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During the last seven centuries of the first millennium BC, the indigenous societies of Mediterranean France underwent a series of gradual social and cultural transformations that are linked in complex ways to their encounter and increasing entanglement with the broader Mediterranean world. This article presents a synthesis of current knowledge of this issue and explores some of the main themes guiding research. New evidence concerning the alien colonial agents (Etruscan, Greek, Punic/Iberian, and Roman), and the contrasting nature of their presence and power in the region, is discussed, as is evidence concerning forms of indigenous engagement with colonial states and paths of social and cultural change. The consumption of alien goods (wine, ceramics) and the adoption of foreign techniques and practices (ceramic production methods, coinage, writing) are examined in terms of the locally situated logic of demand and the ramifications for entanglement and change. Transformations in settlements, ritual spaces, funerary practices, and the agrarian landscape are discussed.  相似文献   
王秀伟 《东南文化》2018,(2):105-111
博物馆艺术授权是以博物馆藏品等所体现的文化艺术内涵为依托的授权标的物知识产权的授权体系,其发展路径和结构形式即为博物馆艺术授权的结构模式,分为直接授权模式、委托授权模式和综合授权模式三种。这一结构模式决定了其价值链的形成过程和最终形态,总体表现为由若干点、线、面组成的伞状结构的价值网络。  相似文献   
The extraordinary record of prehistoric funeral activities in Russia’s Cis-Baikal region provides an opportunity to study changes in political strategies that boreal forest hunter–gatherers employed at these events in the Middle Holocene. I use published data on burial treatments (quantities of grave goods, presence of exotic materials, burial layouts) from 10 Late Neolithic (henceforth referred to as “LN,” 4000–3000 BC) and 11 Early Bronze Age (“EBA,” 3000–2000 BC) cemeteries to explore important and previously undetected shifts in the ways that funerals during these periods articulated with political life. LN groups used funerals to emphasize affiliation with corporate institutions, while EBA funeral participants employed political strategies focused on displaying wealth. Current evidence indicates that groups on the western peripheries of the Cis-Baikal started employing semi-nomadic pastoral subsistence practices at the time of the LN-EBA transition, and I suggest that these groups presented new opportunities for Cis-Baikal inhabitants. Interactions with mobile, food-producing groups may have indirectly stimulated indigenous populations to redefine funeral gatherings as venues appropriate for cultivating long-distance economic and political support through competitive displays of wealth.  相似文献   
The article describes the traditional spring festival of Aka?ka celebrated by the Southern Udmurts. The content and form of the festival indicate that some elements were borrowed from the Turkic world. While some borrowed elements have their counterparts in the ritual practices of the Turkic-speaking peoples of the Middle Volga region and the Urals, the sources of other borrowed elements can be found in the Turko-Mongolian environment of southern Siberia and the Altai.  相似文献   
为了解辽宁法库叶茂台出土辽代丝绸的老化程度,应用十二烷基硫酸钠-聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳法(简称SDS-PAGE)分析辽代丝绸蛋白质的相对分子量,并依据与现代蚕丝蛋白质组成分子量的对比结果来探讨辽代丝绸的老化特征。SDS-PAGE结果表明辽代丝绸蚕丝蛋白质残留着相对分子量为65kD和56kD两条肽链,而蚕丝蛋白质通常含有的25kD轻链蛋白却并不存在,其丝绸组成已经发生了明显变化,说明辽代丝绸糟朽严重,并经进一步分析认为65kD和56kD两条肽链是蚕丝蛋白质重链(390kD)断裂的产物,而25kD蛋白的消失则推测辽丝绸蛋白非结晶区域肽链或已分解,或已降解为更小分子量的的肽链。X射线衍射结果分析表明由于蚕丝蛋白非结晶区域肽段降解速度明显快于结晶区域,致使埋藏于地下多年的辽代蚕丝蛋白结晶度反而大于现代蚕丝。  相似文献   
Performance and performativity occupy a significant place in anthropological analytics. In this review, I examine recent publications that address, document, and analyze how different performance genres and practices, enacted across a variety of socio-cultural domains, can be productively mined to establish how pervasively they contribute to our understanding of human behavior. These publications, moreover, range across anthropological fields as well as multiple societies and historical periods, further underscoring that performance has been crucial for human cultures and in our own discipline.  相似文献   
Ceremonies involving intentional burial of animals with humans are acknowledged to bear religious, social and political connotations, and we explored both the ritual activity and the social trajectory of these activities. To date, these ceremonies have rarely been examined within the context of nearby daily activities. We studied faunal remains associated with intramural burials in comparison with contemporaneous daily life in the midsecond millennium bc at Tel Megiddo, as well as comparison with concomitant extramural burials and locations of public feasts. Our study highlights the human interaction with animals that are not often treated as bearing social meaning or having interrelationships with human, the livestock animals. We demonstrate that livestock animals in the second millennium bc had a significant social role as well as economic value. The choice of animals consumed and sacrificed in these rituals is strongly related to the animal's symbolic potency and is based on the desired social message that the population aims to convey. Finally, the form of luxury food that is found in the Megiddo funerary rituals supports the hypothesis regarding the intramural burials' role in creating and enhancing social family bonds. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
杨谦 《民俗研究》2022,(1):61-71
在中国青铜时代的王都、诸侯国的都城遗址或区域中心,有大量的铸铜祭祀遗存被发现。以往对铸铜祭祀的功能分析多是基于后世文献的相关记载,认为"女性投炉"是确保铸铜能够顺利进行的一种成物祈求。然而从仪式化生产的角度来看,这一时期铸铜祭祀的成物祈求作用并不突出,铸铜祭祀本身可能和铸铜技术一样,作为重要的知识体系为统治阶层所掌控,成为其权力控制的一种方式。  相似文献   
文嫮  张强国  粟旭 《人文地理》2019,34(2):97-104
选取2003-2015年占据当年票房75%以上的中国电影为样本,基于中国电影产业价值链分工联系数据构建了城市网络。在此基础上,运用社会网络分析法对城市网络的结构特征展开了分析,并进一步剖析了其形成的原因。研究发现:①城市网络的密度为0.25,城市间的联系较为稀疏。②城市网络呈现出“一主两副”的“中心-外围”结构,北京是主核心,香港和上海均为副核心,其它81个城市处于外围。③城市网络中的强联系围绕北京展开。具体来看,香港、上海与北京的联系最为多元和紧密,首尔、台北、曼谷与北京的联系多为价值链的纵向配套,广州、天津、金华与北京之间的联系多为价值链的横向合作。④中国电影产业的三重属性、尤其是政治属性深刻地影响了其城市网络的结构特征。  相似文献   
Following the 1975 revolution, the Laotian statesmen adopted a modernising discourse that targeted “backward” traditions as undesirable. But since the 1990s, authorities have mitigated this standpoint, distinguishing “good” from “bad” traditions according to their compatibility with the program of national development, and professing their will to (re)instate the former as suitable expressions of culture in a multi-ethnic nation. This is manifest everywhere from the National Constitution to TV shows and ethnic catalogues. This paper analyses the implementation of these principles through the case of the boun greh New Year festival, an invented ethnic tradition of the Khmou, the largest ethnic minority in Laos. The article demonstrates that this implementation has consequentially implied the adoption of a grammar of national ethnicity; that this official framework paradoxically allows the Khmou to articulate demands for better recognition of their group; and that this process does not mute expressions of “cultural intimacy” at variance with this matrix. The official frame of ethnicity has been eventually adopted by the Khmou, but this state effect has multiplied the layers of expressed ethnicity: it cannot be equated with a unilateral regimentation that would deprive the Khmou of their agency.  相似文献   
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