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魏兴涛 《华夏考古》2012,(2):25-46,155,156
本文简要回顾了新中国成立60多年来河南新石器时代文化遗存的主要调查、发掘工作,对新石器时代早期的李家沟文化、中期的裴李岗文化和晚期的仰韶文化、大汶口文化、屈家岭文化等的主要考古发现和基本研究历程、重要研究成果进行了概述,有些方面还略作评议。在总结以往发现与研究取得的巨大成就的同时,指出今后既要继续重视基础性的文化研究,又要更加广泛深入地运用聚落考古等方法,加强对古代社会多方面、多角度的研究,以期河南新石器时代考古获得新的更大的发展。  相似文献   
倪玉平 《安徽史学》2012,(1):25-29,45
曾国藩是对晚清两淮盐政改革产生重大影响的关键性人物。在两江总督任上,他对两淮盐政开展全方位的改革:一是力图收复川盐济楚失地,二是在淮南推行保价整轮,三是在淮北实施改票轮售。曾国藩的改革,承前启后,是晚清盐政史上的重要环节,也成为梳理两淮盐政改革脉络的基石。虽然曾国藩的改革取得了税收上的成功,但也彻底颠覆了原有票法的精髓,并充分显示出他对市场经济的怀疑。  相似文献   
陈芳 《安徽史学》2012,(1):38-45
甲午战争之后以张之洞为代表的地方督抚将强兵与教育当作富国图强的第一要务。基于人才匮乏,选择向日本派遣留学生,试图借助日本的教育资源作为解决瓶颈的捷径;事与愿违的是留日学生迅速觉醒,他们种种"反叛"行径使督抚们的名誉声望和辖区统治受到严重挑战。为此,张之洞等采用加强行政管理、严格选送学生、强化政治思想监控、参与制定留学生的考核办法和恩威并重等策略与留日学生展开政治博弈,但是,学生们的革命思想日渐成熟,在满、汉矛盾加剧的政治环境下,在辛亥革命前夕,这场政治博弈胜负已经底定。  相似文献   
During the 1st millennium AD ship‐construction changed. Previously, ships were built ‘shell‐first’—strakes were installed before frames, giving the hull its shape and integrity. About the mid‐1st millennium AD the concept and construction of hulls changed to being shaped by transverse frames fixed to the keel, reinforced by longitudinal members. During the transition varying combinations of the two technologies were used. It has been widely accepted that the transition was completed by the beginning of the 2nd millennium. Recent discoveries, mainly in Dor/Tantura lagoon and lately in Yenikap?, analyses of other hulls, and reassessment of evidence, indicate an earlier completion of the transition. Since this process was the result of many factors, including economic and social, and occurred in different areas of the Mediterranean at different times, no simple linear development is suggested, but a more complex process, which raises questions for future research. © 2012 The Authors  相似文献   
none 《巴勒斯坦考察季》2013,145(4):316-337

The location of ancient Modi‘in, the hometown of the Hasmonaeans – as mentioned in 1 Maccabees and the writings of Josephus – has been in dispute ever since geographical–historical research on the site began. In this paper we explore the various possible locations for Modi‘in and propose a different geographical solution to the problem.  相似文献   

This article explores the reasons why Italian contemporary musical life is generally considered to be below the standards set by other European and overseas countries, a situation that is all the more striking when the contrast with Italy's glorious musical tradition in past centuries is born in mind. The failings of public institutions and the inadequacies of policies have often been blamed for this, but in fact the causes are more complex. Arjun Appadurai's terminology that is cited in the title and the subsections of the article that are organized around the themes of ‘financescape’, ‘ideoscape’ and ‘mediascape’ provide the opportunity to develop a better understanding of the complex factors playing a role in the Italian music scene. In terms of structure and organization that greatest problems lay in the production system of the Opera theatres, in the progressive fall in public funds for the performing arts and in a visibly shrinking music market. These factors have created a crisis, but they have deep roots in Italian culture, one symptom being the relatively small demand for music in Italy. These different factors have combined to create a situation of immobility and conservatism that in turn weighs heavily on both serious and pop music.  相似文献   
This article will examine how British-born second- and third-generation Irish people use Irish music and dance in the production of an Irish cultural identity. The article draws on research undertaken with members of the Irish communities in the English cities of Coventry and Liverpool. The research was conducted with music and dance practitioners in Liverpool who strongly identify as Irish and also with schoolchildren in Coventry whose parents or grandparents were born in Ireland. The paper first explores the comments of the Liverpool respondents and points to how music and dance can offer a space in which different generations can mark out their affiliation or embody their Irishness. Secondly, the paper considers interview work with schoolchildren in Coventry, concentrating on their responses as listeners to Irish traditional music. Their comments point to the capacity of this music to resonate with multiple, even conflicting, productions of Irishness. The comments of all the respondents raise key debates about authenticity and the construction of identity.  相似文献   
李琳  彭璨 《人文地理》2020,35(5):94-102
基于城市群城市间创新联系和创新差异水平的改进引力模型,运用社会网络分析方法探究了2006—2016年长江中游城市群协同创新空间关联网络结构及其时空演变趋势。研究发现:研究期内长江中游城市群城市间协同创新水平整体逐渐提升,但强寡弱多的非均衡格局改变并不显著;空间上形成了以武汉、长沙为中心辐射邻近地区的协同创新高值区,环鄱阳湖城市群相对落后;长江中游城市群协同创新空间关联网络整体密度和效率提升较快,而三大子城市群城市间协同创新发展相对滞后;网络多中心在发育,逐渐由最初的双核主导发展为“3+5”多核心格局;随着创新内外环境的变化,网络内部四个凝聚子群不断重构,结构和功能更加复杂化和层次化。  相似文献   
Suburbanization is one of the key phenomena of spatial population change in many countries in transition. Yet we know surprisingly little about the population carrying out the post‐socialist suburbanization process. The objective of this article is to improve on this situation by studying the Tallinn metropolis in Estonia. Our analysis, which covers the inter‐censal period 1989 to 2000, focuses on the differences between population subgroups with respect to their probabilities to move to the suburbs. As such, it also clarifies choices of destination by dwelling and municipality type. For the analysis, we use individual anonymous 2000 census data and logistic regression. The results indicate that suburbanization was a socially polarizing process during this period. People with low social status had the highest probability to sub‐urbanize, and mainly occupied the pre‐existing housing stock. Conversely, people with high social status were less likely to move into suburban areas, yet when they did they moved to the most attractive destinations in the suburbs (new single‐family houses, coastal municipalities and municipalities closer to the city).  相似文献   
生产救灾是1949—1950年新中国受灾地区党和政府的中心工作。党和政府强调恢复和发展农业生产是救灾的根本办法。为此,山东省五莲县在冬季因地制宜,重点开展固定代耕和积肥运动,进行了充分的春耕准备;春季则推广良种,及时发放救济粮和贷放贸易粮,保障了农业生产顺利进行。在1949—1950年的生产救灾工作中,党和政府发挥着组织领导作用,采取了积极的救灾方式,既有力地解决了劳动力、畜力不足等问题,又有效地防治了病虫害,从而最终保证了土地适时耕种,迎来了农业丰收。  相似文献   
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