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Venice lagoon formed part of a network of inland waterways used for navigation in the northern Adriatic, an almost continuous system of lakes, river‐mouths and canals, at least partly pre‐Roman in origin. The fossae which cross the present lagoon are the continuation of a complex system of natural watercourses and artificial canals between Ravenna and Aquileia. Two Roman buildings discovered on the present San Felice canal could be interpreted as providing navigational assistance at points linking the sea and inland routes. © 2009 The Authors  相似文献   
ABSTRACT. This paper differentiates between centrifugal and centripetal aspects of ethno‐nationalism to help account for the ascendancy of communism in the immediate aftermath of World War II in Poland. It argues that the directing of social antipathy to defined out‐groups allowed the Polish Workers' Party (PPR) to manage social anger and that the Roman Catholic Church's ethno‐religious agenda was aligned with the PPR's ethno‐nationalist policy. Furthermore, it is contended that the Church's toleration of hostile actions directed at minority communities supported the PPR's management of social anger. The paper concludes that the Church, despite its manifest intentions and contrary to contemporary perceptions, played a role in the PPR's achievement of hegemony.  相似文献   
本文通过分析罗马政府在不列颠的运作以揭示元首制时期罗马行省体系的运作机制。对总督及代理官任命之考察表明,罗马官员具有非职业性,他们生活在相对固定的晋升体系中,一生需要出任诸多不同职位,并没有为出任某个职位接受专门训练,所以无法发展出专业行政知识。此外,元首制时期官僚机构尚未增生,行省中罗马官员的数量屈指可数。这些都为地方自治开辟了空间。在某些罗马势力不易渗透的地方,地方自治政府在征服初期以藩属国的形式出现。随着时机成熟,藩属国作为一种权宜之计逐渐被具有高度自治权的城市所代替。城市里的地方官员在刑事案件之审理和直接税之征收方面发挥了重要作用。尽可能把行政负担转嫁到地方政府身上是罗马帝国正常运转的奥秘所在。  相似文献   
The Nene Valley, in eastern central England, was a major pottery production centre in the Roman period. Many kiln sites have been identified in the Lower Nene Valley region and, although comparatively less is known about production in the Upper Nene Valley, substantial amounts of mortaria and other coarse wares have been recovered during excavations at Roman sites in the area, and much of it is thought to be locally made. However mortaria made in the Upper and Lower Nene Valley can be difficult to tell apart, and many also have similar forms and fabrics to mortaria produced in Mancetter–Hartshill, Warwickshire. Therefore ICP analysis was used in an attempt to identify the products of different regions.  相似文献   
We report the recovery of short fragments of PCR amplifiable ancient DNA from exoskeletal fragments of the grain weevil Sitophilus granarius (L.) extracted from Roman and medieval deposits in Northern England. If DNA preservation in archaeological insect remains is widespread then many applications in the spheres of evolutionary studies and archaeology can be conceived, some of which are outlined.  相似文献   
Artefacts and burial rites in the late Roman cemetery at Lankhills School, Winchester, southern England, were used by Clarke (1979) to distinguish between local Romano-British individuals and migrants thought to be from the Danube region, a suggestion tested through isotope analysis by Evans et al. (2006a,b). This paper reports strontium (87Sr/86Sr) and oxygen (δ18O) isotope data for tooth enamel sampled from a further 40 individuals from more recent excavations on the same site. Results suggest that up to a quarter of the sampled Lankhills individuals were incomers, with several individuals possibly originating from the Hungarian Basin and the Southern Mediterranean. However, there was no clear link between isotopic signature and archaeological origin attribution, suggesting that in many cases burial practice was dictated by factors other than ‘ethnicity’, such as kinship, marriage or cultural and political preferences.  相似文献   
Paolo Liverani 《文博》2009,(6):387-395
直到近些年来系统的研究才使人们对罗马帝国时期雕塑上的色彩装饰及其技术有了一定的了解。仔细的分析使一些著名艺术品的色彩得以重现。比如现存于梵蒂冈博物馆的AugustusofPrimaPorta雕像以及the marble revetment of the end wall of the so-called Aula del Colosso in the Augustus Forum in Rome。现在对和平祭坛博物馆颜料的研究也在进行之中。在这个纪念碑中,色彩并不是完全按照现实的方式来标志被塑形象的地位或者来强调救济的政治信息的。不过这并不是一个大致的结论,因为同时代的其他雕塑如在哥本哈根的嘉士伯艺术博物馆里的卡里古拉大帝的肖像,则将注意力更多的放在了色彩的自然效果上。许多有趣的新发现同样来源于对大理石上装饰的关注。在古希腊时代有三种流行的装饰曾经被用到过(尽管在后帝国时期我们可以鉴别出更多的类型和简约化的风格),尤其是在丧葬礼上。在这个领域,在激光的帮助下,新的保护技术使得重要的发现变成可能。从技术的角度来看有机颜料的重要性比如紫胶染料和湛蓝染料——变得越来越相关。紫色的应用只在亚马逊人的石棺(佛罗伦萨国家博物馆中的公元前四世纪的一个伊特拉斯堪人的石棺)中被发现过。粘合剂知识的进展也同样被关注。以后有必要详细制定一些关于分析和公布结果的标准程序来增加对比以及统计处理的可能性。  相似文献   
Dieter Kessler 《文博》2009,(6):354-364
2007年春天开罗大学和慕尼黑大学在Tunael—Gebel联合发掘,发现一个原始的罗马坟墓有一石顶,其形式如同金字塔,命名源于希腊某一铭文。这一小石灰石墓葬包含未发生变化的埃及埋葬风格。两个沉重的石灰和镀金木乃伊被安置于两个木棺中,其中一个有一木制锦缎屋顶。该木乃伊有五彩缤纷的玻璃镶嵌,双方的床都展示着华丽的宗教仪式场景色绘画ajoure-work(这些图像被木板分割)。部分埃及和希腊的70个护身符挂在床上,用石灰制成并刷成绿色。两个石灰雕像伊希斯(高38cm)被置于头部附近。雕像是利用周围的木桩加工成型的,然后涂上颜色。它们是一个明显的混合风格的实例。它们被加工成一个典型的希腊姿势,但仍然有一埃及背景。在传统的老埃及,光谱中的每一道颜色有特定象征意义。通过它可以读出背景的循环往复变化。例如,颜色变化从红色(祭品/敌人)-白(天狼星的位置)-黑色(看不见的东西)-绿色(再生)再次到地球上五彩缤纷的形式。这一统一已经在罗马时代瓦解。新的颜色如粉色的出现,白色王冠上画的黄色等等。埃及的象征意义似乎完全消失在罗马新的墓葬彩色装饰上。  相似文献   
楚王城遗址是襄阳市域一处重要的西周遗址,2005年确认为西周城址。2011年复查后,对城址布局、城垣结构、城内文化层堆积和整体文化内涵有了较为明确的认识,并发现了附属的许家河遗址。本文认为,该城或许就是西周晚期楚熊渠征伐和封王之鄂王城。  相似文献   
The early medieval period marks an important turning point in the history of glassmaking, since it comprises the transition period between the mineral-based silica-soda-lime glass of the Roman tradition and the plant ash-based glass. With the aim of expanding the knowledge on the glass recipes and technologies of this period, 37 glass samples were analyzed, originating from the archaeological excavations of San Genesio (Tuscany) and dated from the fourth to the eleventh century. The major and minor element concentrations were measured with SEM-EDX, while the trace elements were quantified with LA-ICP-MS. The results were compared with published compositions of glass samples of similar age in order to highlight differences and similarities. The results offer a very interesting view on the glass circulation in the religious/residential/manufacturing center of San Genesio in the early medieval period. Most of the glass has a typical late-Roman composition, but some glass fragments are identified as soda ash glass. These are among the earliest medieval ash-fluxed glasses ever found in the Italian peninsula.  相似文献   
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