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金元时期在豫西中部地区多个窑址同时生产青瓷和钧瓷,发掘于2005年的汝州东沟窑遗址即是该类窑址典型代表之一。为系统了解东沟窑青瓷和钧瓷的胎釉元素组成特征和工艺特点、揭示两类瓷器各自随时代变化的规律,本项研究采用EDXRF和OM对东沟窑遗址出土且地层明确的43件金、元时期青瓷与钧瓷标本胎、釉化学组成和工艺性能进行测试分析,探讨了胎、釉的原料配比、釉层厚度和胎釉反应层厚度等工艺特征随时代和标本类型的变化规律。研究结果表明:东沟窑同时期青瓷和钧瓷胎体元素组成较接近,而两者釉的元素组成差异明显,金元钧瓷釉的SiO2/Al2O3摩尔比值都明显高于同时代青瓷的相应比值,呈现钧瓷釉典型的高硅低铝组成特征。从金代到元代,东沟窑青瓷和钧瓷釉都呈现从钙釉向钙-碱釉的转变。本项研究还观察到金元钧瓷的釉层和反应层厚度均高于同时代的青瓷;而从金过渡到元,两类瓷片的釉层和反应层厚度均趋厚。本项研究对揭示金元时期豫西中部地区青瓷和钧瓷间的传承和演化关系提供了有意义的科技数据。  相似文献   
浙江德清县乾元镇小马山窑址以烧制青釉瓷器为主,也生产少量黑釉瓷器,是德清窑的重要窑址之一。本文为自20世纪50年代德清窑概念提出以来的首篇较为科学的调查清理简报。  相似文献   
德清窑是分布于浙江东苕溪中上游流域、自东汉至唐代、兼烧青釉器和黑釉器的瓷窑群的总称。位于杭州市余杭区良渚镇的石马(土斗)窑址属德清窑系列,产品包括青釉与黑釉两种,其中以青釉占大多数,黑釉比例较低。本文为自20世纪50年代德清窑概念提出以来的首篇考古发掘报告。  相似文献   
为进行山东日照海曲出土夹纻胎漆器的脱水保护工作,选择了19块残片,运用体视显微镜观察(OM)、X光探伤机拍摄、扫描电子显微镜(SEM)等方法,对残片的制作工艺、材质进行分析研究。分析结果表明,该批漆器是实用器;其苎麻之间无漆灰层粘结,有别于现代制作工艺;其易存水,是使其易遭受腐蚀的重要因素。本分析结果可为研究我国古代夹纻胎工艺提供素材  相似文献   
The clays of Finland originated from glacial deposits formed during the deglaciation of the Weichselian ice-sheet and during the different stages of the Baltic Sea. The analysis of the fossil diatom flora is of central importance in the study of its developmental history. The diatoms in the clay indicate its sedimentary environment, which can be linked to the stages of the Baltic Sea. The siliceous valves of diatoms tolerate heating up to 1400°C and can consequently be identified in ceramics fired at lower temperatures. Several diatom analyses have been made in Finnish Sub-Neolithic comb ware pottery in order to determinate the origin of their clay materials. According to the results of these studies, prehistoric potteries used clays deposited during the Yoldia and the Ancylus stages. The criteria used in selecting raw materials were identical to those of modern ceramic industries. Further details as to provenance of clay materials have been illustrated in connection with research on pottery from the Aland Islands. In the example from Kymi, South-eastern Finland, changes in the composition of the diatom flora have been found to correlate with changes in pottery decoration styles.  相似文献   
由于新津观音寺泥塑制作年代久远,加之在后期的维修过程中使用了一些不当的修补材料(比如水泥、石膏等),少量泥塑断裂、残缺、破损比较严重,补塑部位不断收缩和膨胀,泥塑膨胀、变形、脱落十分严重,个别泥塑需要重新补塑。鉴于大漆不溶于水,只溶于酒精、丙酮、二甲苯和汽油等有机溶剂,且漆膜干固后,几乎不溶于任何溶剂,具有独特的耐久性、突出的耐磨性、优良的耐腐蚀性、耐高温性、极好的电绝缘性。因此,2007年对成都观音寺内的明代泥塑进行保护修复中使用了大漆。大漆砖粉腻子的具体配比为:细砖灰50g,大漆50g,清水10g。另外在贴金箔时,使用了大漆作为粘结剂。在此次的保护修复中,按照传统工艺使用大漆进行处理,修复效果良好。  相似文献   
The Liuhe Pagoda in Hangzhou, China, has a large number of brick carvings from the Southern Song Dynasty (1152 ce ), covering an area of 464 m2. However, the exquisite brick carvings in the Liuhe Pagoda have deteriorated due to natural weathering and a high-humidity environment. Through laboratory analysis and on-site nondestructive testing, the physical and chemical properties of the brick carvings of Liuhe Pagoda were investigated, and the weathering mechanism of the brick carvings was further analyzed. The brick carving of Liuhe Pagoda is composed of brick, white plastering and black coating. CaCO3 is the main component in white plastering, and the black coating on the top surface contains Chinese lacquer. The weathering products of the brick were analyzed and a trace of CaSO4.2H2O was found. In addition, the brick carvings with high water content have low Leeb hardness and severe weathering. Therefore, water and soluble salt are the main factors in weathering of the brick carvings of the Liuhe Pagoda.  相似文献   
Coarse wares from western Cyrenaica and southern Crete are similar in shape and workmanship and are not distinguished petrologically. It has been possible to identify three distinct groups by neutron activation analysis: (1) Keratokambos (Crete); (ii) Benghazi lime-rich ware; (iii) Benghazi shell-rich ware. The element ratios for (ii) and (iii) are 1·52 ± 0·16 (excluding Na) which suggests a dilution of clay from the same source by shell for example in the shell-rich ware.The element ratio for Na is only 1·01 and the Na concentration increases linearly with time. This could be Na absorption with time from the brackish water for which the region is renowned.  相似文献   
故宫乾隆花园内的古华轩外檐落地罩是北方地区建筑装修使用大漆工艺的罕见案例。为探明其装饰层材料工艺做法,综合利用光学显微分析、免疫荧光染色分析、X射线荧光光谱分析、扫描电子显微镜-X射线能谱分析、热裂解-气相色谱/质谱联用等多种技术,结合传统漆作文献记载和清宫档案,详细厘清了装饰层的材料组分、制作工艺及营缮历史。研究表明,古华轩落地罩保存了八个时期的装饰层,整体使用调入桐油的大漆髹饰,不同时期的黑漆分别采取添加炭黑、添加铁盐两种方法制得。金饰做法包括描金、贴金两种。初始营缮工艺为捎当灰—布漆—漆灰—黑漆—色漆—金饰;重缮时做法相对简化,并将原先的一色金改为两色金。  相似文献   
云南昆明的石寨山墓葬是汉代滇池区域的土著文化,为了了解该地汉代铜器的制作工艺水平,本研究通过金相显微镜观察、扫描电镜及能谱分析的现代分析手段来对M3、M5、M6、M7、M10、M12这6个墓葬群的31件青铜器展开探讨。结果显示在31件铜器样品中,有30件为铜锡合金,1件为红铜,所有器物均为铸造,其中有1件铜戈的刃部经历过热锻加工。这一分析结果丰富了石寨山文化的铜器研究,为器物的保护修复提供科学依据,同时也为云南汉代时期的铜器考古学以及金属技术史补充部分资料。  相似文献   
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