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孙中山与晚清革命党人社会背景的再认识   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
迟云飞 《史学月刊》2003,(12):27-34
孙中山早期革命(晚清时期)的社会背景(或基础)不是资产阶级,他所领导的革命也不是资产阶级革命。兴中会时期,他所依赖的社会力量是背离了传统社会体制、率先接受西方影响的边缘阶层,其社会基础十分薄弱,所以他的革命活动到处碰壁。1901年以后,孙中山转向新政中产生的追求民族主义目标的新知识分子,由于革命得到这一新社会精英阶层的认同,社会基础迅速扩大,终获辛亥革命的成功。  相似文献   
钧窑始烧年代考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
钧窑被称为宋代的五大名窑 ,但考古工作中一直没有可信的材料证明其始烧于宋代 ,近年来国内外学界多撰文将钧窑的始烧年代定在金代以后。本文系统地介绍了 2 0 0 1年发掘禹州神刘家门窑址最早地层的出土器物 ,总结了其器形、胎釉和工艺特征。继之将其与考古发掘的窑址和墓葬材料进行对比 ,探讨了出土早期钧窑器物的窖藏、墓葬和遗址的年代 ,讨论了早期钧窑几项重要工艺的时代特征 ,结合窑址出土的纪年材料 ,证明刘家门窑第一期前段的时代为北宋徽、钦二宗时期 ,这也是钧窑的始烧时间。最后简论了钧窑是仿汝窑产生的 ,在北宋末期与汝窑同时生产。  相似文献   
乔梁 《华夏考古》2004,(2):58-67
辛庄头 3 0号墓的发掘是燕下都考古的一项重要收获 ,但关于它的年代却存在着不同的认识。本文根据墓中仿铜陶礼器的形制与组合特点 ,结合古代文献记载 ,论证其年代当在战国晚期。文章还分析了其出土遗物与北方草原文化和东北地区文化的联系。  相似文献   
关于晚清文化的研究,学界存有重新学而轻旧学。详今文经学而略汉学、理学的倾向,对儒学内部各派别的位置及其传承谱系缺乏整体把握。历史地看。晚清时期,程朱理学作为官方哲学和社会意识形态而处于主导地位;汉学拥有广泛的学术基础,并在某些方面取得了新的进展,依旧占据传统学术的主流;今文经学的兴起虽然醒目,但其社会基础则不及理学、汉学。  相似文献   
孙强 《史学集刊》2007,6(2):20-26
商人借贷利息率的高低对商业性借贷的发展有直接的影响。晚明商人借贷的利息率总体上以低于年息36%为多,这一利率既大大低于消费性借贷的利息率,又低于市场平均利息率,一般均在法定利息率的范围之内。虽然商人借贷的利息率相对较低,但在风险机制的作用下,放贷者向商人放贷的积极性不会受到减损。又由于利率较低,商人借贷通常有利可图,因而商业性借贷能够得到发展。  相似文献   
明代晚期是整个明代政治斗争最为激烈的一个阶段,浙党、魏忠贤阉党、东林、复社,彼此之间的政治党争呈现错综复杂的形势。其中,鲜明的地域性派别成为晚明党争的一个重要特征。在党争中所体现的地域扶持和异派倾轧,与各个政治派别的人员构成有着非常重要的关系。通过对这些派别主要成员的籍贯的地理分布的研究,可以对当时的某些政治现象作出更加合理的解释。  相似文献   
The earliest Later Stone Age (LSA) industries from southern Africa are microlithic and unstandardized and include the bipolar technique. The dating of these industries is controversial and the earliest microlithic industry is said to occur at Border Cave at about 39,000 B.P. By 18,000 B.P. a bladelet tradition was established and this was replaced in many parts of southern Africa, at about 12,000 B.P., by a widespread and prolific nonmicrolithic industry, characterized by side-struck flakes. The late Pleistocene environment was colder than present, with particularly harsh conditions during the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM), between about 20,000 and 18,000 B.P. Populations may have been isolated because archaeological visibility is low during the LGM and decreases further after the LGM. After 13,000 B.P. there is a dramatic increase in sites and this implies that there may have been widespread colonization of territory previously unoccupied for tens of thousands of years. By the end of the late Pleistocene there was a change in hunting patterns, in parts of southern Africa, from an emphasis on the capture of large, gregarious grazers to an emphasis on small, solitary browsers. Social complexity increased during the late Pleistocene, and by 12,000 B.P. it seems possible that Stone Age people were observing some social practices recorded historically among Bushmen (San).  相似文献   
This study identified the provenance of Pb flux used in the production of the glaze of unique, high-quality late medieval stove tiles from the northern part of the Carpathian Basin, and elaborated and evaluated a fast preparation process to measure Pb isotope ratios in high-Pb glazes. We compared three different methods of preparation. Method 1 consisted of the dissolution of bulk chips of glaze, dilution of the solution and mass spectrometric analysis without Pb purification. Method 2 collected the Pb from the surface of the glaze with acid-impregnated swabs, subsequent dilution and direct analysis of the sample solution. Method 3 used solutions from method 1, extraction of Pb by ion-exchange chromatography and analysis of the purified Pb. Each preparation method produced a similar Pb isotope ratio. The majority of the Pb isotope ratios fall into one group and indicate that lead imported from the Krakow–Silesia mining region was mainly used for production of the glazes of the stove tiles made by different workshops.  相似文献   
The history of Christianity in the Gulf is still largely unknown since both archaeological and written sources are sparse. Many questions remain about the development and disappearance of Christian communities, as well as their form. A few sites were identified as Christian because of the discovery of churches or crosses. A church was excavated at al-Qusur (Failaka Island, Kuwait) by the French Mission to Kuwait in 1988–1989. Since 2011, a new French–Kuwaiti Archaeological Mission in Failaka (MAFKF) has aimed to better understand the site’s phasing and organisation. The discovery of a large refectory and a small tripartite building that is most probably a monk’s cell, as well as the reinterpretation of a church-like building as a structure perhaps dedicated to the spiritual education of monks has demonstrated that at least the central part was a monastery, making it the second Christian settlement in the Gulf to be proven to be a monastery.  相似文献   
This paper presents the latest finds from the early Islamic site of Al-Qurainiyah on Failaka Island, Kuwait. Trenches opened to the west of the main late Islamic village led to the identification of residential buildings and a workshop located along the shoreline, while the pottery assemblage suggests a permanent occupation from at least the seventh century CE to the early ninth century CE. The last two years of excavations allowed us to uncover archaeological contexts that seem to indicate a previous occupation, dating to the late Hellenistic period (second century BC). The long-term occupation, strategic position of the settlement facing a wide and well-sheltered lagoon, as well as the installation of a stable settlement in the same period of Al-Qusur—the main early Islamic site of the island—seem to suggest the interpretation of Al-Qurainiyah as a landing place used both in the early Islamic period and beforehand.  相似文献   
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