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基督教在晚期罗马帝国的兴起,自爱德华·吉本《罗马帝国衰亡史》问世以来就一直是学术界关注的焦点。20世纪70年代,爱尔兰裔美国史家彼得·布朗系统地提出解释罗马帝国和古典文明命运的"晚期古代"理论。在晚期古代视角下,布朗通过文本证据与考古证据相结合,并借助后现代的"解释学的怀疑",以及"表象"理论,解构关于基督教化的传统叙事,并提出关于基督教化问题的新观点。他认为,基督教化是缓慢的不彻底的进程;是关于宇宙的集体表象的改变;具有多样性的特征。布朗的基督教化理论,更关注从多神教到基督教一神教转变过程的复杂性,注重两者的相互影响和作用,在对过程的把握中探讨文化的冲突与融合,历史的连续与断裂。  相似文献   
本文采用考古学方法,从青铜器、陶器、漆器、葬俗等方面,探讨了楚文化对晚期蜀文化的影响。认为以楚式青铜器对晚期蜀文化的影响为主,楚式漆器次之,陶器的影响微弱。楚国的部分葬俗也被蜀人所借鉴。秦灭蜀以前,在当时各列国中,楚文化对晚期蜀文化的影响最大。  相似文献   
迟发展效应的后发劣势与后发优势--对西部大开发的启示   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
介绍了迟发展效应的概念,论述了其负面效应与正面效应--后发劣势与后发优势的内涵及相互转化。对我国西部大开发的启示是,西部欠发达地区能否崛起,能否赶上并超过先发地区的关键,是看其能否将经济发展理论及建设经验与当地的具体情况有机地结合起来,恰当地选择区域开发战略和经济发展的切入路径和突破点,适时地采取一些积极应对策略措施,挖掘、激活后发劣势中的正面效应,强化其相对优势成分,抑制其负面影响,顺利地跨越"瓶颈",创造性地找到一条适合自己的发展道路,从而成功地将后发劣势转化为后发优势。  相似文献   
Among a group of seven skeletons from the southern part of Lower Saxony, dating to the Single Grave Culture (ca. 2500BC ), was a double inhumation, which showed an unusual burial position for one of the individuals interred. Deviating from the typical squatted position, this male was supine. Having been badly injured by an arrow shot into the back, he suffered from post-traumatic paraplegia and, most probably died from bacterial meningitis caused by the flint tip that penetrated the spinal cord. This infection was also responsible for the burial position, clearly pointing to an opisthotonus, which is indicative of the final stage of bacterial meningitis. The other individual, also male, had an arrow wound and died from the complications of a severe wound to the intestines.  相似文献   
Four late medieval burials were excavated at the site of Lepenski Vir in the Iron Gates Gorge, Serbia. One of the individuals, Lepenski Vir 62, exhibits evidence of a sharp‐force trauma on the left parietal, consistent with a combat wound. None of the other contemporaneous individuals show any evidence of trauma or other pathology on the few preserved bones. We argue that the skeletons belong to soldiers involved in the border warfare on the Danube which was quite common at the end of the 14th and the first half of the 15th century between Serbian, Hungarian and Turkish forces. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
晚清中国的巨变之一,是西力东渐后中国社会经济结构引发的一系列变化。西方轮船在中国水域中的出现和强力竞争,导致中国传统木船业衰落。西方轮船同时是外国列强在中国获取势力范围的外在表现。在内忧外患双重压力下,中国自己的轮船航运业冲破重重阻碍终于得以诞生,这是中国社会大机器工业时代开始的象征,也是中国社会发生重大变革的表现之一。  相似文献   
夏家河遗址位于湖北省大悟县高店乡夏河村,2008年11月~12月,为配合郑(州)武(汉)高速铁路建设,湖北省文物考古所对该遗址进行了抢救性发掘。遗址包含新石器时代和西周两个时期的文化遗存。新石器时代遗存发现有石家河文化晚期的瓮棺和房址,出土器物有鼎、钵、高领罐、缸、擂钵等。西周时期遗迹多为灰坑、烧土堆积和房址,从鬲、罐、盂、豆等器物组合和形态来看,相当于西周晚期。  相似文献   
Recent archaeological studies have documented an expansion of monastic institutions in the Persian Gulf after the Islamic conquest, between the middle of the seventh and the end of the eighth centuries. Although the literary sources have often been invoked to support an earlier dating for the diffusion of coenobitic monasticism in the region, our principal source for the phenomenon — the History of Mar Yonan, hitherto misdated to the fourth century — confirms recent archaeologically informed interpretations. The narrative, moreover, provides an insight into the social and economic structures of monasticism in the seventh‐ and eighth‐century Persian Gulf as well as the ideological conflicts that attended the emergence of those structures.  相似文献   
清末民初的“纪年”变革与国家建构   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
清末,中国传统时间思维受到西方线性时间观念的冲击而发生根本变革,纪年变革就是这种变化最为直接的表现。知识分子将纪年视为建构"现代国家"的重要方面,并为争夺纪年所具有的政治资源展开激烈论争。民国建立之后,革命党人将建构新纪年体系视为革新政治的重要标志,并在社会上大力播扬新纪年的意义,此做法却受到了普通民众的抵制。时间观念及与之相伴的生活习俗与现实政治之间的复杂关系是近代社会变革的重要论题。  相似文献   
在山东威海举办的“晚清时期英国在华租借地历史文化”国际学术研讨会上,来自世界各地的专家学者,以香港、威海两地特定时期的历史文化问题为主题,对近代英国在华租借地的历史事件、历史人物及相关研究进行了多方位的考察和讨论,丰富了晚清时期英国在华租借地研究的成果。  相似文献   
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