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Drawing on literatures on the social construction of place and identity, and on the changing nature of urban property ownership, this paper examines Jewish immigrants to Toronto as housing landlords, situating their activities in the context of wider changes in the city's housing market and of their needs to raise capital, achieve status and foster group identity. Using archival and newspaper evidence to reconstruct the behaviour of individual landlords, it is argued that ownership of inner-city property fulfilled numerous functions, especially related to other aspects of business proprietorship, but that it also accentuated the geographical concentration of poorer Jews, with critical implications for their relations with non-Jews.  相似文献   
乾隆裕陵棺椁藏文经咒释读   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文重点对乾隆裕陵内所存棺椁上的藏文经咒进行了释读,作者试图通过此项研究,找到清代皇帝棺椁上所刻藏文经咒的基本内容及其宗教意义,并在此基础上探讨清帝对于藏传佛教信仰的真实历史情况。  相似文献   
新著录[女受]鼎属于西周早中期之际器物。铭文中不仅首见"退事"、"内宫"等用辞,且内容亦为首例女性册命任职记录。铭文内容所涉及的西周贵族家族家内制度、女性受赏任职、性别地位意识等问题,皆引起我们对西周历史认知的再思考。  相似文献   
珠江三角洲城际间运输联系的特征分析   总被引:27,自引:2,他引:25  
本文分析了珠江三角洲各主要城市之间客、货流量的空间分布形态,就珠江三角洲的整体交通运输形势而言,占第一位的是广州-东莞-深圳-香港一线。由于其优越的地理位置、悠久历史、社会经济持续高速的发展、最初改革开放的优惠政策、以及由此所形成的目前较为完善的政策体系,使穗港沿线成为珠江三角洲成型的交通运输走廊。同时珠江三角洲地区的空间运输联系具有强烈的广州指向性,目前尚未形成走廊的网络模式,对整体珠三角的发展并非十分有利。  相似文献   
After the Emancipation Act of 1833 officially abolished slavery in the British empire, it became clear that the anti‐slavery coalition was even more tenuous than many had believed. The expectations created by reform, and by the previous measures removing disabilities on dissenters and catholics, sent the various elements within the anti‐slavery camp in different directions. This splintering of efforts was especially true of evangelicals in parliament. During the next four years, the anti‐slavery leader, Thomas Fowell Buxton, went through a reorientation as he worked to make sense of his priorities under new political conditions. Although involved with many issues of the day, Buxton came to focus on the plight of aboriginal peoples in the British empire and then formulated his proposals to end African slavery. Buxton's shift represents a larger one for evangelicals in England. While they could not all agree on the benefits or morality of poor law reform or the appropriate way to handle the Irish Church question, most could agree that the peoples coming under British rule should have their rights protected, especially if it opened a way for further missionary activity. By 1840, Buxton's efforts provided a set of concepts and an agenda for many people of otherwise diverse political bent. Domestically, the evangelical communities in Britain might disagree on what policy and programmes served their civilisation best; but they all agreed that Britain's growing empire needed to be directed in a way that promoted christianity and commerce, and hence the spread of ‘civilisation’.  相似文献   
本文利用考古材料和多学科的研究成果,分析了先秦时期珠江三角洲的环境变迁与文化演进的关系。文章指出,如果自然资源丰富、种类多样互补和易于攫取,也能发育丰富多彩的、甚至是分层化的擢取经济文化,珠三角网河平原南部的渔猎采集和北部的渔捞采集经济文化,就是两个典型的实例。东周时期冲积平原火耕水耨经济文化的发展繁荣,促成珠江三角洲这个自然地理单元形成文化地理单元,又说明合理的区域文化也不可长久背离人类文化的发展方向。  相似文献   
Changes in the prices of homes and the reasons for those changes may be more accurately predicted from repeat sales of the same homes after controlling for their changed attributes and differences in time between their sales and resales. This paper analyzes 346 of 583 sold houses in the Glengarry neighbourhood in Windsor, Ontario, that were sold more than once between 1981 and mid‐2017, and a corresponding 414 of 737 sold houses in the city's Wellington‐Crawford neighbourhood, sold more than once between 1986 and mid‐2017. After comparing types of resold homes with once‐sold ones, a repeat sales model predicts a first period of increasing annual percentage changes in resale prices compared to sale prices during the 1980s, followed by a second period of stagnation and possible decreases until 2011, and then increases during a third period after that. In addition, changes in resold homes’ attributes of the dwelling unit and neighbourhood are a second type of neighbourhood change in two inner‐city neighbourhoods during the past 30 or more years.  相似文献   
饶勇 《旅游科学》2009,23(3):69-75
知识创新已成为旅游企业参与更高层次竞争的重要战略行为,但研究者发现旅游企业的创新知识转化率极低。本文通过对珠江三角洲地区近80家旅游企业知识创新管理活动现状的调查发现,对知识创新的需求日益增长与知识管理技术手段相对滞后是旅游企业内部的一对突出矛盾,而对隐性知识的高度依赖和标准化管理模式的盛行是造成旅游企业创新知识低转化率困境的根本原因。  相似文献   
徐新彦 《攀登》2009,28(6):5-8
中共十七届四中全会关于党内民主建设提出了很多新思想、新观点,主要有:党内民主是党的生命,集中统一是党的力量保证;在党内民主建设中要坚持和完善党的领导制度;以保障党员民主权利为根本,以加强党内基层民主建设为基础;完善党代表大会制度和党内选举制度;完善党内民主决策机制等。  相似文献   
秦内史置县研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对于秦县的研究,恩师史念海曾在上世纪30年代写过一篇《秦县考》。从此后很少有人问津,之所以如此,是由于史料缺乏,随着近些年关于秦县考古资料的不断发现,才使对这一问题的进一步研究成为可能。本文仅就秦在内史地区的置县加以研究,作为对先生文章的补充。并以此文作为对先生辞世三周年的沉痛悼念。  相似文献   
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