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Jenna M. Loyd 《对极》2011,43(3):845-873
Abstract: This paper traces how Los Angeles peace activists tried to make visible the grave domestic effects of Cold War militarization. Women Strike for Peace went beyond a focus on the productive relations between the state, military and industry captured by the term “military–industrial complex” to analyze how reproductive spaces were part of this complex. In opposing war, they challenged what I am calling militarized domesticities: how war‐making shapes the ‘home front’ and home as the spaces national security states claim to protect. I build on feminist antiracist intersectionality theories to situate the military–industrial complex per se within broader processes of the militarization of society and daily life. The questions become how do gendered processes of militarization—that work in conjunction with relations of white privilege—produce and connect differently situated “private” spaces or home places? How might strategies for dismantling the military–industrial complex emerge from the contradictions of these processes?  相似文献   
The aim of this paper is to present and discuss empirical evidence on the dynamics of occupation and site formation processes from contemporary mobile campsites in Northwest Siberia. The questions posed are derived generally from archaeological studies of Upper Paleolithic record in Europe. We document the active Nenets summer camps at lakes and the abandoned winter and spring camps in the open tundra and the forest tundra. Analysis of the floral and zoological resources shows that plant resources and fish are available predominantly in the summer while reindeer are abundant in these regions in fall and winter when they return from summer pastures further north. When natural resources are not available, groups supplement with food purchased at shops. Within these living camps, “structures évidentes” and “structures latentes” of classical French paleoethnology cannot be distinguished as clearly as at Upper Paleolithic sites: and architectural remains, ash from hearths, and other objects may be removed from the central areas towards the site peripheries. However the investigated camps preserve a discrete structure with interior living areas (including children’s playgrounds), exterior areas with evidence of reindeer carcass processing, woodworking, and other activities, peripheral toss zones, and dispersed activity remains in the surrounding landscape.  相似文献   
在龙山文化时代,江淮地区河南龙山文化王油坊类型、山东龙山文化、江淮土著遗存以及环太湖流域的良渚文化对宁镇地区产生了影响。夏时期,二里头文化、岳石文化南下成为影响宁镇地区的重要历史事件,催生了本地土著文化因素,同时还传承了部分良渚文化传统,构成了点将台文化的主体。此外,点将台文化中还保留了龙山文化时代的部分遗存,从而表现出了宁镇地区夏时期复杂的考古学文化结构。  相似文献   
19世纪以来,随着工业革命的横空出世,英国社会中工业资产阶级与无产阶级的矛盾日益尖。这一社会状况真实而深刻的反映在众多当时的小说中,盖斯凯特夫人的小说《玛丽·巴顿》就是其中代表,本文通过分析小说情节安排,人物塑造,矛盾冲突等,发现作者内心复杂的矛盾与冲突:即对工人阶级悲惨遭遇的同情与对以激烈的手段变革社会以及由此导致的社会动荡的恐惧。本文以雷蒙威廉姆斯的情感结构为理论框架,对《玛丽·巴顿》进行分析,力图揭示出19世纪工业社会的普遍状况与时人的普遍社会心理。  相似文献   
袁强亮 《攀登》2011,30(1):92-94
做好新形势下的人才工作,应遵循社会主义市场经济规律和人才成长规律,坚持科学发展观,牢固树立以事业成就人的理念;要搭建高起点的事业平台,以优秀的机制环境吸引和激励人才;构建高效、合理的人才功能结构,使其才尽其用、各得其所,推进事业的科学发展。同时,应注重发挥党组织在人才队伍建设中的作用,用科学理论指导人才工作、用科学制度保障人才工作、用科学方法推进人才工作,不断提高人才工作水平。  相似文献   
周波 《神州》2011,(12):40-41
教学中社会与学校、教师与学生、课程与生活、知识与经验等二元结构是客观存在的,也是无法从根本上剔除的。一位优秀的教师是要承认二元的存在,同时又协调二元的关系,也就是我们时常讲的“对立统一”。借助信息技术(多媒体教学)做到“对立统一”是一个极好的方法。无论运用何种手段。只要能够打破教学中的时间、地点、人物、任务和结果的单一性,真正做到“社会即学校”、“以学生为师”、“生活即学习,学习即生活”,这就叫“无边界学习”。“多媒体技术运用”和“远程教育”都不能讲是“无边界学习”。  相似文献   
This paper discusses the historical use of music to produce more efficient, more committed, industrial workers. First emerging in academia early in the twentieth century, psychological interest in the industrial application of music had grown into a topic of popular interest and government investigation by the 1940s. Catalysed by the need for vast increases in production and the desire to cultivate ‘citizenship’ amongst industrial workers which the Second World War produced, consideration of how music could be employed as an affective soundtrack in factories—to raise employees' work rates, to increase their efficiency, to combat fatigue and boredom, to improve morale, to access and manipulate their emotions and loyalties—became a prominent area of psychological research. This paper examines that psychological research and its largest scale application in the BBC radio show Music While You Work, broadcast daily to millions of British factory workers from 1940 until 1967. The paper focuses particularly on conceptualizations of music's affective power and its utilization to exert ‘emotional control’ over spaces of work and the working self. This paper is centrally concerned with the practice of Music While You Work as a programme broadcasting specifically for factory spaces, and how this confronted the BBC's music policies for a national and domestic audience, impacting on the radical nature of the affective soundtrack to work which was produced.  相似文献   
Four China-, U.S.-, and UK-based senior specialists on the urban geography of Beijing team up to present the results of their investigation of the change in the city's social landscape on the basis of restricted subdistrict-level data covering the period from 1982 to 2000. Adopting a factor ecology approach, the authors seek to identify the extent to which factors that shape urban social landscapes in Western countries have played a role in Beijing during a period of economic transition (e.g., from administrative toward market allocation of housing). Similarly, they investigate the relative strength of processes of social differentiation vis-à-vis mixing accruing from the restructuring of Beijing's physical space (e.g., housing cost differentiation and accelerated in-migration that lead to the emergence of concentrated areas inhabited by migrants and/or minorities, and of relatively low density suburbs) revealed by the 2000 Census. The paper includes a section on developments since 2000, citing data (through 2006) on population, scarcity of affordable housing, traffic congestion, and industrial and residential relocation, relating in part to the forthcoming Olympic Games in 2008. Journal of Economic Literature, Classification Numbers: I31, O15, O18, P20. 6 figures, 7 tables, 93 references.  相似文献   
This article considers what a ‘structure of feeling’ approach can reveal about the gendered dynamics of parenting during the ‘New Labour’ years of the UK government. It explores some of the ways in which contestations about gender roles were evident in policy and in popular cultural discourses and demonstrates how these discourses both contained their own internal tensions and contradicted each other. It then reflects on the strategies that parents engaged in need to make sense of and manage these contestations and makes clear some of the pressures that had come to bear through policy and popular culture on parents' personal lives.  相似文献   
木材树种的鉴定是古木结构建筑维修和保护的基础性工作。为配合建水县指林寺大殿修缮保护的需要,为修缮树种选用提供依据,了解木文化的特点。本研究对建水指林寺大殿古建筑主要木构件进行了树种鉴定及对材种配置调查分析。采用切片、显微镜拍照、宏观和微观特征分析等方法,对700个试样进行了树种鉴定。结果表明建水指林寺大殿的木构件共有4个树种,分别是硬木松(Pinus sp.)、白青冈(Cyclobalanopsis sp.)、格木(Erythrophleum sp.)和荷木(Schima sp.)。通过材种配置分析可得指林寺大殿木构件在选材方面达到很高水平,不仅反应了建造年代,而且体现修缮的特性。  相似文献   
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