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情商对提高领导力的价值和作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李朝智 《攀登》2010,29(2):43-47
领导力的本质就是影响力,这种影响力除组织权力的外在要素外,更多的是来自领导自身情商的内在要素。情商是提高领导力(影响力)的基础,它体现在领导的自我认知力和学习力、领导的情绪控制力和调节力、领导的自我激励力和适应力、领导的人际感知力和平衡力、领导的人际沟通力和协调力等五个方面。  相似文献   
In this paper, we investigate the agenda leadership capability of two American political institutions, Congress and the presidency, in an array of issue areas that include both domestic and foreign policy. The president has long been considered to have the most significant role in setting the policymaking agenda, but there is limited empirical research to support that claim. Examining the issue areas of defense, environment, health care, international affairs, law and crime, and macroeconomics from 1956 to 2005, we find statistically significant positive influence by the president on the congressional agenda in all six of the policy areas under examination, providing compelling evidence of presidential agenda leadership and a reactive Congress. Additionally, we find that the agenda relationship between the president and Congress is issue dependent, in that presidential attention has the largest substantive effect on the congressional agenda in the area of international affairs.  相似文献   
This article describes the circumstances surrounding the creation of a new training scheme for cultural leaders in the United Kingdom: the Clore Leadership Programme. The programme is a response to the contemporary crisis in cultural leadership in the United Kingdom, which is explained in terms of low morale produced by government underfunding, low pay, loss of status, ill‐defined career paths and over‐regulation. The ensuing crisis of cultural authority is compounded by reluctance to address issues of leadership training, which is poorly provided for in Britain. A typology of leadership is proposed: transactional, transformational and relational. The transformational, or “heroic”, leader may be of less value in the future than the relational leader who works with and through others. The appropriateness of the business school model of leadership training to the cultural sector is questioned where the crisis of leadership points to the emergence of new forms of leadership embracing non‐market driven values.  相似文献   
The presidentialisation debate centres on the question of whether contemporary political leaders in parliamentary systems are more powerful than their predecessors. This article applies the presidentialisation thesis of Poguntke and Webb (2005) to the period in which Kevin Rudd led the federal parliamentary Labor Party in Australia. Their model identifies three distinct faces of presidentialisation: the executive face, the party face and the electoral face. This article argues that the evidence of presidentialisation under Rudd's leadership is mixed. The most compelling evidence is reflected in how Rudd interacted with the Labor Party, rather than his interaction with the executive or impact on voting behaviour.

关于总统化的辩论集中于当前国会的政治领袖是否比他们的前任更有权力。本文将普刚克和韦博(2005)的总统化理论应用于陆克文领导澳大利亚联邦议会工党的时期。他们二人总结了总统化的三个方面:行政面、党派面、选举面。本文指出,陆克文领导时期总统化的证据含混不清。最有说服力的证据倒是反映在陆克文与工党而不是与政府的互动或对选举行为的影响上。  相似文献   

Cervantes's deathbed novel, The Trials of Persiles and Sigismunda: A Northern Story, uses the pilgrimage of the two eponymous protagonists to show them as exemplars of the virtues not only necessary for ordinary life, but also those qualities essential to true leadership. The novel constitutes Cervantes's final written words, barely completed in partial rough draft before he expired, and accordingly might be considered his last words on the ideas and traits most important for human flourishing.  相似文献   
黄爱军 《安徽史学》2006,4(4):115-120
党内合作是第一次国共合作所采取的形式,但这种合作形式也存在着明显的历史局限性,即限制了中共对统一战线领导权的争取.这种限制作用突出表现在:孙中山坚持国民革命应由国民党领导,决不放弃对国民党的领导权;国民党始终保持着对共产党人的防范心态,不允许共产党在国民党内坐大;国民党组织力的加强,为推动国民革命所必须,却又强化着对中共活动的约束;共产党的发展却催生着统一战线走向瓦解乃至最终破裂.中共争取领导权斗争的挫败,决定了国民革命失败的结局.  相似文献   
Current approaches to rural community development in Australia provide for limited government intervention. Such intervention is usually housed within programmes that seek to build the internal capacity of communities to achieve long term socio‐economic sustainability. A fundamental implementation strategy for capacity building has been developing local leadership. The underlying assumption of this approach is that good leadership will result in existing resources being mobilised for a more sustainable function and new resources attracted. What though is good leadership in terms of building the capacity of rural communities to develop sustainable socio‐economic futures? This paper compares the conceptualisation of leadership within rural development policies and leadership training programmes with the nature of local leadership as it exists in on‐ground community building projects. From an in‐depth review of the role and nature of local leadership within six Australian rural communities it was found that local leadership could result in improved adaptive capacity if the leadership is similar in nature to Burn's (1978 ) transformational model of leadership. Within policy, local leadership was most often conceptualised as being similar to this transformational model. However, rural leadership training programmes tended to conceptualise leadership as a top‐down process, similar to Burn's (1978 ) transactional model. While this study of leadership within rural communities revealed that transactional skills, as taught in leadership training programmes, were important for successful project management, such skills did not necessarily result in improved community adaptive capacity. It is suggested that, while transactional leadership can have an important role in influencing the development of rural communities, greater attention needs to be given to developing strategies to support transformational leadership.  相似文献   
党的第三代领导集体形成以来的十多年间,国际国内形势都发生了重大的变化,时代的发展呼唤着理论创新。"三个代表"重要思想顺应了时代的要求,回答了在新的历史条件下"建设一个什么样的党和怎样建设党"的时代课题。"三个代表"重要思想是我们党的第三代中央领导集体的理论创新成果的最高概括,是科学社会主义理论在当代中国的新的表现形式,是与马克思列宁主义、毛泽东思想、邓小平理论一脉相承的统一的科学体系。  相似文献   
在香港回归的历史过程中,以毛泽东为核心的第一代中央领导集体从大局出发,尊重香港的现实,在坚持中国拥有对香港主权的大前提下,提出了“暂时维持现状”、“长期打算,充分利用”、在适当时机通过谈判和平解决香港问题等一系列战略决策,不仅体现了原则的坚定性和策略的灵活性的高度统一,而且其中某些解决香港问题的构想还成为邓小平提出“一国两制”的思想来源。同时,这些战略决策的实施,不仅充分发挥了香港与外部世界联系的作用。而且保持了香港的繁荣和稳定,为后来和平解决香港问题奠定了坚实的基础。  相似文献   
Belgorod oblast is a highly successful region in Russia. The economic successes in Belgorod stem from the dynamic leadership is provided by Yevgeny Savchenko for the past 24 years. Savchenko supports agroholdings and industrial agriculture, while also adopting policies that foster the growth of small-forms of farming and organic farming. Savchenko’s agrarian policies have led to the so-called Belgorod Miracle. The Belgorod experience shows that despite a decline in gubernatorial power vis-à-vis the federal center, governors have vast powers within their regions. Personality and leadership characteristics are important variables that impact the performance of a region.  相似文献   
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