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清末民初刘体仁所著"辟园史学四种"之一《通鉴札记》是继王夫之《读通鉴论》之后的又一部史论著作.全书以《通鉴》所书史事为据发表评论,对治乱盛衰、社会风俗、民族关系等问题尤为关注,许多论点反映了作者的通识与创见,其特点是寓通识于创见之中.  相似文献   
"一国两制"构想是邓小平理论中最具有创新意义的内容之一."一国两制"构想孕育于20世纪50、60年代,周恩来对毛泽东关于和平解决台湾问题的思想所作的概括即"一纲四目",是邓小平"一国两制"构想的直接思想渊源.从党的十一届三中全会前后邓小平提出和平解决台湾问题思想,到1984年5月第六届全国人民代表大会第二次会议确认"一国两制"的构想,使之成为一种具有法律效力的基本国策,是邓小平"一国两制"构想的形成阶段.1984年6月以后,邓小平"一国两制"构想又得到了进一步丰富和发展.而且由理论变为法律、变为实践.  相似文献   
《国语》方言词研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过考察,本文认为《国语》中存有部分方言词。联系上古方言词的一些材料我们梳理出了40余个《国语》方言词,并在对它们所在国别和方言区对应关系调查的基础上对《国语》作者、《国语》方言词的历时层次以及战国中前期稚言和方言关系等问题进行了推断和解释。  相似文献   
This paper presents an empirical analysis of hierarchical tendencies and functional patterns in the development of Mainland China’s space-economy by operationalizing the concept of “megaregions.” Drawing on the burgeoning literature on megaregions, we first argue that under conditions of economic globalization the megaregion concept does indeed present an effective tool to study the spatial agglomeration of the key components of China’s economic development. Second, we analyze the development status and the key functional characteristics of 16 prospective Chinese megaregions by constructing an index system consisting of 5 functions and 36 indicators. Third, we calculate an entropy index to rank megaregions according to their overall development status and reveal functional differences by applying cluster analysis. We find that the Yangtze River Delta, Beijing–Tianjin–Hebei Metropolitan Area, and the Pearl River Delta stand out, identify different varieties of megaregions according to their dominant functional characteristics, and explore the main policy dimensions of the persistent west–east divides observed. The paper is concluded with a discussion of potential avenues for future research.  相似文献   
This paper considers the epistemic career of visual media in ethology in the mid-20th century. Above all, ethologists claimed close contact with research animals and drew scientific evidence from these human-animal communities, particularly in public relations. However, if we look into the toolboxes of comparative behavioral biologists, it becomes evident that scientifically valid research results were primarily obtained by experimenting with model images. These visual specimens tell a technical story of the methodological requirements in behavioral science necessary to bridge everyday observations between the laboratory and the field. By neutralizing individual traces of animal bodies as well as their observers, they prompted the abstraction of ethological hypotheses. The case study of East-German biologist Günter Tembrock (1918–2011), who maintained his own collection of newspaper clippings, drawings, photographs, and films, offers a new perspective on the methodological development of this field. Furthermore, this article contributes to a scholarly discussion geared toward expanding the spaces of ethological research. My analysis of the image collections of the Forschungsstätte für Tierpsychologie presents the archive as a relevant site of study in the history of ethology.  相似文献   
青少年学生体质下降,身体形态肥胖化。论文以BMI指数衡量学生体质健康,通过地理加权回归模型分析了校内、通学以及社区服务设施对初中学生体质健康的异质性影响。发现:(1)初中学生体质健康社区分异明显,超重低风险和未超重高风险社区围绕超重高风险社区集聚。(2)能量摄入型设施分布从中心向边缘逐渐减少,能量消耗型设施表现出相反的特征,道路网密度向中心集聚,医疗设施呈离散分布。(3)学校人均绿地面积,通学距离、道路网密度,公交站、西餐厅、休憩设施、零售设施、医疗设施可达性对学生体质健康的影响在中心区与边缘区具有异质性。  相似文献   
Momentous events have characterized the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region since its founding in 1997. Among these were drastic and repeated changes in housing and policies, shifting from one emphasizing the role of the state to one purportedly relying primarily on market forces, and then back to a more proactive stance of the state. Associated with these changes were roller-coaster movements in residential prices and housing completions. These developments took place in the context of phenomenal upheavals within and beyond Hong Kong: the Asian financial crisis and the burst of Hong Kong’s property bubble; the contestation of Hong Kong’s autonomy under “one country, two systems”; and the flooding of “hot money” consequent upon repeated rounds of quantitative easing by the Federal Reserve of the United States to counteract the global financial crisis of 2007–2008 and the Great Recession that followed.  相似文献   
Hume's repeated mentions of the vicissitudes of civilization have thus far been neglected, overlooked, or misinterpreted by Hume scholars. Although his references to the “death” or “ruin” of a nation are somewhat hyperbolic, his cyclical view of history was neither mere rhetoric nor necessarily pessimistic. This paper aims to show that Hume's notion of historical fluctuations was deeply connected with his understanding of the universality of human nature. It also placed Hume in a strategic position from which he could criticize both those who believed in the possibility of perpetual progress and those who forecast the successive decline of the human world. To explore Hume's position in more detail, we must first examine the reasons his argument was often misunderstood, especially in the context of the “rich country–poor country” debate. We also need to examine how Hume's view of the cyclical nature of history, consistently held, can be reconciled with his status as one of the champions of modern civilization.  相似文献   
This paper aims to explore the formation of crops marks over archaeological features using remote sensing data. Crop marks are very important to archaeological research since they can reveal in an indirect way buried archaeological remains. Several researches have been able to locate subsurface relics via interpretation of multispectral and hyperspectral satellite images. However the best phenophase (time-window) where these crop marks are enhanced and which spectral bands are the most capable for this enhancement are still an open question for the scientific community. This study aims to address these fundamental aspects of Remote Sensing Archaeology. For this reason an extensive dataset was used: two control archaeological sites were constructed in two different areas of Cyprus (Alampra and Acheleia). In these areas both barley and wheat, were cultivated. In situ spectroradiometric measurements were taken over a whole phenological cycle (2001–2012) for both areas. More than 30 in situ campaigns were performed and more than 2600 ground measurements were collected. The phenological analysis of these measurements have shown that a period of only 15 days is best suitable for monitoring crop marks which is connected with one phenological stage; during the beginning of the boot stage of the crops. This period can be used in areas having similar climatic condition as Cyprus (Mediterranean region). Also as it was found, this phenological stage of crops might be also influenced by the climatic conditions of the area. The evaluation of a proposed Archaeological Index was performed at the Thessalian plain (central Greece), where several Neolithic settlements are established. The evaluation was made using both Hyperion and Landsat images. The results have shown that the proposed Archaeological Index is suitable for the enhancement of crop marks in satellite imagery.  相似文献   
《清代官员履历档案全编》是研究有清一代中下级官员及职官制度,乃至清代历史极为重要的第一手资料,其中第30册《索引》按官员姓名笔画顺序排列,以方便读者检索。但《索引》存在不少讹误漏略之处,主要表现为姓名遗失、姓名书写错误、人物资讯遗漏、人物资讯误加、册次讹误、页码讹误、姓名排序错误等方面,本文分别加以纠正,期有裨于读者检索利用。  相似文献   
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