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从史学的视角为切入点,通过史料、方法、理论三个层面对马新中文源流“华人学”主体性建构可能性的探讨,得出结论,由于在研究方法和理论上的严重不足和匮乏,马新“华人学”的未来,只有在史料的发掘和解读的基础上,方能进一步发展自身的方法和理论。  相似文献   
Microscopy, mass spectrometry and X-ray diffraction methods were used to analyse 415 samples of natural and archaeological flint from Sierra de Atapuerca (Burgos, Spain) in order to define the different types from Neogene and Cretaceous formations in the study area, infer their genetic context and ascertain the supply sources used by hunter-gatherers who exploited this area in the Upper Pleistocene. A statistical classification model was also designed using linear discriminatory analysis and support vector machines which permitted the differentiation of the flint on an age basis.  相似文献   
A growing awareness of the problems caused by osteoporosis‐related fractures has led to increased investigation of the condition in past populations. The present study seeks to examine the ways in which osteoporosis‐related fractures may be explored through different approaches; modern clinical information, historical records of fractures and analysis of archaeological bone may provide fuller information on the condition. The three types of fractures upon which this study focuses are fractures of the femoral neck, Colles' fractures and vertebral compression fractures. The results of the investigation clearly demonstrate the way in which the various sources produce a slightly different picture of the condition. The archaeological significance of the different types of fractures was found to be the reverse of that which would be suspected in the light of information derived from historical sources and the clinical literature. To date vertebral crush fractures have been the most commonly found osteoporosis‐related fracture in archaeological material, but their significance to people in the past is likely to have been minimal. In contrast hip fractures have rarely been reported from archaeological bone material, but historical information makes it clear they were well known, and knowledge derived from clinical sources emphasizes the serious consequences of such a fracture for the affected individuals. The results indicate the value of undertaking a multi‐disciplinary approach where possible. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
张素霞 《史学月刊》2003,(9):117-120
从1998—2002年《史学月刊》的发文作者发文量、合作度、地区和机构分布、年龄、职称及他们利用文献状况的统计分析,可以看出《史学月刊》不愧为综合性的史学专业核心期刊,它拥有一支高素质、高水平、高学历、高职称的作者队伍。  相似文献   
ABSTRACT. Although alien rule is widely assumed to be illegitimate, nationalist resistance to it varies across time and space. This article explores why there was greater nationalist resistance to Japanese colonial rule in Korea than Taiwan from the turn of the twentieth century to the end of World War II. Resistance to alien rulers requires both a supply of participants in nationalist collective action and a demand for national self‐determination. The article assesses two principal propositions: (1) that the supply of participants increases to the degree that native elites are stripped of their traditional authority and offered few incentives to collaborate; and (2) that the demand for national self‐determination decreases to the degree that alien rule is fair and effective. A comparative analysis of the effects of Japanese alien rule in Taiwan and Korea suggests that nationalist resistance is greater in the earliest phases of occupation, that the greater native elites' opportunities, the weaker the resistance to alien rule; and that the fairer the governance, the weaker the resistance to alien rule.  相似文献   

A Development Plan for Scotland. By G. McRobbie. Planning. Vol. XXIX No. 476. 8 ½×5 ½. Pp. 30. London: Political and Economic Planning, 1963. 4s. 6d.

The Contour Road Book of Scotland. By H. R. G. Inglis, revised and extended by R. M. G. Inglis. 6 ½ × 3 ½. Pp. 28 + xx + 288 + 16. 4 pages of black and white maps. 24 pages of coloured maps. 146 pages of profile diagrams. Edinburgh: Gall &; Inglis, 1963. 8s. 6d.

The Highlands and Islands of Scotland. By A. C. O'Dell and K. Walton. 9 ¾ × 6 ¼. Pp.xii+ 353. One folding coloured map. 49 plates. 94 figures. Edinburgh: Thomas Nelson &; Sons Ltd., 1962. 50s.

Scotland's Eastern Coast. By L. Scott‐Moncrieff. 8 ¾ × 5 ½. Pp. xiv + 214. 41 plates. 2 end‐paper maps. Edinburgh: Oliver &; Boyd, 1963. 25s.

The Fortified House in Scotland. Volume Two, Central Scotland. By N. Tranter. 8 ½ × 5 ½. Pp. 183. 97 drawings. Edinburgh: Oliver &; Boyd, 1963. 25s.  相似文献   
失所(displacement)现象历来受到国际学界的广泛关注。本文主要探讨因绅士化而造成的失所现象,并对西方理论体系和实证研究进行较全面的综述。因绅士化造成的失所可分为直接性失所和间接性失所。依据不同的形成原因,直接性失所分为物质性失所和经济性失所,而间接性失所包括排斥性失所和潜在性失所。在笛卡尔式空间观的主导下,西方主流失所研究历来偏重直接性失所,而忽视间接性失所。本文认为,间接性失所背后的列斐伏尔空间观应纳入到失所理论体系中,以更好地指导失所实证研究。本文指出,结合中国现实,对失所现象进行理论化与概念化,对于转型期中国可持续城市发展具有现实与深远的意义。  相似文献   

Australian Bureau of Statistics Total Fertility Rate (TFR) statistics are available from 1921 for Australia, and for census years between 1947 and 1966 for the states, and then on an annual basis from 1971. Using historical, statistical publications, annual TFRs for Australia and the states dating back to federation in 1901 were calculated directly in years where data are available and estimated indirectly via the standardized fertility ratio in other years. For some periods where direct TFR estimation was applied, age-specific births used in the numerators of fertility rates must be estimated from partial data. Combined with Australian Bureau of Statistics data, the authors’ estimated TFRs contribute an uninterrupted time series of national and state TFRs for Australia from 1901 to 2011.  相似文献   

The Middle East has long been a conflict zone; the Palestinian-Israeli conflict has been a persistent factor for decades, and there have been wars over natural resources, ideological causes, and national or religious cleavages as well. How does a historian begin to compile a documentary record of such a struggle? At the beginning of my research stay in the Middle East in 2007, I decided to keep a diary about my experiences and assessments in the field. In this article, I recount and reflect about those experiences in order to propose potential solutions to the problem of on-site research in unstable areas. While field research generally requires a particular kind of preparation, and always faces obstacles and challenges, the success of fieldwork under difficult and hostile research settings is dependent on the skills of the researcher, and his or her ability and preparedness for the problems the nature of the research inevitably will bring forward.  相似文献   
The analysis of environmental archives from across the world has demonstrated that human perturbation of the geochemical cycles of trace metals and the resultant atmospheric metal contamination date back, at least, several millennia. However, an understanding of the local processes and timing of changes in trace metal deposition is also essential for a proper global interpretation. The Iberian Peninsula was a major mining area since prehistoric times and the analysis of environmental archives provides a good opportunity to improve our understanding of the history of mining and metallurgy in Europe. We present the results from three 14C dated peat cores from the Xistral Mountains (NW Iberia). These records are used to reconstruct past atmospheric deposition of Ni, Zn, As, and Cd. The chronology of the changes in concentrations and metal accumulation rates was found to be concordant in the three bogs, and showed great similarity to total Pb, Hg, and Pb isotope ratios as determined in previous investigations. They present a consistent view of changes in atmospheric pollution and the importance of metals in the development of human societies, especially: i) the first evidence of atmospheric metal pollution 3400 years ago, which is simultaneous with the expansion of the Atlantic Bronze Koine; ii) a pollution event between 2350 and 2150 years ago, associated to the development of so-called Celtic culture (local Late Iron Age); iii) a dramatic increase of metal fluxes in Roman times; iv) a severe and rapid increase in the last 250 years corresponding to the beginning of the industrial revolution in Europe, reflecting the emergence of the new dominant sources of pollution, and v) the increase of long range atmospheric transport of pollutants. Our data suggest that all detected ancient (until ca. 1450 cal BP) periods of enhanced Ni, Zn, As, and Cd accumulation may have had an anthropogenic origin, related to the onset and development of mining and metallurgy.  相似文献   
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