽史学》2005,(1):96-100
无论是从胡适等人自述,还是从他们的理论主张与研究方法来看,曾在民国时期风行一时的"整理国故运动"都明显承受了西学的深刻影响.其中,在考据学方面,相较于中国传统学术,西学的影响虽不那么直接明显,但正是通过对西方学理的引进,胡适等人终于具有了一种"平等的眼光",从而将国学研究领域拓展延伸至一个前所未有的广阔天地,并且由此极大地推动了中国学术的现代转型.  相似文献   
Despite several decades of research on public policy implementation we know surprisingly little, not only about cumulative research results, but also about several other key aspects of this research field. This article tries to amend these deficiencies by presenting the results of a comprehensive literature survey. Its main purpose is to challenge, revise, and supplement some conventional wisdom about implementation research. A second motivation is to lay the foundation for and initiate a much needed synthesis of empirical research results. The main results are: The overall volume of publications on policy implementation has not stagnated or declined dramatically since the mid 1980s as is commonly asserted. On the contrary, it has continued to grow exponentially through the 1990s and into the twenty-first century. Even more surprising is that a large number of publications are located outside the core fields. Hence, the literature is substantially larger and more multidisciplinary than most commentators realize. Doctoral dissertations are the most ignored, but probably the richest, largest, and best source of empirical research results. Tracing the origin as well as the location of the disciplinary and geographical cradle of implementation studies must also be readjusted significantly. The ethnocentric bias of this research field toward the Western hemisphere has been, and still is, strong and some policy sectors are given much more attention than others. Although positive in many ways, the predominant multidisciplinary character of implementation research still poses some serious problems with respect to theory development. Thus, I discuss whether a resurgence of interest in policy implementation among policy scholars may already be occurring. Finally, I suggest that the time is long overdue for efforts to synthesize research results in a more rigorous scientific manner than has hitherto been done.  相似文献   
依据历年考古所见早期刻划符号,文章按其所处的时空和考古学文化类型的不同进行了归纳整理,亦评述了有关汉字起源的各家具有代表性的意见。  相似文献   
长体卷锋刀是商末周初的一种兵器,本文对各地出土长体刀的分布、年代、演变及相互关系作了较系统的探析。  相似文献   
日本国立大学法人化研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文首先从科技投入产出和科技成果商品化两个角度考察了现阶段日本国家创新体系运行效率低下的问题,进而分析了国立大学独立行政法人化改革对提升国家创新体系效率的优化作用。只有同以产官学联合为特征的日本型周家创新体系联系起来,才能全面、深刻地理解国立大学独立行政法人化改革的背景、目的,与现实经济效用,以及相关各方内在利益冲突可能引发的潜在问题。  相似文献   
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