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清代史无专官,史馆内的史官主要由翰林院、内阁及各部院衙门派充,其余则靠荐举、延请、招考和征用来获得.史官的流动性很大,统治者根据需要,可以随时将史官调离史馆.史官在史馆内交流治学心得、探讨史书编纂问题,有一定的自由度,但又被严格控制在一定限度内,绝对不允许危及统治者根本利益的言论和行为出现.清代史官多是知识精英,有着修史以经世的政治情怀,但由于史馆修史要体现官方意志,史官因此饱受专制政治的精神摧残,倍尝人格分裂之苦.到晚清,多数史官表现出政治上的保守和迟钝,无法在社会变革面前做出相应的反应.  相似文献   
汉宋调和是晚清儒学内部重要的学术思潮,对其时学术格局的转化亦发生重要作用.这一思潮由微趋盛,从学术自身的发展过程来看,与汉学新兴区域在晚清的迅速扩展有着不容忽视的关系.汉学在晚清的发展不再以苏、皖、京师为限,浙江、广东等省成为新的学术重镇.这些汉学新兴发展区域由于特定的学术背景与学术渊源,学者们基本上都提倡汉宋调和,从而对晚清汉宋调和思潮的盛行起了极大推动作用.  相似文献   
清代江南基本由徽商开设的棉布字号,谋求经营之道,单个字号运用各种竞争手段,慎选布师把好收布质量关,联号经营扩大和占有市场份额,品牌战略开拓和扩大销路;字号群体则从事前防范,到经营规范,到事后惩处,字号资本主依靠自身的力量、同业的约束和官府的权威,在应对字号商标的假冒方面,作了种种努力.而当与加工雇佣者发生矛盾形成冲突时,更是齐心协力,以谋求商业利润的最大化;与加工管理者踹坊主发生利益纠纷时,又坚持维护拥有自由选择加工作坊是权利,以掌握经营主动权.  相似文献   
<春秋>是中国传统史学的一大源头,其褒贬书法通过一定的义例蕴含大义,开后世史书褒贬先河.宋代史书褒贬深受<春秋>书法影响.一方面,宋代史书在褒贬形式上多效仿<春秋>义例,主要包括纪年"冠王于正"、一字寓褒贬、常事不书、讳书和书义理之实等;另一方面,宋代史书在褒贬思想上也继承和发展了<春秋>大义,主要包括"正名"、"尊王"、"攘夷"和"正统"等.  相似文献   
清至民国时期中国茶叶海外市场分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
清至民国时期,中国茶叶海外市场遍及亚洲、欧洲、美洲、大洋洲、非洲等地,其中欧美市场最为重要;就国别来看,荷兰、英国、俄国、美国、加拿大等国及澳洲、北非则是这一时期中国茶叶最重要的海外承销市场.与此同时,在这一时期的不同阶段,上述各国茶叶市场的地位和份量呈现出动态特性.  相似文献   
Based on 136 samples of merchants and their activities, this article analyzes the Shanxi merchants’ business activities in Beijing during the Qing Dynasty (1644–1911). The discussion focuses on the merchants’ native places, the type and scope of their business, how they managed their stores, successful and failed examples, and the governmental intervention to the merchants’ business. The Shanxi merchants in these samples include business owners, store managers, accountants, shop clerks, servants, and apprentices. Most stores discussed in this article are shops of medium and small sizes with limited amount of capital and few employees. In contrast to the studies of commerce and merchants that often focuses on famous merchants and large enterprises, this article attempts to provide supplemental information on stores of medium and small sizes. Translated by Yang Kai-chien from Zhongguo Jingjishi Yanjiu 中国经济史研究 (Researches in Chinese Economic History), 2008, (1): 3–10  相似文献   
This historiographic essay contends that warfare made and unmade the Qing dynasty between 1644 and 1911, and its study has helped to create the field of modern Chinese history during the past seventy years. It advances three principal claims. First, the literature on war, especially interstate conflict, can serve as a synecdoche for the development of the modern China field as a whole since the 1950s. The research interests of late Qing specialists have oscillated along an “external-internal-external” axis that corresponds with three distinct periods of intellectual inquiry, scholarly production, and generational dominance. Second, historians have reached inaccurate conclusions about the state capacity of the Qing Empire after 1840 through a crude analysis of the First Sino-Japanese War, a mistake they can rectify by adopting a longer-term perspective on the state-making process. Third, scholars have deftly traced the changing role of military power in modern Chinese politics but have also adopted the interpretive categories of wen and wu from literati discourse without sufficient critical reflection. In the future, researchers may seek to explore the intersection of warfare and the environment, technology, and ethnic identity, approaches that will continue to move the field in comparative, global, and Inner Asian directions.  相似文献   
Increasingly, Chinese history is becoming a more significant component of academic international history. This is particularly true in light of the Chinese economic reform, whereby historical narrative has been able to go beyond more traditional standards of periodization, allowing, for example, Ming and Qing-era historical research to grow and develop qualitatively as well as quantitatively. In this sense, the field has greatly benefitted from the “ideological liberation” which followed in wake of the reform. However in a broader sense, this development is also closely related with academic exchange. Communications among domestic and international scholars of Ming and Qing history, as well as of international history, has normalized in the years following the reforms. This has not only led to a considerable influx of “overseas” historical research to China’s mainland, but has also allowed for a larger-scale access to and citation of Chinese historical research by these overseas scholars. Domestic and international scholars have, from this, established much closer academic relations with one another. This tremendous progress made within the field Ming and Qing-era historical research during the past forty years was established upon the foundation of Chinese scholars’ assiduous efforts as well as their increasingly frequent exchanges with international scholars and academics.  相似文献   
晚明清初江浙一带一些持才善绘的女性进入了当时文人、书画史家和鉴藏家的视野,在同时期的诗文、笔记或书画著录中留下了有关其事略的直接记述,如作品的递藏、题跋或品评等情况。针对这一美术史现象,本文拟从女画家作品进入当时鉴藏领域的方式和收藏家对女画家艺术的品评两方面进行初步的探讨。  相似文献   
完颜昌的对宋态度经历了一个由主战到主和的转变过程 ,主要是由宋金战争形势发展变化所决定的。至于他主张将河南陕西之地交还南宋 ,则不仅仅是受宋金战争形势发展变化影响的结果 ,也是金朝内部矛盾以及完颜昌有意交结南宋的产物  相似文献   
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