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付永正 《清史研究》2020,118(2):26-44
清代东北地区基层社会的官制,长期具有"旗民分治"的特点。在各处八旗驻防地,尽管八旗制度长期存在,但在八旗制度内部,为应对旗人越旗居住、耕种,以及同一村屯内旗民杂处等若干新问题,各地方旗署将驻防地的村屯按照地域划分成若干界,拣选在旗当差的佐领、防御及世职云骑尉等,委为一界之界官,专办管界内的各项差务。清代东北各八旗驻防地的界官名称不同,设置时间不一,所司职责呈现一定的时空差异,但其旗界内基层承管官的角色不曾改变。界官所承办差务繁杂,主要是维护管界内的社会治安,承办界内旗民人等的涉农事务,督倡本界旗民的风俗教化等。东北地区的八旗界官,在咸丰至同治年间发展到鼎盛时期,自同治朝以降的同光宣三朝,因民治地方官的增设,练、防军及乡团练勇的募练,尤其是光绪末年至宣统年间四乡巡警的创办,八旗界官的职权被分割,因而迅速走向衰亡,但其作为清代东北八旗驻防地区基层行政官制演进中重要一环的地位无可替代。  相似文献   
张瑞龙 《清史研究》2020,118(2):73-91
恩诏广额是明清科举考试中因皇帝特恩增加录取的一次性扩招名额。与生员学额和乡会试中额等逐渐成型的定额不同,恩诏广额是介于成型制度、习惯性规则和统治者的自由裁量之间的问题,显示了君主制与科举制的互动。本文旨在考察明清恩诏科举广额制度的原委及其具体实施和调整状况,以及背后因应的重大历史事件,概括恩诏广额的常例、定额和类型,探究明清两朝恩诏科举广额制度的异同与演变,以为进一步探讨明清科举制度的源流递嬗和明清政治异同,提供一特殊的观察视角。  相似文献   
大凼子墓群位于重庆市云阳县青龙街道复兴社区4组,重庆市文化遗产研究院等于2014年、2015年对该墓群进行了抢救性考古发掘,发掘面积共计805平方米,清理汉墓7座、隋墓1座、明墓3座,出土陶器、铜器、瓷器等近百件。此次发掘属三峡工程消落区发掘项目,是三峡工程文物保护工作的补充和完善。发现的东汉中晚期墓葬分布较为密集,疑似家族墓地。通过对这批墓葬的发掘为探讨这一地区东汉时期墓地选择、墓葬排列及在此基础上开展的人口规模、社会政治、经济发展状况等方面提供重要实物资料,另外墓葬中出土了完整的筒形排水管,为汉代墓葬排水系统研究提供重要实物资料。  相似文献   
张倩影  王煜 《四川文物》2020,(2):43-50,105,F0003
成都及周边地区东汉晚期墓葬中出土有一种明显为仙山造型的陶质插座,倾向于为摇钱树的树座。其整体的三山、平台、洞穴造型及其上较为丰富的人物、羽人、伏羲、女娲、西王母形象应是当时观念中以昆仑、西王母为中心的神仙信仰的表现。将其制作为专门的丧葬用品,一方面反映了当时丧葬文化中的神仙信仰成分和超越死亡的升仙愿望,另一方面也再次印证了西南地区流行的摇钱树的主要内涵应与升仙有关。  相似文献   
The judicial system in Qing Beijing integrated both Ming and Manchu institutions. In the Ming judicial system, the first level of courts in Beijing included the Ministry of Justice and the Censorate, and on the second level was the Court of Judicial Review. During the Ming, however, this system became heavily disrupted by the intelligence security apparatuses, like the Eastern Depot. In the Manchu system, on the first level of courts was the banner company captains and on the second level was the Ministry of Justice. After 1644, the Ming’s institutional legacies and lessons remained so important to Manchu rulers that they eventually created an integrated legal system that primarily drew from the Ming system. This integration reflected the Qing dynasty’s endeavor to adopt Ming institutions. Prince Regent Dorgon insisted upon judicial separation on the first level of the courts—Censors of the Five Wards could not settle cases involving banner people, nor could the banner system handle cases involving civilians—while the Shunzhi emperor and his successors wanted judicial unity in Beijing and ordinary banner people and civilians to be adjudicated by the same courts.  相似文献   
前秦时关中氐人分布的武都是指侨置武都郡。侨置武都郡始于曹魏。曹魏为与蜀汉争夺陇右,将武都氐人迁徙至关中,并先后在小槐里和美阳设置武都郡以进行管理。西晋江统的《徙戎论》反映出此时关中武都氐聚居的地方未置武都郡。十六国初期屠各刘氏和羯族石氏先后统治关中,将大量氐羌迁往关东,因此这一时期在关中侨置武都郡缺乏现实基础。苻健立国关中后,在战略要地宝鸡附近侨置武都郡,是其氐人本位政策的体现。北魏时侨置武都郡始领县级行政单位,统治范围扩大,标志着氐人的关中化,同时它也是太武帝平定盖吴叛乱时分化关中南道氐人的重要战略举措。西魏北周立国关中后受政区滥置影响,武都郡领县减少。隋开皇间侨置武都郡在当权者废郡、保留州县的地方行政政策的影响下消失于历史舞台。  相似文献   
清中期以前,越南被视为藩属,清廷未曾与其划分明确界线。中法战争后清廷与法国签订《中法会订越南条约十款》,越南与清朝藩属关系断绝,划界之议遂启。光绪十一年,清廷派邓承修与法国官员进行划界事宜谈判,经过冗长的交涉辩论,最终双方签订界约、绘制界线舆图。台北“故宫博物院”藏邓承修与法国勘界官员所订条约、界图和相关档案,是还原这段桂越段边界交涉情形的重要资料。  相似文献   
In the late medieval period the religious guilds along with trade guilds grew in importance, as did the role of material culture related to the guilds. This history has seen little examination from a Fenno-Scandinavian and particularly a Swedish vantage point. In order to analyse the role of material culture in the formation of this way of organizing people, the article investigates the existence of late medieval guildhalls, especially rural ones, and discusses remains of other material culture that can be connected to the guilds. The halls, drinking vessels and other material things were activated in the growth of a new more substantial way of organizing society outside the boundaries of feudal society and family control. It is argued that material culture had a significant role in the recurrent activities of the guilds of the Middle Ages and in the shaping of new ways of organizing people.  相似文献   
This article explores the levels of fragmentation and fracture patterns in archaeofaunal assemblages from the lower basin of the Colorado River (Argentina) following Outram's methodology. Remains of ungulates (guanaco) have suffered, in these assemblages, a high degree of fragmentation probably caused during the processing of the carcasses. The presence of helical debris and shaft fragments indicates that fragmentation would respond to processing tasks for the consumption of marrow and possibly bone grease. The results of the application of this methodology that were obtained from the analysis of three late Holocene sites (La Primavera, Loma Ruiz 1 and El Tigre) are presented. These results provide new evidence not only for patterns of marrow and bone grease consumption but also for dealing with the subsistence model proposed for the study area. In this sense, the intensification processes already proposed during the final late Holocene (1000–250 bp ) are discussed. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
内蒙赤峰巴彦塔拉辽代遗址浮选结果及分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
伴随巴彦塔拉辽代遗址的发掘过程进行了植物浮选工作,获得了包括粟、黍、大麦、荞麦、大麻等农作物籽粒,以及禾本科、藜科、豆科、锦葵科等植物种子。通过植物遗存的分类与鉴定及遗址出土相关考古资料综合分析,该遗址辽代先民的生业经济应属于以种植粟、黍、荞麦、大麻为主的北方典型旱作农业,同时兼营牧业。  相似文献   
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