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Resulted from different causes, the majority of traditional cities in modern China underwent a decline in various degrees. The causes of the decline of Suzhou, Hangzhou, and Yangzhou which have started to develop their new industry and commerce since mid-Qing Dynasty lies in such aspects as: the lose of transportation superiority in modern China; the fatal destruction caused by Taiping Revolution; the affects of the rising of Shanghai; the recession of traditional economy and slowed development of new economy; and the conservatism in thinking and ideas etc. Translated by Huang Bangfu from Xinan Minzu Daxue Xuebao 西南民族大学学报 (Journal of Southwest University for Nationalities), 2007, (4): 1–11  相似文献   
The redevelopment of former industrial sites now constitutes a significant component of the landscape of Atlantic Canada. This paper explores the heritage issues surrounding two industrial sites in Sackville, New Brunswick, and argues that the heritage discourse is constructed through the creation of memory and the processes of commodification and consumption. Using the examples of two foundries, the paper investigates the manner in which the image of industry has been presented and reinterpreted, both through the industrial heydays of the late‐19th and mid‐20th centuries and in the contemporary scene. The commemoration, commodification and consumption of selected aspects of the industrial past are significant means by which Sackville creates its place identity. The resulting landscapes remain problematic, however, with a tendency to be overly romanticised and sanitised or at odds with contemporary images of Sackville's place identity. Le réaménagement d'anciennes friches industrielles constitue aujourd'hui une importante composante du paysage des provinces atlantiques du Canada. Le présent article explore les questions patrimoniales entourant deux sites de ce type à Sackville (Nouveau‐Brunswick) et formule l'hypothèse que le discours à saveur patrimoniale repose sur la création d'une mémoire et des processus de réification et de consommation. À partir de deux fonderies utilisées comme exemple, l'article examine comment l'image de l'industrie a été présentée et réinterprétée, tant à l'époque de gloire de l'industrialisation de la fin du XIXe siècle et du milieu du XXe siècle que sur la scène contemporaine. La commémoration, la réification et la consommation d'aspects choisis du passé industriel constituent d'importants moyens par lesquels Sackville crée son identité. Les paysages qui en résultent demeurent problématiques et ont tendance àêtre exagérément romantiques et aseptisés, voire même contradictoires par rapport aux images contemporaines de l'identité de Sackville.  相似文献   
Industrial clusters are held to offer competitive advantages to firms that accrue from the transfer of tacit knowledge between skilled workers co-located in spatially bound regions. This paper argues that informal knowledge transfers between skilled employees working in spatially bounded industrial clusters might have an association with the labour relationship between employers and employees. In the literature on industrial clusters general knowledge is readily traded through codified texts and collegial networks but high value, tacit knowledge transfers occur less frequently but are critical to the success of firms located in clusters. Tacit knowledge transfers are held to occur when workers move to other firms because of firm death or poaching but less frequently through contacts between colleagues from other firms. Industrial clusters are said to offer labour market advantages for skilled workers in the form of ample job opportunities and rising wages, which engender firm loyalty and discourage the transfer of tacit knowledge of competitive value to other firms. However, the limited empirical evidence available on actual working conditions for skilled workers in regional industrial clusters indicates that this argument is contestable. Some evidence suggests that there are limited wage premiums accruing to the industrial districts, a limited role for geographic proximity, and weak localised returns on seniority and education. We argue that in such circumstances high value knowledge between workers in different firms might be traded as an act of epistemic solidarity or sociability that disregards the interests of employer organisations. Such actions might vary by region and country in relation to the prevailing system of labour relations. Australian labour relations are offered as a case in point.  相似文献   
中国工业旅游发展评析:从西方的视角看中国   总被引:20,自引:1,他引:20  
本从西方的视角,对世纪之交以来中国工业旅游发展的状况进行谨慎评析。探讨中国工业旅游发展独特的政经背景,以及从政务接待到商务接待的历史过程及其对工业旅游的影响。分析中国工业旅游之开发概念、价值观、供需和组织模式等多方面与西方传统产业衰落区兴起的工业旅游之不同点。初步探讨中国目前缺乏工业遗产意识的原因,以及中国工业遗产旅游开发的未来潜力。提出:中西不同的工业旅游开发模式对双方均有启迪,中西双方的学术交流也能推动中国对其历史尚短的现代工业化遗产之旅游价值的认识和实践。  相似文献   
Companhia Aurifícia is located in Porto, Portugal, and was founded in 1864. It was a pioneer factory in the industrial production, casting, rolling, and stamping of metallic objects and laboured for about 150 years, in areas as jewelry, manufacture of parts in silver and gold or the production, and casting of various metals. In 1866, it began laboring in Rua dos Bragas, its present location, and in 2003 ceased all activities.Companhia Aurifícia is an industrial complex including several buildings, all located in the same block. It is a precious example of the industrial architecture in Porto, where the still existent retaining walls, structures, machinery, and decorative elements make it one of the last examples of 19th century industrial life of the city.This article aims to evaluate the safety condition of one of the buildings included in this industrial complex, in order to propose the necessary strengthening interventions.  相似文献   
Boundary spanning in social and cultural geography   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This article situates interactions between German- and English-language social and cultural geographies since the mid-twentieth century within their wider intellectual, political and socio-economic contexts. Based on case study examples, we outline main challenges of international knowledge transfer due to nationally and linguistically structured publication cultures, differing academic paradigms and varying promotion criteria. We argue that such transfer requires formal and informal platforms for academic debate, the commitment of boundary spanners and supportive peer groups. In German-language social and cultural geography, these three aspects induced a shift from a prevalent applied research tradition in the context of the modern welfare state towards a deeper engagement with Anglophone debates about critical and post-structuralist approaches that have helped to critique the rise of neoliberal governance since the 1990s. Anglophone and especially British social and cultural geography, firmly grounded in critical and post-structuralist thought since the 1980s, are increasingly pressurized through the neoliberal corporatization of the university to develop more applied features such as research impact and students’ employability.  相似文献   
李新宽 《史学集刊》2005,(2):98-102
从近代产业结构形成与发展的角度来看,英国从中古向近代的转变过程中农业发挥了基础性作用。农业和农村的经济社会变革成功地促进了英国中古晚期的产业分化,并在一定意义上为其提供了产权保障和分化条件,从而为英国走向近代化奠定了基础。  相似文献   
朱寰 《史学集刊》2005,1(3):97-100
人类进入文明社会以来,经历了农业文明和工业文明两大时代。期间贯穿了三次社会变革:第一次社会变革是在公元前4000年代末,由于社会生产力的发展和农业的进步,最终导致原始公社制的解体和奴隶制国家的建立。随之而来的是贯穿整个文明时代始终的脑力劳动和体力劳动的对立、农民和手工业劳动者的对立、城市与乡村的对立。第二次社会变革是由奴隶制向封建制过渡,马克思认为这两个社会阶段都是以人身依附关系为特征的。前者是完全处于人身依附状态,后者是部分处于人身依附状态,两者的差别不大。第三次社会变革是实现经济和社会的现代化。这是一次规模最大的经济和社会大转变,概括地说,就是要实现市场化、工业化和民主化,三者相辅相成,缺一不可。中国的现代化只能走有中国特色的社会主义道路。  相似文献   
论文以葫芦岛经济技术开发区为例,重点对开发区的功能定位进行了研究。提出要以临港经济和临海产业为突破口,加速推动再工业化,将开发区打造成为以造船、冶金、医药化工为主,兼顾休闲旅游渡假的生态型工业开发园区和港口工业综合体。  相似文献   
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