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《Central Europe》2013,11(1):24-45

This article explores how the GDR dealt with intellectual remigrants, in particular ‘bildungsbürgerlich Marxist intellectuals’, who had survived the Third Reich in Western exile. It analyses the political biographies of three such remigrants, namely the journalist Hermann Budzislawski, the publisher and author Wieland Herzfelde, and the journalist and party functionary Hans Teubner. In the late 1940s and 1950s, these three men were appointed to professorships at the Faculty of Journalism at Leipzig University, a future training school of party journalists, and thus ?lled important strategic positions at the intersection of higher education, mass media, and politics. However, their biographies testify to more than just individual success stories. They point to the dif?culties of returning Communists in adapting to the political realities of the GDR in the 1950s, marked by widespread distrust and coercion. Behind the scenes, the remigrants in question here were put under enormous pressure to bow to Party command. As Budzislawski and Herzfelde were Jewish, the article also discusses to what extent their problems were related to antisemitic prejudices in the Stalinist period of the GDR. Regardless of individual differences, this article demonstrates that one of the central hopes of the remigrants, that is, to erase the scars of emigration, remained unful?lled.  相似文献   
How should historians write Native history? To what extent should one privilege Native terms, sources, chronologies, and epistemologies? And to what extent should historians align Native history with concepts developed for other peoples and places? These crucial questions about emic (insider) and etic (outsider) approaches to the past are cast into sharp relief in Pekka Hämäläinen's award‐winning The Comanche Empire. This essay charts the perils and possibilities of each position. It then explores possible ways to move beyond the emic/etic division that has dominated many of the recent debates about Native history through a rereading of an episode in which Comanche history collides with US and Mexican history.  相似文献   
Gramsci's work continues to enjoy popularity amongst academics and activists. There is nonetheless a real question about the relevance of his central political ideas for the twenty-first century. This paper defends the thesis that Gramsci's humanism is part of a long tradition of political thought which dates back to Machiavelli, and that although this national-popular humanism is now outdated for reasons which are suggested in the writings and films of Pier Paolo Pasolini, there is also a sociological component to Gramsci's theorising that retains resonance today.  相似文献   
During the 1930s, historiography in the sector of studies on Corsica grew considerably owing to the efforts of Gioacchino Volpe and his students at the Scuola di Storia Moderna e Contemporanea. Corsica was situated within the Mediterranean political space, and it acquired a geopolitical importance that shifted it outside its circumscribed regional context to the centre of the Mediterranean interests of the great European powers. This article analyses how Gioacchino Volpe and his students at the Scuola configured the question of the ‘Mediterranean political space’ as a matter of historical interest by analysing the case of Corsica. Rather than restricting themselves to a regionalist approach in their research on Corsica, Volpe and his students framed the island's history in the more general context of European and Mediterranean history.  相似文献   
60年代前期 ,党对知识分子政策进行了反思和调整 ,成为贯彻知识分子政策最自觉、最全面的时期之一。 1 958年秋冬至 1 960年党对知识分子政策的反思和重新认识 ,为 1 961年开始的知识分子政策调整准备了条件。 1 961年开始的调整主要从制定科研、教育、文艺的工作条例 ;为知识分子“脱帽加冕”及为被错误批判的知识分子甄别平反等方面进行。 60年代前期知识分子政策的调整 ,范围广 ,力度大 ,措施实 ,取得了良好的效果  相似文献   
西方社会科学研究范式与中国旅游本土化研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张宏梅 《旅游科学》2011,25(5):1-9,32
研究方法是旅游研究者顺利开展旅游研究的必备工具,具体的研究方法又受到特定的研究范式的制约,中国的旅游研究者在努力掌握各种研究方法时,往往对其背后的方法论和研究范式缺乏了解,从而限制了研究水平的提高。本文认为,中国旅游研究者要想提高研究水平,必须首先系统理解西方的科学哲学思潮和研究范式,在此基础上,再采用本土化和跨文化的研究策略。  相似文献   
New Caledonia is an island territory located in the French South Pacific. In 2018, the first of three referenda on the island’s sovereignty will occur. Over the next decade, inhabitants of this territory will decide whether to become fully sovereign, maintain their dependence on France, or enter into an independent-association relationship with another state. Through a series of interviews with prominent New Caledonian politicians and secondary sources, this article explores how definitions of victimhood and national identity construction shape the notion of rebalancing. Both loyalist and nationalist politicians argue that the current social inequalities between New Caledonian communities require targeted policies intended to re-balance the populations. Politicians use these victim narratives and national identities to construct imagined communities that advocate for the inclusive or exclusive application of the right to self-determination.  相似文献   
晚清士大夫对古埃及史有着浓厚兴趣,就纪年方面,他们把古埃及年代与先秦纪年接榫,在书写过程中表达了自己的历史观,如林则徐在书写埃及史时故意不用武则天纪年。就物质层面,晚清士人对古埃及的金字塔和木乃伊特别关注。就典籍层面,晚清士人被掌握话语霸权的西方人误导,误以为承载古埃及文明的亚历山大图书馆被阿拉伯人焚烧,从而对阿拉伯人口诛笔伐。就文明层面,晚清士人在埃及文明哺育希腊罗马文明的基础上,将拉克伯里"中国人种西来说"进行改造,构建出埃及文明源于中国的说法,这样的西学中源循环说为晚清中国学习西方文明提供理论依据,唐才常、王树楠等人认为西方文明实际上最早发端于中国,我们只是"礼失求诸野"而已。  相似文献   
中国共产党对知识分子阶级属性认识的曲折过程   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国共产党对知识分子的阶级属性的认识经历了一个曲折的过程。新中国成立前后,刘少奇、周恩来等人从经济地位上界定了知识分子的工人阶级属性;1956年,周恩来和邓小平将经济地位和为谁服务统一起来界定了知识分子的工人阶级属性;1961、1962年间,周恩来将经济地位、为谁服务、思想状况初步统一起来界定了知识分子的工人阶级属性;1978年,邓小平在全国科学大会上将经济地位、为谁服务、思想状况重新统一起来界定了知识分子的工人阶级属性;党的十一届三中全会以后,邓小平、江泽民、胡锦涛在坚持经济地位、为谁服务、思想状况统一的基础上,着力解决知识分子是工人阶级中怎样的“一部分”的问题。  相似文献   
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