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The Krafla geothermal system is located in Iceland's northeastern neovolcanic zone, within the Krafla central volcanic complex. Geothermal fluids are superheated steam closest to the magma heat source, two‐phase at higher depths, and sub‐boiling at the shallowest depths. Hydrogen isotope ratios of geothermal fluids range from ?87‰, equivalent to local meteoric water, to ?94‰. These fluids are enriched in 18O relative to the global meteoric line by +0.5–3.2‰. Calculated vapor fractions of the fluids are 0.0–0.5 wt% (~0–16% by volume) in the northwestern portion of the geothermal system and increase towards the southeast, up to 5.4 wt% (~57% by volume). Hydrothermal epidote sampled from 900 to 2500 m depth has δD values from ?127 to ?108‰, and δ18O from ?13.0 to ?9.6‰. Fluids in equilibrium with epidote have isotope compositions similar to those calculated for the vapor phase of two‐phase aquifer fluids. We interpret the large range in δDEPIDOTE and δ18OEPIDOTE across the system and within individual wells (up to 7‰ and 3.3‰, respectively) to result from variable mixing of shallow sub‐boiling groundwater with condensates of vapor rising from a deeper two‐phase reservoir. The data suggest that meteoric waters derived from a single source in the northwest are separated into the shallow sub‐boiling reservoir, and deeper two‐phase reservoir. Interaction between these reservoirs occurs by channelized vertical flow of vapor along fractures, and input of magmatic volatiles further alters fluid chemistry in some wells. Isotopic compositions of hydrothermal epidote reflect local equilibrium with fluids formed by mixtures of shallow water, deep vapor condensates, and magmatic volatiles, whose ionic strength is subsequently derived from dissolution of basalt host rock. This study illustrates the benefits of combining phase segregation effects in two‐phase systems during analysis of wellhead fluid data with stable isotope values of hydrous alteration minerals when evaluating the complex hydrogeology of volcano‐hosted geothermal systems.  相似文献   
胡适诗学致力于意象的构建与运用,主张以白话入诗,推崇朴实简约的诗风,追求诗体大解放。这与同时代大洋彼岸由埃兹拉·庞德引领的意象派主张有诸多相似之处。基于跨文化的视角,我们不难发现,这两个文学事件间的关系实际上源远流长,彼此遥相呼应,构成了一道特殊的文学景观。胡适的诗学思想是其中国基础、美国经验以及意象主义者的中国想象这三重资源碰触、融合的结果,是东西互鉴的产物,是中美文学、文化交流双向性特点的典型呈现。  相似文献   
仪式活动是集体记忆、象征空间与地方认同建构源头,因其研究有助于揭示城市各空间尺度内的公共生活竞争的内在机制,因此已成为西方文化地理学的重要研究命题;但此类以仪式活动为视角,揭示集体记忆、象征空间建构过程及其机制的研究,在国内极少。鉴于其研究重要意义,文章以南京大学校庆典礼为例,运用文献研究、田野考察、访谈等多种定性与定量方法,探讨了自上而下的仪式活动,即校庆建构集体记忆、象征空间、地方认同的过程及其机制,为校园特别是新校园或扩建校园的纪念物建设与规划提供科学依据。  相似文献   
杜美龄  孙根年 《人文地理》2015,30(2):155-160
经济全球化背景下,国际"贸易-交通-旅游"(3T)互动日益增强。采用1982-2011年时间序列数据,分析国际贸易、交通和旅游总量的发展历程,从进、出口分量视角考察三者相关关系,运用最小二乘法构建回归方程。结果发现:①30年来国际贸易、交通和旅游的发展呈持续增长态势。国际贸易和旅游日益重要。②国际贸易、交通和旅游增长过程具有同步性,表现为波动周期同涨同落。③所构建的回归方程决断系数R2均在0.99以上,国际贸易、交通和旅游存在显著相关性。国际货运与国际贸易,国际客运与国际旅游之间具有确定、直接的因果关系;国际贸易与国际旅游的因果性尚待探究。  相似文献   
Reconsidering the Geography of Tourism and Contemporary Mobility   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Tourism is one of the world's largest legal industries. At the same time that tourism has grown so has its study, to the extent that there is debate as to whether it may constitute a discipline in its own right. Geographers have long contributed to the study of tourism. However, there is substantial concern over the development of the sub‐discipline and how tourism is conceptualised. A framework for understanding tourism in relation to contemporary human mobility over space and time is provided. This framework bears strong relationships to research on time geography as well as to work on diaspora and transnationalism. Some of the implications of incorporating tourism within the framework of mobility are outlined with respect to mobility as a form of capital, the relationships between different forms of mobility, and an improved understanding of tourism's impacts at all stages of the travel process rather than just at the destination.  相似文献   
朝鲜时代宫中举行仪礼行事时,经常排设和使用一种名为“遮日”的能够隔断日射和降雨的幕构造设施。作者以19世纪以后宫中宴享为中心分析了遮日的功能与特性,详细探讨了遮日的构成、种类、材料和排设方式等具体特性,并对在宫中仪礼行事的举行地如何使用遮日加以推断性的复原。  相似文献   
本文通过对故宫博物院藏瓷器实物的考察,并结合《皇朝礼器图式》、《备物昭诚》等内府彩绘本清代典制书籍,考述了礼书记载的各式瓷质仿古礼器在乾隆时期确有生产,且嘉庆、道光、咸丰、同治、光绪朝都有补做。同时,因清代礼制规定国家诸祀和内廷诸祀的行礼场所和受祭对象不同,导致瓷质祭礼器的生产制度、造型与种类也有所差别。  相似文献   
前仰韶时期的乐舞遗存仅作为日常生活用品,至仰韶时代晚期陶鼓乐器已为少数权力阶层拥有,龙山时代以鼓磬为组合特征的乐舞遗存标志中国礼乐明的基本形成。  相似文献   
孙根年  周露 《人文地理》2012,27(6):87-94
国际旅游与国际贸易是相互联系的,旅游引发贸易、贸易推动旅游。本文在前期研究工作的基础上,提出了一个旅游与贸易互动的三阶段模型,即旅游引发贸易、贸易推动旅游和偏好-容量限制3个阶段。以日韩东盟8国为例,选用1986年-2009年统计数据,分析了8国入境我国旅游与进出口贸易的关系,构建了入境客流量与进口贸易、出口贸易和进出口贸易3组24个推拉方程。在此基础上,以1992年和2002年为分界点,分析了各阶段入境客流量与进口贸易、出口贸易增长率的变化及弧弹性;依据每万人次入境旅游引发的进出口贸易强度,将日韩东盟8国划分为四种类型,分析了近10年来旅游引起进出口贸易强度的变化,为通过旅游拉动贸易或通过贸易推动入境旅游发展提供了科学依据。  相似文献   
In considering the vital role played by imperial rites in claiming political legitimacy and maintaining social stability, Chinese emperors endeavored to present themselves as the perfect model for their subjects in terms of ritual performance. Focusing on a Northern Song (960–1127) ritual debate over the placement of imperial ancestors’ spirit tablets and ancestral chambers, especially that of the Primal Ancestor, this study aims to contribute to a better understanding of discussions on ancestral rituals and how they were intensified during the implementation of Wang Anshi’s New Policies. More importantly, this study reveals the differences between Song scholar-officials’ political positions and intellectual interests, thus providing a new interpretation of Song factionalism from the perspective of ritual politics.  相似文献   
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