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“夜郎古旬”摩崖石刺位于遵义市凤冈县何坝乡康坝村长安桥,“夜郎古旬”在此地的发现绝非偶然,本文旨在结合一些文献资料及前人研究成果,分析“夜郎古旬”与古夜郎国、相关夜郎县及历史事件的关系。  相似文献   
超声波技术在大佛寺石窟石质保护中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍超声波探测在石质文物风化评价、化学加固效果评价及其裂隙研究方面的应用,并将其结果与目前常用的方法进行了比较。  相似文献   
韩信城遗址的平面布局及出土文物的研究表明:韩信城不是汉代建筑,城之所在应该是韩信出生的地方;韩信城在北宋时期为淮东转运枢纽,金元时期为军事重镇。  相似文献   
关于聚落考古的方法问题   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
所谓聚落考古,就是以聚落为对象,研究其具体形态及其所反映的社会形态,进而研究聚落形态的演变所反映的社会形态的发展轨迹。聚落考古往往要与环境考古相结合,才能取得较好的效果。我们讲的聚落形态不是遗址形态。在聚落形态没有根本改变的情况下,它所反映的社会面貌或社会组织结构也应当没有本质的改变。有些聚落中的遗迹保存得比较好,不但可以进行功能区的划分,还可以进一步了解各功能区乃至单体建筑之间的联系,借以复原当时的社会。要做到这一点,仅仅依据地层关系和文化分期难以达到目的,还需要引入地面的概念,要设法揭示完整的地面。聚落调查的目的不仅是要了解有没有遗址,也不仅仅是了解遗址中有哪几个时期的东西。从聚落考古的要求来说,至少要了解遗址中是单一文化期的聚落,还是有几个时期不同范围的聚落。  相似文献   

It is an acknowledged fact that historical centers, given its significance from the cultural and architectural viewpoint, bring further challenges in terms of maintenance planning, survey, and safety assessment. The preparation of an adequate investigation plan and the extent of data to be collected is highly reliant on many aspects, such as the category of the architectonic asset, the importance of the heritage site, or the resources available, for example. In what regards the seismic response assessment of urban cultural heritage assets located in historical centers, the amount and detail of data also depend on this article, scale of assessment, and current state of conservation and occupation. Within this framework, this article provides an overview of the state of the art of investigation techniques currently used in survey operations, which are currently available for improving the knowledge level of urban cultural heritage assets within historical centers, as a supporting tool for the seismic response assessment of such singular assets. Finally, acknowledging the lack of accuracy when evaluating the seismic response of an asset enclosed in aggregate as an isolated structure, this article also focuses on the identification of the main particularities inherent to buildings enclosed in aggregate.  相似文献   
Mayhew's understanding of work in London has not been considered a great success. His accounts of workers were sentimental and erratic and his ambivalence to political economy prevented him from fully understanding the relationship between work and poverty. As the century progressed, it was Marx and Booth who provided systematic and sustained studies of the labour question. However, as this article argues, the circulation of facts, moral judgements and guesswork that filled the pages of London Labour and the London Poor offers a fair representation of a metropolitan manufacturing economy that was characterized by uncertainty, speculation and shifting boundaries of capital and labour. In particular, Mayhew's demonization of small masters, the working poor who set up as independent producers and whom he blamed for over-competition, drew out a contradiction in contemporary understandings of capitalism: large-scale capital and well-organized labour were seen as progressive and modern but small businesses were flexible and adaptable and were for many the only hope of escaping poverty and breaking out of the ranks of labour. As such, it is Mayhew rather than Marx or Booth that best exposes the tensions between the aspirations of the working poor and the paradigms of social investigators that insisted on distinguishing capital from labour.  相似文献   
二十世纪二三十年代中国农村经济调查与研究评述   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
侯建新 《史学月刊》2000,(4):125-131
农村始终是中国现代化建设最广阔、最深厚的基础,因此关于农村调查及发展研究倾注了几代中国人的心血。20世纪上半叶尤其二三十年代的中国农村调查与研究主要有:晏阳初、梁漱溟的乡村建设试验区以及社会学家李景汉的定县调查;陈翰笙领导的保定、无锡农村重点调查和全国性抽查;国民政府首次以国家机关名义进行的农村经济普查与定期统计。此外,还有南京金陵大学美国人卜凯组织的大规模的农村调查和日本人“满铁”的华北农村调查。这些农村调查的目的不一。深浅有别。但客观卜都为日后的中国农村经济研究留下了颇有价值的资料。  相似文献   
祁门县明清时期民间民俗碑刻的调查与研究   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
陈琪 《安徽史学》2005,(3):72-81
经过两年多时间的田野调查,我们在素有“九山半水半分田,包括道路和庄园”的祁门县境内,先后发现有132块明清时期的民间民俗碑刻。它或立在村头水口,或立在事发地点,或立在祠堂庙宇,起到告之、提醒和警示作用。这些碑刻以其独特的存在形式反映了明清时期徽州府祁门县民间的生活习俗、宗教信仰、宗族条规、山民喜好,如封山、修路、做桥、建祠、续谱、教育、风水等活动,为研究徽州民间民俗提供了第一手资料。  相似文献   
20世纪60年代前期的"大兴调查研究之风"和"国民经济调整"同属探索时期的中国共产党在遭遇挫折之后,郑重地自省并自纠其缺点错误而采取的重大举措。调查研究为经济调整提供了可靠的依据和坚实的基础,经济调整成为推动调查研究之风形成广泛深入之势的强大动力。"调查研究"和"经济调整"二者在实践中形成良性互动,同时二者的实践还使全党重新恢复了实事求是的理性传统,进一步证明实事求是思想路线对党的各项事业的重要作用。  相似文献   
为了配合基本建设,对甘泉金代画像砖墓进行了整体搬迁工作。采用红外、紫外照相,便携XRF、非接触式色度仪等检测方法在传统画面信息提取的基础上,进一步揭示了画面的信息,发现画像砖和彩绘的颜色以红、白、黑为主色,黄色颜料有荧光反应,初步可确定有赤铁矿、铅丹颜料的使用;病害主要为起甲、空鼓、裂隙、酥粉等。考古现场第一时间控制了墓室小环境和病害,采用泡沫板、复合板、木龙骨对墓室内部进行了整体支撑加固,用石膏麻布、不同型号的钢材对墓室外部进行固型和加固,并在底部插入槽钢和H钢将墓室焊接为一个整体进行吊装和运输。本工作克服了该画像砖墓墓室多、体量大、吊装和搬迁不易的难题,是目前整体搬迁体量最大的墓葬,为同类工作的开展提供了示范。  相似文献   
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