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湖北襄阳东汉—三国蔡越墓出土的相轮陶楼,在建筑形制上为汉式陶楼和印度式相轮塔刹的结合,在装饰母题上同时兼有汉地神仙瑞兽与印度—犍陀罗式有翼天人的图像,明显带有佛教初传时期汉、印文化杂糅的特点。本文在讨论陶楼形制的过程中,分别联系同期北方墓葬中出土的陶楼明器和汉晋之际江南地区的佛饰堆塑重楼魂瓶进行类比分析,证明这两类墓葬明器都与文献记载的"浮图祠"相关联。在佛教初传汉地时,由"仙人好楼居"的汉式重楼过渡到高层佛塔,浮图祠是初期的标志,襄阳蔡越墓陶楼或可看作是浮图祠的标准器。浮图祠用作明器进入墓葬,反映了汉地民间埋葬方式因佛教传入而起的新变化,并在随后长江中游六朝砖墓的建造中留下了印记。  相似文献   

Eider duck down is a raw material used in northern coastal areas. In Norway the resource has been of special importance in the archipelago of Helgeland, where there is a specialized production developed and managed by women. There, the eider duck is seen as part of the livestock. The local people build houses for them, tend their nests and look after them during brooding. The down left in the nests by the birds is gathered, dried and cleaned in a very demanding, labour-intensive process. The eiderdown is then used in down quilts and pillows. Down is known from written sources as an important trade item, particularly from the end of the Middle Ages. The increasing bourgeoisie wanted the light and warm down quilts for their beds. Already around AD 890 Othere from Hålogaland (North Norway) told King Alfred in England that the Saami paid him fugela fe?erum (feathers or/and down) in tax. However, the use of down as a raw commodity used in trade must have started earlier, something the archaeological record might reveal. In any case, pillows and quilts of feathers or down are known from high-rank burials from Late Iron Age Scandinavia and Western Europe.  相似文献   
秦汉时期岭南地区的墓葬中大量出土各种类型的联体陶器,被普遍认为是当地考古学文化的特色。这些联体陶器的分布、形制、共出陶器和墓葬背景呈现如下特点:它们在岭南地区呈现以秦汉郡治为中心的多点辐射式分布,数量和类型呈现"故王都—郡治—一般县城"的层级落差,近海较内地数量多、类型丰富;在发展脉络上,从多种类型到比较单一的五联罐再到急骤消失;联体陶器应该是一种南越国时期在外地工艺冲击下出现的本土化产品,与"边地半月形地带"和环地中海地区的kernos/pseudokernos可能存在渊源关系。  相似文献   
对于仰韶文化半坡类型墓葬的基础研究一直以来都是埋葬方式研究;且较多地关注于埋葬姿势的解读,但埋葬姿势与埋葬方式并不是一个对等的概念。本文通过对半坡类型单人葬人骨埋藏特征与形成原因以及埋葬过程方面的分析,认为在半坡类型单人葬中二次扰乱葬是普遍存在的,这对于研究仰韶文化墓葬埋葬方式有很重要的意义。  相似文献   
Human skeletal remains of sixteen individuals found at Dibba al‐Hisn in the Emirate of Sharjah (UAE) are analysed with regard to standard anthropological criteria. They represent the poorly known pre‐Islamic period of the first centuries AD. Remains of at least fifteen individuals were recovered from a semi‐subterranean grave‐chamber together with rich archaeological grave‐goods. An additional, almost complete skeleton was found in the open area near the chamber. While the size and nature of the sample prevent demographic analyses, skeletal features studied with the help of macro‐ and microscopic as well as radiographic methods provide details on individual life histories and living conditions, as well as mortuary habits and taphonomic processes. Of special interest is a case of intentional tooth mutilation as well as two cases of skull trauma apparently caused by violent inter‐personal conflict. The results of the analysis of the faunal remains from the grave‐chamber and its surroundings are presented in an appendix .  相似文献   
史杭  张翔宇  高琪 《文博》2022,(1):8-14+46
为配合城市建设,西安市文物保护考古研究院在西安市长安区侧坡南村发掘了一座唐代墓葬,形制为斜坡墓道四天井砖砌前后室墓,地面残留有封土,葬具为庑殿顶石椁,出土有兽面纹塔式罐等高等级器物。墓葬规模大、等级高,推测墓主为唐皇室家族成员。值得一提的是,该墓墓室遭到了严重的人为破坏,可能与当时的政治派系斗争有关。  相似文献   

The beginning of the Bronze Age in the southern Caucasus has been thought to coincide with the appearance of the Kura Araxes (KA) culture around 3500 cal b.c. KA artifacts are known not only from the southern Caucasus but also from sites in Anatolia, Iran, and the Levant. Recent discoveries from Areni-1 Cave in the Vayots Dzor region of Armenia demonstrate that the origin of the distinctive KA artifact assemblage lies in the Late Chalcolithic of the late 5th to early 4th millennia b.c. The cave contains rich assemblages of desiccated botanical remains that allow the site to be precisely dated and that demonstrate that its inhabitants exploited a wide variety of domesticated and wild plants. It would appear that from 4000 cal b.c. onwards, people used Areni-1 Cave for habitation and for keeping goats, storing plant foods, and ritual purposes; unusual for this time period are ceramic vessels containing the skulls of children.  相似文献   
本文介绍了2006年在盘龙城进行的田野考古物探工作的过程和新的发现。文章从投入田野考古物探的方法技术要求、野外数据资料采集的质量评价、数据资料的处理和图示进行了介绍·重点描述了对所发现的M1磁异常场源性质的认识、分析和探讨的过程,指出引起位于盘龙城府河河滩上的Ⅰ号磁异常的场源很可能是规模较大的地下人文构筑物。  相似文献   
Physical anthropology and bioarchaeology (one of the newer interdisciplinary sub‐disciplines) are alive and well in the U.A.E. Older analytical approaches that rely on subjective observations and non‐systematic study of human remains are being replaced with more biocultural and processual approaches that integrate biological data from human remains within a broader archaeological and cultural context. With the publication of a major synthetic work based on analysis of the human remains from Jebel al‐Buhais, a new era of skeletal analysis in the U.A.E. has been heralded. This short review examines the ways that skeletal analysis can be integrated within broader archaeological contexts.  相似文献   
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