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现有著作对明清文献中常见的法律术语"纸赎"和"纸赎银"的解释多有不妥,这两个词语既与商人抵押借款无关,也不是一般用来赎罪的罚金,而是诉讼费的名称,后来成为官吏科敛的一个名目。  相似文献   
丁德光  陆林 《旅游科学》2010,24(1):69-77
本文按以下思路对Annals of Tourism Research(1982~2006)、Tourism Management(1998~2008)和其它资料中有关旅游者异地行为的文献作了述评:以文化差异为视角,从旅游者异地行为的概念出发,运用决定论、从众论、拥挤论、设计论等理论分析旅游者的异地行为;根据默顿的越轨行为理论把旅游者异地行为归纳为遵从行为、创新行为、从众行为、隐退行为、反叛行为五类;从若干角度论述旅游者异地行为差异产生的原因;从礼俗和法理的角度探讨旅游者异地行为的控制。在此基础上提出了若干研究启示。  相似文献   
本文从《张家山汉简》所出汉初法律条文着手,对汉初户赋和户刍的性质进行了细致分析,指出二者是一种特殊性质的户税,具有税率很轻的特点。由此,进一步探讨了汉代户税的演变过程,认为文景与武帝时期社会状况的变化是导致汉代户税不断加重又突然消失的重要原因。  相似文献   
Emerging research in sexuality and space outlines the diverse forms of spatial governmentality used to discipline non‐normative sexual behaviours, exploring how exclusion, concealment, and repression combines to ensure that ‘immoral’ sexualities are out of the sight of the ‘moral majority’. In this paper, we explore this contention in relation to planning for sex service premises (brothels) in New South Wales, Australia. Though such sex service premises are now legal, our analysis nonetheless considers the way that these premises have been subject to forms of planning constraint that reflect planners' assumptions about the appropriate manifestation of sex premises within the urban landscape. By exposing the assumptions written into planning law that sex premises are legal but potentially disorderly, we demonstrate the evidential power of planning to reinforce dominant moral geographies through instruments which, at first glance, appear to be focused on objective questions of amenity and the ‘best use of land’. This paper hence explores the ways in which planners have translated assumptions of disorder into categories of visibility and distance, meaning that brothels have become hidden in plain view so as not to disturb the integrity of residential ‘family’ spaces.  相似文献   
Licit narcotics production in Australia is based on the cultivation of a poppy crop restricted to Tasmania under local, national, and international regulation. Its legal geographical analysis is advanced by drawing on the thinking about ‘the nomosphere’ and ‘topology’ developed by David Delaney and John Allen, respectively. Australia continues to lead global production of licit narcotics as distinct new entities, relationships, and capacities have been enabled by differentiating between the constituent alkaloids morphine and thebaine with a loophole identified in US legislation of the 80/20 rule. Nomospheric and topological lenses are used to focus on the intensive, emergent qualities of the industry in addition to the traditional topography revealed in its scalar, networked territorialisation. A renewed understanding of the spatial workings and power plays relevant can inform possible transformation around narcotics production.  相似文献   

Eighteenth-century English common-law courts used petit juries in civil litigation to try issues of fact or find damages after defendants defaulted. In colonial Virginia, county sheriffs impaneled potential jurors for trials of the issue; before trial, litigants selected a 12-man jury during voir dire. By contrast, juries on writs of inquiry to ascertain damages were selected solely by sheriffs and reached verdicts under the sheriff's supervision. Scholarly consensus holds juror selection to have been prejudiced, but pure probability predictions generated with hypergeometric distributions indicate that on writs of inquiry sheriffs often picked jurors in a functionally random manner. This article presents a new test for identifying bias in jury selection by identifying improbable numbers of magistrates, constables, and grand jurors.  相似文献   
日本国立大学法人化研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文首先从科技投入产出和科技成果商品化两个角度考察了现阶段日本国家创新体系运行效率低下的问题,进而分析了国立大学独立行政法人化改革对提升国家创新体系效率的优化作用。只有同以产官学联合为特征的日本型周家创新体系联系起来,才能全面、深刻地理解国立大学独立行政法人化改革的背景、目的,与现实经济效用,以及相关各方内在利益冲突可能引发的潜在问题。  相似文献   
胡震 《史学月刊》2006,12(4):51-56
清末民初,上海公共租界会审公廨法权较之以往发生了重大的变化。《申报》对此作有较为详细的报道,以此为考察材料,通过对法权变化内容的分析和这一过程的动态重构,以期从中透视变乱之际中外权势转移的动态情景,并得以多层面、多视角得认识中国法制近代化的艰辛历程。  相似文献   
当代中国科技法制建设的历史考察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当代中国科技法制建设作为一个客观的历史进程,历经了转型与初创、破坏与调整、恢复与重建、拓展与深化和创新与完善等5个发展阶段,伴随着科学技术的发展程度、科技成果在生产中的应用程度和科技进步对法律需求程度的提高,其角色、地位和作用有一个逐渐演化的轨迹,科技法制建设也由此踏上了一条充满矛盾的现代化发展之路。  相似文献   
王洪兵  张思 《史学月刊》2004,1(8):95-102
美国学者黄宗智在考察清代基层社会的法律秩序时提出了“第三领域”的概念,试图以此超越国家与社会二元对立的观念。不过,黄宗智在立论过程中过分强调了国家与社会的差异性,陷入了国家/社会二元论的窠臼。围绕清代基层社会法秩序这一共同话题,学术界展开了广泛的对话,中、美、日三国学者从不同的角度出发,力图勾画出清代基层社会的法秩序,这些论争及其提出的问题对中国历史研究具有重要的启示意义。  相似文献   
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