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近代上海外汇市场发展述略(1843-1937)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
上海外汇市场是随着上海对外贸易的发展应运而生的,而其发展亦随着贸易的渐趋发达而日益成熟.从上海开埠到抗战爆发,上海外汇市场从萌芽到形成、发展,经历了长达近一个世纪.到20世纪20年代末,外汇市场的交易以及运作仍主要是由外商洋行、银行操控.直到第一次世界大战期间,随着华资银行开始涉及外汇业务,外商银行独霸的局面始得改观.30年代初,政府更多介入金融业的管理,随之而来的金贵银贱、白银风潮等金融动荡,使得国民政府通过中中交三行,颁行禁止外汇投机等法令,直接间接介入上海汇市的管理.而法币改革后,中国的货币制度改为外汇汇兑本位,控制汇市达到货币政策的正常运行,变得格外重要,这一时期,政府逐渐施行外汇市场的直接管理.  相似文献   
根据国家主权原则,在总结中国领海管理的理论与实践的基础上,结合国际实践和公认的国际法原则,1958年中国政府颁布了《中华人民共和国政府关于领海的声明》,标志着新中国领海制度的初步建立,这对捍卫中国领海主权、维护海洋利益、发展海上交往、巩固海防等都具有重大的意义。  相似文献   
This paper describes the design and construction of the side‐wheel steamer Heroine, a representative of the ‘western river steamboat’ type and the earliest example of its kind to undergo archaeological study. Heroine was built at New Albany, Indiana, in 1832 and sunk on the Red River between Oklahoma and Texas in 1838. The extensive remains of the lower hull show assembly practices in use during the developmental era of Mississippi River steamboats. The wreck also reveals a heretofore‐unknown technique for longitudinally strengthening these long, narrow, and very lightly built hulls.  相似文献   
Discovered in 1955, not far from the Roman necropolis of Pedemonte, the Gravellona Toce boat has long been considered evidence of Roman‐period riverine navigation in northern Italy. This initial interpretation, which was not supported by direct dating evidence, has been recently reconsidered on the basis of radiocarbon‐dating and analysis of the timbers retrieved. In this paper, the authors present the results of the recent analysis of the surviving remains which allow the vessel to be interpreted as a post medieval boat built using the traditional bottom‐based construction techniques of the Po Valley region.  相似文献   
A new archaeological project in the western al-Hajar Mountains in northern Oman involves a systematic survey of the small valley of Qumayrah and excavation of selected sites. Two field seasons revealed a number of Neolithic settlement traces. Three newly discovered sites were excavated, two of which proved to be stratified. The most intensive fieldwork focused on QA 2, a Stone Age campsite that contained stone structures, numerous lithic tools, stone and shell beads and marine shell fragments. Radiocarbon dating provided a c.4200 cal. BC age, corresponding with the prevalent lithic evidence. Two other excavated sites yielded fewer materials, that were, however, diagnostically relevant. They indicate a diachronic occupation ongoing probably since the Late Neolithic till the end of that period, but some materials point to other stages of the Neolithic period as well. The appearance of marine shells suggests seasonal occupation and connections with coastal areas. It raises questions about the reasons for the settling of the Qumayrah valley.  相似文献   
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