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Australia and Indonesia have engaged in cooperation on asylum policy since the late 1990s, bilaterally on immigration detention and people-smuggling agreements, and multilaterally through the Bali Process. Seen from a global perspective, this form of cooperation is one of many such bilateral and multilateral agreements that stymie the ability of asylum-seekers to gain effective and durable protection. This article argues that policy transfer theory can explain how these agreements are achieved, their political implications, and their outcome for the refugee regime and the asylum-seekers reliant on the regime for protection. In the case study of Australia and Indonesia, the authors argue that the cooperation is best understood as a form of ‘incentivised policy transfer’, whereby Australia has provided substantial financial and diplomatic incentives to Indonesia to adopt policies consistent with Australia's own. The implications for asylum-seekers in the Asia-Pacific region are substantial, and include an increase in the use of immigration detention in Indonesia and the introduction of border security measures that restrict the ability of asylum-seekers to reach territory where they may claim protection under the Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees.  相似文献   
U.S. immigration policy has been the subject of considerable debate in recent years. Previous research has focused on how temporal variation in federal policy has altered the migratory behavior of immigrants. The effect of spatial variation in enforcement remains untested. Relying on the criminological distinction between general and specific deterrence, we argue that high rates of enforcement are unlikely to encourage undocumented immigrants to self‐deport. We also examine the effects cultural and economic immigration policies adopted by the states. Previous research suggests that migrants will choose to remain in states with favorable environments, but this claim has not been directly tested. We draw on data from the Mexican Migration Project (MMP) to address these gaps. MMP data are supplemented with government data on federal enforcement obtained from Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and measures of state policy. Our findings suggest that higher rates of enforcement and the establishment of negative policy environments do not encourage undocumented immigrants to leave the United States at a higher rate than their documented counterparts do. Rather, high enforcement contexts exaggerate the differences between documented and undocumented migrant behavior, with undocumented migrants staying longer. Liberal state policies have no discernible effect.  相似文献   
1955~1956年,上海市经历了新中国成立以来首次大规模的城市人口疏散。为了应对日益严峻的城市人口压力,上海市动员了大批外来农民回原籍生产,并组织城市失业人口前往江西等地参加垦荒建设,期间共有50余万城市人口被疏散。从人口形势与粮食供给关系来看,城市粮食供应困难是导致这次城市人口疏散的重要原因。这一事件影响到此后的国家政策走向。  相似文献   
论文结合墨西卡利华人出现的历史背景,重点就华人对墨西卡利早期开发的贡献及当地华人社会的兴起进行了论述,探讨了墨西卡利华人社会迅速衰落的原因,认为墨西卡利华人社会的迅速衰落,具有独特的时代背景和原因。一是它的边疆位置造成了美墨之间的争夺,使得华人的生存发展受到一定影响。二是在世界经济危机爆发的大背景下,依靠棉花出口的墨西卡利经济受到巨大影响,这一外部因素加剧了华人社会的衰落。三是墨西哥的土改政策,也波及到华人的处境。  相似文献   
论文在实地调研的基础上,从北美华人移民来源地、移民数量、唐人街形态变化,特别是唐人街之间的城际长途巴士的发展等方面,揭示了北美华人经济的新动向,并从经济学角度进行阐释。认为近二十年来,新移民的持续增长为北美华人社会注入源头活水;唐人街的发展瓶颈被突破,出现了新的族群经济形态,如复合商城华埠(Mall Chinatown)等在各地涌现;华人利用族群特色寻求经营创新,华人大巴在短短十余年间开创了新的城际交通服务体系,改变了原有的行业格局,进而从边缘走向主流并影响主流。此外,北美华人科技产业利用大洋两岸各自的比较优势在跨国经营中逐渐兴起。新移民与中国因素、族群特色与经营创新,成为北美华人经济的活力之源。  相似文献   
移民文化具有多元性、宗教性、民族性和开放性的特征。本文以宁夏镇北堡为例,分析了镇北堡移民文化的由来和特征;对镇北堡开发移民文化旅游进行了可行性分析,包括区位优势分析和资源优势分析。在资源优势分析中,笔者运用层次分析法(AHP)对镇北堡旅游资源价值进行了综合评价,得出了旅游资源的文化价值是影响旅游资源开发潜力最重要的因素;同时也说明了移民文化在整个镇北堡旅游资源中具有极高的文化价值。最后,笔者提出了宁夏镇北堡移民文化旅游开发思路和开发战略。  相似文献   
明清时期移民经济对会馆、公所兴起及区域市镇化的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
曹燕  隋福民 《人文地理》2007,22(4):124-128
本文以苏州城为例探究明清时期会馆、公所兴起的历史背景和原因,发现移民经济对这一历史现象产生的重要作用,同时对苏州城会馆、公所这类组织的专业化市镇特征进行分析,探讨其对我国近代区域市镇化的影响,为我国正在进行的城镇化建设提供一些借鉴。  相似文献   
ABSTRACT. The repressive mechanisms of collective memory have received due attention in the social sciences, with scholars examining the ethics of remembering and forgetting and their political implications. This study focuses on episodes that took place in a Northern Greek town in 2000 and 2003, when an Albanian student was twice denied the right to hold the Greek flag during a commemorative national parade. It is argued that this line of action against the student, representative of Greek attitudes towards immigrants in Greece, asserted the locality's participation in the Greek ‘imagined community’. This was made possible through a process of ‘forgetting’ the locality's history and the analogies this presents with the experience of contemporary immigration. Questioning the ethical implications of this collective decision, the article links regional micro‐politics to nationalist discourses that originate in the European project itself.  相似文献   
This paper explores assumptions made and measurement approaches in the nuanced pathway between enacted state immigration policies and the outcomes they affect in Latino immigrant communities. Scholars across a variety of fields have found that contemporary state immigrant policymaking is associated with outcomes in immigrant communities including political engagement, mental and physical health, access to education, and labor opportunities. In this paper, we explore questions of how state immigration policies produce these and other outcomes. Much of this literature relies on the assumption that members of the immigrant communities are aware of the state policies being enacted, yet few quantitative studies of the effects of state immigration policy contain measures of both policy and of perception. We seek to determine the extent to which Latino immigrants are aware of state immigrant policymaking to help determine whether state immigration policies are a valid approach to measure perceptions of the immigration policy environment in Latino immigrant communities. Additionally, we explore alternative measures of immigration policy. Our findings are particularly relevant to policymakers and immigration scholars as the contemporary political environment has helped to fuel anti‐immigrant sentiments and rhetoric contributing to Latinos’ perceptions of the state immigrant policy environment.  相似文献   
As deportations from the United States rose to unprecedented levels, a nationwide immigration enforcement program Secure Communities helped identify deportable noncitizens under arrest in county jails. Examining county‐level variation in deportation activity between 2008 and 2013, this paper contributes to immigration policy research by examining how county officials in some locations facilitated exceptionally restrictive deportation outcomes while others exercised the discretion to turn noncitizens over for deportation sparingly. Consistent with a hypothesized “tiered influence” relationship, but contrary to a “racial threat” hypothesis, Hispanic concentration predicts the highest levels of exercised discretion where Hispanic concentration is neither too small nor too large. Noncitizens under arrest seem to have benefited from above‐average Hispanic concentrations, except in counties where Hispanics exceed about 40 percent of the population.  相似文献   
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